"Well, if you're open to requests, I was hoping you could give me the ability to read, write, speak, and understand every form of communication on Azura, not just Common. I also want a book that covers all the widely known spells and incantations on Azura, and another one with details on all the different types of species known to inhabit Azura. Finally, it'd be nice if you could de-age me to eighteen years old, since that's the age I'm first considered a full adult here." (Mizuki)
Azazel directs an incredulous expression at me as he responds shrilly.
"Seriously!? Every language!?" (Azazel)
That's the unreasonable one? That's the most like what he was going to do anyway.
"I mean…if you don't mind?" (Mizuki)
Azazel lets out a deep sigh and stands up. Holy crap, I forgot how jacked he was! I hope he's not about to beat my ass for all those requests…I might have overdone it.
Fortunately, Azazel walks over to a bookshelf on the wall and grabs two books. He walks back over to where I am and hands them to me. Then he snaps his fingers and I feel a soft warmth run through my body.
"There…I've imbued you with all the languages of Azura and returned your body to the requested age. I'm afraid I can't do anything about your eyes, though. Those two books are the ones you requested. Oh, and now that I think about it, I should give you this." (Azazel)
He produces a ring in his hand and presents it to me. It looks like a silver wedding band.
"Ehh…thanks, Azazel. You know, I'm flattered and all, but don't you think this is moving a little fast? Also, I really prefer women." (Mizuki)
Unfazed by my joke, he just drops the ring in my hand. Then, a small smile slowly spreads across his face.
"Oh, don't worry, it's nothing so flattering for you. You'll just need that a little later is all." (Azazel)
Oh shit, that's ominous. I don't like it! Bring back sweet, nerdy Azazel!
"T-Thanks…what for?" (Mizuki)
"For now, let's just discuss getting you to Azura safely." (Azazel)
Oh boy. Yup, he dodged that question. I cautiously put the ring on my left index finger, but nothing seems to happen.
Guess it's fine then. I should've known Azazel wouldn't do anything mean to me. He's not Dio, after all.
"When I send you down there, you're going to arrive on the outskirts of a neutral city-state called Elmesia. In principle, it's a haven that welcomes all the major intelligent species that have settled on Azura. The residents are mostly human, however, since the nearby countries are human territories." (Azazel)
A democratic city, huh? I wonder if he's sending me there, so I'll feel more at home to start off.
"When you arrive at Elmesia's entry gate, tell the guards that you've just turned eighteen and you left your small nearby village to come register with the adventurer's guild. Make your way to the guild and register, and they should be able to explain everything you need to get started there. They'll also have plenty of information about the state of the world and the different territories of Azura. Any questions?" (Azazel)
"Just one. I'm an outsider descending on the planet you're responsible for, so is there anything I'm not allowed to do, anything that's generally off-limits, or any major developments on the planet I need to know about?" (Mizuki)
"As long as you don't fundamentally threaten life on Azura, I'm committed to a policy of noninterference. Please feel free to live your life however you chose otherwise. As far as major developments on the planet…I've heard rumors of some powerful being emerging. However, I have yet to see any evidence of a malicious force making moves on a global stage. Likely, you have nothing to worry about." (Azazel)
Well, a big baddie would certainly fit with the isekai formula, but it sounds like it could just be a baseless rumor. Nothing I can do about it now. My new life is waiting!
"All right then, Azazel, I'm ready. Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it. You can zap me down there now!" (Mizuki)
"Oh, no, I can't magically teleport you down there. You'll be heading down another way." (Azazel)
"What? Why can't you just do the white light transport thing that Dio did to send me here?" (Mizuki)
"Oh, that? Oh, you know, there's just so much magic around Azura that sometimes the energy fluctuations interfere with that technique. Don't worry, we'll get you down there safe and sound." (Azazel)
Ohhh that's pinging my bullshit radar for sure, Azazel. That answer sounds made up. I narrow my eyes at him.
"So, how will I get down there then?" (Mizuki)
Azazel gives a way too friendly smile, like 'I'm so glad you asked', and gestures behind me. I turn around and see a big sign on the wall behind me that reads 'To Azura'. I did not notice it there before. Below the sign is a hatch in the wall that kind of resembles the access point to a trash chute.
"Whenever you're ready, Mizuki." (Azazel)
Seriously? I guess he's not joking about this.
I walk over to the hatch and open it. As I feared, it's basically a dark looking slide that I can't see the bottom of, and it looks steep. I turn around and cast a fearful gaze at Azazel, but he just smiles and nods as if to say, 'there you go, that's it'.
I turn my gaze back towards the slide from hell and position myself on the edge of it. I take a deep breath, then launch myself down it. As I begin accelerating away from the hatch, I hear a voice echo down the slide behind me.
"Tch…every language, how ridiculous."