Chereads / The Blade Of God / Chapter 15 - And So Does It Start (Slash II)

Chapter 15 - And So Does It Start (Slash II)

"Ms. Clarke seemed pretty worried," Zayn said, watching as Clarke bows, the carriage quickly moving, causing Clake to eventually look like a mere ant in the distance, "should I be worried?"

"You have nothing to fret about." Jeremiah said, flipping through some document (where did he pull that out of?) and reviewing each page in detail. "Only worry yourself on getting to the Prince there and back in one piece--and not leaving anything in pieces."

Zayn nods her head, rubbing the back of her helmet. "I swear I won't break a single thing!" Zayn said, eyeing the heavy chains adorned on Jeremiah's wrist, "Not one!"

Jeremiah looks up and snorts, shrugging his shoulders.

"I only care because the prince will have your neck," Jeremiah said, "he's a pretentious man."

"I see." Zayn said, fidgeting in her seat, "what will we talk about? You know, during our little get-together?"

Jeremiah flips another page of one of the documents in his hand, appearing unfazed.

"He probably just wants to meet you, talk a little about the expedition and your coronation maybe." Jeremiah said. "He didn't make it seem like it'll be long. Just enough to satisfy his boredom."

Zayn nods her head, looking outside to watch her surroundings go by. It isn't until fifteen minutes later, as the carriage rolls past many women and men and children and families and food stands and people playing and-Zayn can barely catch her breath as she watches the citizens of the capital move and interact in real time, like toys coming to life.

"I've never been to the capitol before," Zayn said, plating herself closely to the carriages' window, "this is stunning!"

She may not have noticed, but Jeremiah's ears perk up.


Once the carriage stops in front of a pair of enormous golden gates, Zayn knows they are at the residency of the royal family. 

The biggest give away is various factors--the large castle the size of three small towns combined--and that's being generous--the white, gold, and red accents all over the castle's walls that screams royalty, the lines of butlers and maids bowed in greeting as Zayn and Jeremiah walk past, shoot, the large flag--the face of a golden tiger, the symbol of the royal family, probably screamed that Zayn and Jeremiah are definitely at the right place, no questions asked.

"Master Jeremiah," it is a man with sandy hair and dark eyes that greets Jeremiah first, "and most honorable guest," he looks to Zayn, bowing his head in greeting, "my name is Tex, and I will be guiding you to his Highness."

"Thank you, Tex," Jeremiah said, letting out a soft sigh, "but really, there isn't any need for the formalities."

"It is my duty, Du-." Jeremiah holds a hand up, cutting Tex off.

"Please lead us to the prince without the formalities," Jeremiah said, "if you must, sir is always fine."

"Yes, sir," Tex said, smiling as Jeremiah shoots him a knowing look, "this way."

Zayn follows Tex and Jeremiah inside the large walls of the royal castle. Red is definitely someone's favorite color, because Zayn walks on this big red rug like she's some celebrity on a red carpet, and she is immediately hit with more red, gold, and white accents decorating the castle's lobby. The long flights of stairs decorate in red and golden furs trail down to the floor's main floor, causing Zayn's eyes to trail to her feet, hoping that the armor boots she wears isn't stained in any dirt or grass smudges.

Tex leads them up the stairs, down a very--very long hall decorated in more reds and golds and whites, but the hallway is also decorated in various paintings, ranging from past members of the royal family to its current members and--wait--is Jeremiah in one of those photos-?!

Shocked, Zayn frantically taps Jeremiah's shoulder, pointing to the painting in question, eyeing him with wide eyes as he calmly follows her shaky fingers and meets eyes with the painting."

"Ah, yes, that's me." Jeremiah said, shrugging, "Now Tex, which room is he in?"

"This way, sir and esteemed guest." Tex said, becokning them to a large door to the left--but Zayn squints her eyes, attempting to process the information that why is Jeremiah in a royal painting?!

Zayn jolts to a sudden halt when Tex lightly knocks on the large door, clearing his throat and raising his voice.

"Your Highness." Tex said, "Sir Jeremiah and his guest have arrived."

There's loud rustling and soft murmuring before there's a soft clear of someone's throat behind the door.

"Let them in," the voice said, "thank you, Tex."

"My honor." Tex said, grabbing the door handle and opening the door and holyshitisthatariverintheroomandalion-?

Zayn freezes, drawn in as she steps inside the room, feeling as though she is in another realm. The room is large, filled with hovering balls of magic and a large water stream, leading to a large basin of water than never seems to be overfilled, like the water itself is an illusions. There are palm trees and small animals dancing in the air--one of them, a small baby bird, glides and swirls in the air until it lands on a soft nest of dark, magenta hair, which leads Zayn's eyes to follow the source of the nest--a tall man with short dark purple hair and bright blue eyes. His skin is pale, offsetting the various hues of color in the room, but his dark purple and white robes with gold accents highlight his soft, feminine face, yet lacks the will to hide his muscled arms and large tattoo on his wrist.

Zayn looks, entranced with the beautiful man and--holy crap, there is a lion on the man's lap, snuggling up to the man and lazily yawning while licking its paws, a dark birthmark covers the lion's right eye, making the animal's bright yellow eyes shine even brighter in contrast to its dark eye lid.

"Well look who finally decided to show up," the man said, smiling while petting the large lion, "I thought you were in hiding, Jeremiah."

"No such thing, Your Highness." Jeremiah said, bowing in greeting. Zayn quickly turns her attention to the man and bows as well, "I'm here, aren't I?"

"Yeah, of course, after dodging my sister." The man said, smiling softly, yet his words did not match. "She's looking for you, you know? You're luck I didn't tell her about you coming today, hm?"

Jeremiah looks away, rolling his eyes and letting out a deep sigh.

"In regards to business today," Jeremiah said, motioning a hand to Zayn, "this is Knight Zayn, the recruit that-."

"So this is Exaclibur's host!" the man smiles, jumping up from his lavished cushion, causing the large lion to huff and plop itself down where the man once sat. "I must say Jeremiah, when I asked you what she looked like, you said "tall and wears armor," and you weren't wrong!"

"Ah." Jeremiah said, looking anywhere but Zayn, "those were the words that found me."

"Right, right!" The man said, standing in front of Zayn, only a handful of inches taller than her, "`do you wear that heavy thing all the time?"

"W-well yes?" Zayn said, looking between the man and Jeremiah. "I never not wear it."

"I see." The man said, "I have many questions regarding this--like how does one use the bathroom? Can you fully see my face--I am quite handsome, aren't I? Does it cause each step you take to become heavy --wow, what an interesting being, but before that, let us do some housekeeping, right Captain?"

Unimpressed and already over this ordeal, Jeremiah nods his head, keeping his eyes to the wall.

"Yes, um-." Zayn said, bowing again, "how may I address you?"

The man, surprise by the question, blinks, but then he snorts, letting out a soft laugh.

"I mean most call me Your Highness or Prince," the man said, shooting Zayn a soft smile, "but since you came with such an endearing outfit and question, call me Prince Miuoi."