"Okay then, well said, Mizuki. I notice you dodged my question about you being non-human, but I suppose that's not my place to pry. Honestly, Ilina probably considers it a plus if you aren't human. So, let's discuss the job, what you might be able to contribute, and what you'd want as a reward." (Klaus)
"That's fine, but first there are a few things we should clarify up front." (Mizuki)
Klaus looks surprised by my interruption.
"Oh? Like?" (Klaus)
"First, I want to know who you two are. Based on how you're behaving, and your attitude about the dangers of being an elf in this area of the world, it's safe to say I'll be adopting an unknown amount of risk from this job based purely on who are. I think I have the right to assess that risk for myself." (Mizuki)
Klaus looks like he's about to object, but strangely enough, Ilina responds for him. Her earlier attitude of disgust has been replaced by a little bit more dignified air.
"My name is Ilina Ophelle, Second Princess of the Elven Kingdom, and Klaus here is my most trusted guardian. Naturally, I'm a high elf and member of the royal family, and Klaus is a member of the royal guard. My being here is not, strictly speaking, something my people approved or are even aware of. If our presence here were discovered, the Elven Kingdom could become involved and force me to return. I suspect that you'd be presumed a threat to me and dealt with." (Ilina)
Klaus and I both look at her in surprise. What the hell brought on her being so cooperative suddenly?
Anyway…a princess, huh? Honestly, I know I should be more in awe or whatever, but it's just hard to take something like royalty too seriously since I came from a democratic nation on Earth. Unless I'm asked to do otherwise, I don't plan on changing my behavior. It is curious, though – being the brat she is, why hasn't she tried to correct how I address her?
"Thanks, Ilina, I appreciate your candor. Err…I do have a book that could probably tell me this, but do you mind telling me the difference between a high elf and regular elf? I have no idea." (Mizuki)
Klaus answers first.
"It's mainly lifespan, magical ability, and position within Elven society. Regular elves live for about a thousand years and have magical abilities similar to humans. High elves live for about ten thousand years, have significantly greater magic power, and are almost exclusively part of the royal family." (Klaus)
Wow, that is a crazy lifespan. So…in that case…Ilina who looks like she's 18 is probably 2,000-3,000 years old, and Klaus who looks early 30s is only 300-400 years old!? Why does she behave like such a child then?
"Wait, so that makes Ilina over 2,000 and you're only like 350?" (Mizuki)
Ilina's face turns bright red, and Klaus begins shaking uncontrollably trying to suppress laughter. Did I do my math wrong? At this point, Klaus loses his internal struggle and begins laughing hysterically.
"Fufufufufu…oh my, Ilina, you should have seen your face! Oh, sorry Mizuki, you may have misunderstood how elves age. Elves grow and develop pretty much like humans until they reach maturity, but our ageing thereafter is significantly slower. In reality, I'm 294 and Ilina is only 32. She's practically a toddler in the eyes of high elves." (Klaus)
Ahh, that makes more sense…toddler is the perfect description for her attitude. I look at Ilina, who seems deeply embarrassed. I almost feel sorry for the poor girl. Almost. Since she copped to their identities, though, I'll help her out by moving this along.
I pretend to clear my throat and speak up.
"Ehem…on to the second thing. This is regarding the reward for the job. I already know what I want, and it's not money. Also, it's non-negotiable. Unfortunately, I can't tell you what it is before the job is completed and you're ready to pay it. I know you may find that unsettling, but let me assure you – it's not illegal, expensive, or immoral, and I know for a fact that you can provide it. Also, Ilina, before you ask – no, it's not sexual either." (Mizuki)
Klaus looks shocked by this. He thinks it over for a second and then responds.
"That's…a little difficult to accept. Especially when we don't know for sure if you can even help us, despite you winning our little wager earlier. Can we at least hear why you won't tell us about your demands up front? That seems like a pretty normal thing to expect." (Klaus)
Yeah, I can't argue there. What I want is to learn her item box spell. I can't tell them that yet because they'd get suspicious of me already knowing about her abilities, and I might lose their trust. I'll try a half truth, like Klaus.
"Sure. To ask for this would reveal something quite important about myself that would disadvantage me greatly. So, I don't want to do it until we're parting ways, since our trust is somewhat tenuous. After all, I'm sure there are things about yourselves you don't want to reveal to me for the same reason." (Mizuki)
I stare right at Ilina as I say the last part. Klaus looks troubled, but he stays silent. I guess that's a confirmation.
"If it helps, then I will also stipulate that you are welcome to refuse my reward after the job is done. This would be with the additional condition of ten gold coins being paid to me. Half now, and half after completion. That's just a matter of principal…I don't have much interest in your money." (Mizuki)
Klaus remains stoic, but then I see him sigh softly and a trace of disappointment is evident on his face. Ah, so it's going to be a 'no' to my offer then. That's a real shame.
"I accept your terms. Also, I'd like to apologize for suggesting you were a pervert earlier. I don't think you're going to ask me for anything sexual. I do hope you'll forget that I implied otherwise." (Ilina)
I stare at Ilina in shock. I think I detect a hint of…guilt…in her expression. Who are you and what have you done with Ilina!? Klaus is downright bewildered by her response as well, but for different reasons it seems.
"Ilina! Someone in your position cannot be making promises like this, when you don't even know what you're offering. What if he asked for entry into the Elven Kingdom, or citizenship!? Such requests may seem reasonable to him since you're a member of the royal family, but you know differently!" (Klaus)
All traces of her childish demeanor evaporate, and her expression doesn't waver under Klaus's glare. Why the sudden mood shift? This isn't like her at all. Then again, I barely know her, so maybe this is what she's normally like? I find that hard to believe.
"If we decided he was worth hiring for the job, and he actually asked for that, then I'd consider trying to accommodate it." (Ilina)
"You can't be ser…!?" (Klaus)
Ilina cuts him off.
"Furthermore, he even stipulated that I could refuse outright if I thought it was unreasonable, even though he'd have already taken on risk to help us. I think he was willing to shoulder the same amount of uncertainty as he asked us to, so I'll allow it. Regardless, I know I'm young, and I respect your opinion, Klaus, but don't forget that my decision is final." (Ilina)
Jeez…scary. This is the first time I've seen her act so…not immature? Klaus is clearly concerned about this turn in the conversation, but he falls silent at the last remark.
"Now, Mizuki, tell us any final concerns of yours so we can get on with everything." (Ilina)
Fair enough, I kind of like adult Ilina.
"Sure, the final thing is that, before we go any further with specifics of how I'd be involved, I want to hear what the goal of this job is…from Ilina. Ilina, I ask that you be honest…it's obvious Klaus has been telling me half-truths on that subject until now." (Mizuki)
Following my accusation, Klaus seems surprised, then suspicious. Oddly enough, Ilina doesn't seem fazed.
"That's simple. The goal is to locate, and safely escort us to, the Elder Dragon of earth, Nedonera." (Ilina)