Boring. Cliché. Tropey.
I think any of these would appropriately describe my death. Of course, I can't say that it's fair of me to complain – my life was as lackluster as my death. But let's back up, I think I'm getting ahead of myself.
My name is Mizuki Hakuto. Until recently, I was a college student…in the United States. Yup, you heard that right. Not only was I born here, but my biological parents are also both American. I am a generic, brown haired, green eyed, white dude. Average height, average build, and, if I may be so bold, slightly above-average in the looks department.
So, why am I graced with the name of an anime protagonist?
Simple…my parents are major weebs. Imagine how delusional you have to be to name your kid like this…they didn't even give me their last name! Sometimes, I'm shocked they were competent enough to reproduce.
Alas, I digress. We were discussing how I died.
Classes had just started for the semester, and I was on my way to a World History class. I'm a senior and a physics major, and this class was a core requirement that I'd put off as long as I could, so I was dreading it.
To make matters worse, the professor turned out to be one of those types that likes to do an introductory roll call on the first day, as if it's going to make him remember two hundred students' names. As expected, this did not go well for me.
"Next…Mizuki Hakuto? Oh hoh, wonderful! Our second topic this semester is actually Japanese history, so I hope you won't be shy about weighing in on class discussions." (professor)
As he said this, with an enthusiasm that pained me, he was scouring the faces of the students in the class, presumably waiting for me to stand up and identify myself. I was already dreading the normal reaction to my name, so I was hesitant.
"Mizuki? Am I pronouncing that wrong? Don't be shy, if you're here please introduce yourself!" (professor)
'Ah, screw it, it's bound to come up eventually anyway', I thought. I stood up abruptly and raised my hand in an awkward introduction.
Seeing me, the rest of the students erupted in laughter. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the professor had an expression that was a mix of confusion and annoyance.
"Err…young man…" (professor)
He'd looked at me like he wasn't sure whether I was playing a prank on him, so I'd thought it best to cut him off.
"I'm Mizuki, and I assure you, the only joke here is my mom's and dad's parenting choices." (Mizuki)
The room was painfully silent for a while after that. Yeah, in retrospect, I should have just stayed silent and let him think I skipped class.
"Ah…uhm well…my apologies. Nice to meet you, Mizuki. Now then…" (professor)
The professor continued with the roll call after that, casting the occasional suspicious glance my way. Thankfully, the rest of the class passed without any additional spotlight on me, but I did feel the occasional stares from other students.
As soon as class ended, I swiftly exited the building and started making my way across campus. Most of my class load was concentrated on other days, so I was beginning my long walk to the bus stop to get back to my off-campus apartment.
I'd pulled out one of the manga volumes I was interested in, to read on the walk, but don't go making assumptions! I know I gave my parents a hard time over being weebs, but I never said that simply enjoying manga, light novels, or anime makes you a freak.
I'll have you know that I've been social enough to have girlfriends. Though, I'll admit that I'm not exactly 'experienced' in that regard…if you catch my drift. Still, I wasn't a complete shut-in, nor was I sleeping with some cardboard cutout. Though, I've got certain anime ladies I cherish, like any good fan.
While I was lost in thought about my persisting virg…err, I mean, reflecting on my admirable respect for women, I'd arrived at my destination. Looking across the street to the bus stop, I noticed a girl my age standing there. She was pretty cute, you see, and I recognized her from one of my classes – not my history class, thankfully.
Perhaps, since the subject was on my mind just earlier, I figured I could start up a conversation with her while we waited for the bus. Picking up my pace, I made my way over to her. I thought, 'hopefully I'll have better luck than this morning'. Unfortunately, it dawned on me…'crap, if I introduce myself, I'm going to have to explain my name'.
I froze in place before reaching her, and I was wondering if I should introduce myself to her with a different name. On the other hand, I was a little too far into college to start going by a new name, and me lying about my name would have been a terrible start to the already made-up relationship in my head.
While contemplating how I should proceed, I looked up again at the girl. 'That's weird', I remember thinking – 'why is there that alarming look on her face?'. I was also puzzled by why she was leaning sideways. Rather, she wasn't leaning sideways, it was like the whole world was sideways. At the same time, I was becoming aware of a sharp pain across one side of my body and my vision had begun to spin and go dark.
'Oh right', I thought, 'I stopped right in the middle of the street, didn't I?'.
I got hit by a bus.
So, there you have it, you're all caught up! Currently, I'm just reflecting on my situation and my unfairly short life as I lay here dying in the street. Fortunately, the searing pain I felt initially is no longer present. Unfortunately, I don't have any other sensations either. I have the impression of being in a dark, sound-proofed room while under full body paralysis.
Is this what death is? Obviously, I'm not completely dead since I can reflect on the situation. Will I just slowly have a harder time thinking until I die? Come to think of it, it feels like I've been in this state for almost half an hour now, though it's kind of hard to gauge the passing of time without my senses.
Maybe paramedics made it to the scene in time, and I'm currently in a coma in the hospital?
No, from what I recall of coma patients that wake up after a long stretch of time, they usually weren't aware of time passing. I do recall patients that have been in less severe comas, or apparently unconscious, that have described being able to think and perceive the people talking around them. That's not the case here though. I have no sensations at all, yet my cognition seems completely intact.
If not a coma, then what…the afterlife?
I kind of 'snort' in my head. To me, it doesn't seem like any benevolent gods make it their business to interfere with events on Earth.
What else could it be, though? One way or another, something I can't explain is happening.