Klaus has a lean, muscular frame, and overall gives off the appearance of a soldier in his early 30s. He's wearing a full sleeve white tunic and black trousers, and he has his short sword hanging at his left hip.
Ilina is…quite frankly, the most beautiful person I've ever seen. She's slightly tall for a woman, with olive skin and a toned but curvy figure more appropriate for modeling than brawling outside taverns. Her long silver hair is now on full display around her shoulders, and I can clearly see her eyes…they're grey and piercing.
She's wearing a sleeveless black shirt that hugs her figure, a utility belt with a large dagger hanging off the right hip, and black pants that are slightly looser than the shirt. Honestly, I'm almost glad her personality is so venomous, because it's the only reason I'll be able to talk to her normally from here on.
However, none of this is what tripped me up. Instead, it's the set of pointy ears they're both sporting. As I eye them over in surprise, Klaus is smiling warmly at me with a somewhat aloof air about him, but his eyes are focused and calculating.
Ilina has her typical expression of being annoyed by my presence, but she also can't seem to meet my gaze and is showing a hint of fear. Taking in their elf-like appearance, I involuntarily let out a squeak of surprise.
Before I can recover from it, and still not meeting my gaze, Ilina makes her feelings known.
"Tch…what, never seen an elf before, idiot? Quit staring at me like that…it's like you're undressing me with your eyes. Klaus, I told you that we can't trust this miserable human. There isn't a single decent one on this planet. All they do is look down on and mistreat other races, and you know as well as anyone what they'd do to us given the chance. What if he decides to sell us out to someone in the slave trade?" (Ilina)
Woah, that's rough – does she really think I'd try to enslave them for profit? Responding faster than I can, Klaus lets out a deep sigh and addresses her.
"Ilina, I can count on my fingers the number of humans you've directly interacted with in your life, so maybe we can hold off with you condemning their whole species for now. I don't deny your other points, but keep in mind that if Mizuki judged all elves based on your behavior tonight I'm sure it'd be much worse than our people deserve. All of that aside…what makes you so sure that Mizuki is human? Look at his eyes." (Klaus)
Oh boy, this again. Ilina shoots a confused look at Klaus, then directs her attention towards me. After a few seconds, as if noticing for the first time, her eyes widen in surprise and her mouth parts slightly with shock. Not good…time to redirect this conversation.
I look Ilina straight in the eyes and respond.
"Ilina, allow me to answer your questions. First, you are correct that I have never seen an elf before. As a result, I reacted in a potentially offensive manner, and for that I truly apologize." (Mizuki)
I do a quick apologetic bow to her while maintaining eye contact, and she looks stunned. Good, I'm throwing her off. Let's press that advantage.
"Second, I admit that I was initially shocked by how beautiful you are. As a result, I think my gaze lingered on you longer than it should have, and for that I'm also sincerely sorry. However, I promise that I wasn't thinking anything untoward…your personality is a suitable deterrent." (Mizuki)
I smile warmly at her for the first time as I say this. At that, her surprise doubles and she is clearly flustered. A little bit of red can be seen in her cheeks as well. Nice, time to move on before she realizes I insulted her at the end there.
"Finally, and I want to really emphasize this, I find slavery to be a detestable practice, and I'd appreciate it if you don't accuse me otherwise. I'd go so far as to say that, with no questions asked, if I saw anyone trying to force you two into slavery like you implied, I'd kill them if necessary to stop it." (Mizuki)
I drop my earlier smile and direct the most intense expression I can manage at her, not breaking eye contact. With her earlier embarrassment seemingly forgotten, she just nods meekly in response.
"Klaus, I appreciate that you want to give me the benefit of the doubt. I promise you that I harbor no ill will towards elves or any other sentient races. I think everyone's lives have equal value, and I try to judge them as individuals. If Ilina can contain her disgust towards me, I'm happy to discuss this job of yours." (Mizuki)
Klaus is trying desperately not to laugh at my exchange with Ilina, who looks like she's finally regaining her composure. After a moment, he walks over and sits in a chair at the table, then gestures toward an empty chair at the opposite side. I accept his invitation and take a seat, and Ilina follows suit shortly after.