I make a show of feigning surprise at this 'revelation'.
Now, how should I play this? Honestly, that doesn't scare me that much. If all I need to do is get them there, it should be fine. I think I could already defeat just about anything in that forest except for the Elder Dragons, and I fully intend to train more before accepting such a job.
The Greater Spirits and maybe some powerful fey could also be trouble for me, but Azazel mentioned that they're a lot weaker than Elder Dragons. Also, historical records in my book suggested that they're not antagonistic against other races, even humans, unless provoked.
"Alright, that's acceptable. You two seem like you need to talk privately, and I'd say we've all been given quite a lot to think about, so I suggest that we end this meeting for now. I have things to take care of tomorrow, but I'll rent a room here after that. How does meeting here again at sunset tomorrow sound? That will give you time to think about whether you want me to join your party for the job, what I'd be doing, how many other people you want to bring, and whatever else, now that you know me a little better." (Mizuki)
Ilina looks confused, but then her expression returns to normal.
"Okay, yes, let's do that. Err…but, do you need us to reserve you a room? It's relatively expensive here." (Ilina)
As she says this, she kind of eyes me up and down, expressing skepticism. Damn, is she saying I dress like I'm poor? Guess she's back to normal.
I direct a subtle smirk her way. I hope it agitates the hell out of her.
"No, that won't be a problem. Alright then, if there's nothing else, I'll be going. See you tomorrow!" (Mizuki)
I nod to both of them, and then get up from the table and head to the door. I exit their room and start walking down the hall towards the stairs that lead to the inn's lobby. I make my footsteps noticeable at first, then lighten them as I reach the stairs.
This is the part I've most been waiting for – the first time they've been alone for more than a few minutes since I saved them outside the tavern. If possible, I'd like to know what they think of that situation, and of the discussion we just finished.
I focus deeply and activate my invisibility spell. Looking at my hand and body, it seems I've managed to improve it from the first time. Even in this better lit environment, I can see no trace of my presence.
I take off my boots and walk quietly in my socks back to their door and try to listen in.
"…like he's gone. Now we can finally discuss…" (Klaus)
Ilina cuts him off.
"Wait…quiet." (Ilina)
What's that about? I'm pretty sure I didn't make any noise. I hear a faint rustling, then the door suddenly opens next to me. I barely avoid making a sound in surprise. I hold my breath as Ilina pokes her head out the door and looks around suspiciously.
She seems to be focusing hard on the air around her. Our eyes meet for a second without incident, then she ducks back inside and closes the door. I exhale slowly. I'm in a cold sweat.
"What was that about?" (Klaus)
"I needed to be sure there were no prying ears." (Ilina)
Well, she's pegged me there.
"If you say so. Well, we have a couple of things we need to discuss. How about we start with Mizuki – what did you think of him? I couldn't help but notice you blushing when he called you beautiful…he is your age after all, and a decent looking young man." (Klaus)
Klaus says the last part with a teasing tone, and then starts chuckling. Ilina responds flatly, though, and sounds troubled.
"I hate to admit it, but that definitely caught me off guard. It seemed to come out of nowhere. Also, stop teasing me, this is serious. As for what I thought of him…honestly, not much at first. I just thought he was a dumb human scumbag with no redeeming qualities. Now though…he's kind of hard to read. I don't think I understand him." (Ilina)
Yikes, that middle part is harsh. Though, it's not really a surprise to me either.
"Oh? I thought he was direct about everything. He didn't bat an eye at any of our questions, and he certainly didn't mince words with you. Even after finding out that you were royalty, he talked to you with no reservations." (Klaus)
I can here Ilina laugh lightly at the last part.
"Hahaha…that's true, but you know how I feel about my royal status. It was nice being talked to like a regular person, even if he did lack tact." (Ilina)
I'm the one who lacks tact!?
"However, while I agree that he spoke directly and earnestly…it also felt orchestrated. Not like he was faking it, but more like we only ever asked the questions that he wanted. The whole meeting honestly gave the impression of him testing us." (Ilina)
"Hmm…I'm not really sure what you mean, but I'll take your word for it, I guess. He's clever enough…that little stunt of his during the wager even caught me off guard. Still, I feel like you might be overthinking his behavior." (Klaus)
"Hmm…perhaps. We may find out eventually." (Ilina)
"Okay, so, bottom line – do you think he's worth hiring?" (Klaus)
"Yes, at all costs." (Ilina)