The travelers both make their way over to me, keeping their cloaks on fully. As the woman gets closer, I can see part of her face clearly for the first time. She seems to be young, about my age, and has long silver hair. The man appears to be early 30s. I can't tell much else under these conditions.
As we walk back to the guild, I pretend to question them about the fouled negotiation, though I already surmised most of it. The man does all the talking again.
According to him, they wanted to hire some adventurers to help them traverse the forest in search of a monster, but the party didn't feel they were offered enough. When their counterproposal was rejected, they got violent. Another technical truth.
As he finishes explaining, we arrive at the guild.
"Ah, I see, well I'm sorry to hear that you were unable to recruit a suitable party. Oh, we're here. Please wait here for me. It'd put my mind at ease, and I might be able to help you both when I get back." (Mizuki)
The man looks mildly surprised. That's good enough for me, so I head inside alone. I let the bunny girl at reception, Melena, know that I saw some adventurer's unconscious by the tavern. I pretend like I don't know whether it was from passing out drunk, violence, or both.
I'm pretty confident that the two travelers aren't going to raise any suspicion by reporting this on their own, given how shady they acted. The only reason I reported it at all is to have an excuse to build a rapport with them, and to cover my ass in case I was seen nearby.
I walk back outside the guild and look around. Surprisingly, they are still waiting for me, but they've moved off to the side. I walk over to greet them.
"Interesting, I wasn't sure that you'd wait for me." (Mizuki)
The man eyes me suspiciously while answering.
"You mentioned that you might be able to help us. What did you mean by that?" (male traveler)
He practically admitted that he'd have left if I hadn't teased them with information – as I suspected.
"Well, you mentioned that you were asking those adventurers to accompany you into the forest. I happen to be an adventurer as well, as you may have guessed, so I can offer my services." (Mizuki)
For once, the lady speaks up.
"We don't need your help. The forest is dangerous, and you look barely old enough to be an adventurer. We approached that party because they were all at least B-rank. You'd just get in the way." (female traveler)
That's an interesting comment. Rudeness aside, aren't we the same age? Also, B-rank, really? Sounds like I should try ranking up soon. Those guys were cake.
"My, my. How direct, I appreciate that. Allow me to return the favor. You obviously don't have the best track record when discerning the usefulness of your associates. After all, according to what you told me you managed to take out that entire B-rank party by yourselves with virtually no trouble at all. How would they have been of any help to you?" (Mizuki)
The lady, obviously angered, begins stammering. The man makes an abrupt noise that sounds vaguely like snickering. Before she can respond, he speaks.
"Now, Ilina, remember what I've told you about your temper. This young man was simply offering to help us, and you were condescending to him in return." (male traveler)
Ah, so her name is Ilina?
"Klaus! What were you thinking giving my name to someone like him!? We can't trust him!" (Ilina)
Annnd, his name is Klaus. Got it, thanks.
"Ilina, need I remind you that you just gave him MY name as well? Plus, I don't think there's any harm. It was the least I could do after you were so rude to him." (Klaus)
Ilina is fuming at this point, but she's finally quiet at least.
"Well as funny is this dynamic is to watch, I think it's about time we made some progress in this discussion. In the interest of fairness, my name is Mizuki. Now, Ilina, why don't we dispense with your rude assumptions, and instead you tell me exactly what would qualify an adventurer to accompany you?" (Mizuki)
"They need to be strong enough to help us." (Ilina)
What a predictable answer, and she calls me a child?
"Oh? How might one prove that to you?" (Mizuki)
She gives, hands down, the most obnoxious smirk I've ever seen.
"I've got an idea. If you can disarm Klaus, that'll prove that you're worthy. If you end up dead, though, don't complain." (Ilina)
I glance at Klaus, and he nods begrudgingly. Man, this girl really needs to be brought down a peg. I would have let it slide until that last part. Does she just, like, not value my life at all?
"Very well. However, you seem the type to be a sore loser. To ensure that you don't interfere, I'll ask that you stand over there if you don't mind." (Mizuki)
I gesture over my shoulder in a direction away from Klaus. She snorts and starts walking past me. What an idiot.
I immediately activate max body enhancement, then slide my dagger out in one smooth motion as I step toward her. Klaus sees my intention and tries to pull his weapon, but he's not fast enough. Before either can react appropriately, I step behind Ilina, putting her between Klaus and me, and hold my dagger to her throat.
"Agh!? Hey, what are you doing!? Klaus, help me!" (Ilina)