Chereads / The Blade Of God / Chapter 16 - And So Does It Start (Slash III)

Chapter 16 - And So Does It Start (Slash III)

"So Zayn," Prince Muioi asked, his chin in his palm as he amusedly watches Zayn play with her tea cup, but not once lifting it to her lips, "how did you find Excalibur?"

"Oh," Zayn said, looking between both men, "well, I-."

"Don't say anything stupid!" Excalibur shouts from inside her head, "this is the prince here! I wanna sound really cool! Bluff me up a bit!"

"Lying is not nice, Excalibur," Zayn thought, clearly her throat, "but because you're not too bad, I got you."

"Well me and my friends usually go hunting," Zayn said, nervously playing with her fingers, "a-and I took a really nice hot-lady-walk and I noticed this really nice glowing thing-."

"Excalibur was glowing?" Prince Muioi asked, sipping his tea, yet eyeing Zayn behind his tea cup's rim, "what did it look like?"

"It looked like a glowing stick." Zayn said, to which causes Jeremiah to snort and Excalibur in her head to huff in irritation, "b-but it felt warm--and nice and--I just had to pick it up, and I did-and-and I actually don't remember what happened next, to be honest, but it helped me to get home and-well-it's been with me ever since."

Prince Murioi stays silent, sipping his tea and sharing a look with Jeremiah, who's silently watching Zayn talk.

"Where is he?" Prince Murioi said, "or it--she? Not sure what it defines itself, but where is Excalibur now?"

Zayn swallow, pointing to her forehead.

"I think it's a he--right?" The small grunt in Zayn's head confirms her suspicions, "and he's here--with us--he talks to me through my thoughts."

"Extradonairy." The prince said, leaning forward and staring at Zayn--heavily. "May we see him--of course, if the honor beseaches us?"

Zayn stills, waiting for Excalibur to say something. For a minute, there is soft silence before suddenly, Zayn's arm feels warm, and the chain from before wraps around her forearm and to her covered hands, where Excalibur forms, as he once a long, glowing stick. However now, now he forms into a long, beautiful spear with curved accents and sharp head.

"He formed as a spear." Jeremiah said, staring at the weapon in surprise, "isn't God Arthur's holy weapon a sword?"

"With technicalities, yes." Prince Murioi said, staring at Excalibur, "but the God of creation requested the blacksmith to create the God weapon to fit its wielder, so I guess the best fit for Zayn is a spear."

"Spears are weapons great for those with mighty strength," Jeremiah said, eyeing the spear as well, "maybe I just expected the same old."

"That usually gets us in trouble," Prince Murioi said, letting out a soft chuckle, "which is why we are in the predicament we are in now."

"If I can ask," Zayn said, raising her hand, "what is our predicment?"

Prince Murioi and Jeremiah share a look before Prince Murioi sits up on his cushion, the purple pillow floating in the air as Jeremiah and Zayn sit in two golden chairs.

"What have you told her?" Prince Murioi said, to which Jeremiah shakes his head, "alright, I guess I need to explain a bit--what do you know about the Gods?"


The walk to the carriage is silent, especially after the prince bide them farewell and Zayn and Jeremiah piled back in the carriage, the morning sun still bright and burning, meaning they've made it before the new knights are within their sparring training, which Zayn knows Jeremiah feels relieved.

Yet Zayn feels nervous, eyeing out the window and watching Tex bow them a farewell, but Zayn can't seem to focus. 

She remembers the prince asking her about the Gods--about what she knows, and she remembers saying-.

"Not much." Zayn said, fiddling in her seat, "to be honest I do pray regularly and-well-from where I am from, we do often say prayers during certain holidays, but I do not know of the internal disdain the Gods currently have for us, if that is what you are asking."

"Right," the prince said, fiddling with his empty tea cup, "it started with the Proclaimed War, and it's gotten worse. Those wretched things--there's been small sightings of the Veras going a bit havoc within small villages and towns. Who knows how long they'll appear?"

"Veras?" Zayn asked, staring at Jeremiah and Prince Murioi, "if I'm correct, aren't those like half humans? I thought we had a alright relationship?"

"When there within their district, of course," Prince Murioi said, "but they've suddenly been causing havoc, and it has to be Vivic. It must be her--she must be planning something."

"The Goddess of Chaos," Zayn asked, "t-that Vivic?"

"Yes," Jeremiah said, his arms crossed, "there has been some mention that their is some disputes between the Gods, and knowing some of those Gods' beliefs, some seem to be plotting against our side. Which is why we plan to meet some of them

during this expedition--we plan on revising the treaty and hoping to have some of the Gods on our side in case of anything.

"Anything?" Zayn said, nervously gulping down saliva, "anything meaning?"

"War," the prince said, biting his thumb, "that's the last thing we need between the Gods--war."

"Do you really think I can help?" Zayn asked, sliding in her seat, "I'm not sure if I should be the one to help you--you know--establish peace with the Gods?"

Jeremiah looks up from his papers. He silently looks at Zayn before he knocks on the wall behind him, signaling the coachman's attention.

"Before we head to the Black Fawne headquarters," Jeremiah said, "please take us to the capitol square."

As soon as they stepped out of the carriage, Zayn knew she will be absorbed in the world around her--and she is.

Amur and Chase have been around the Capitol countless of times, but this is the first time Zayn's been, mainly because she stands out like a swore thumb and it's a lot to be stared at by really tiny kids--like right now, as a little boy with a missing tooth staring up at Zayn with his mouth agape, pointing up at her as he stares at her with sparkling eyes until a woman--Zayn assumes it's his mother--pulls him away and continues to spew apologizes to Zayn.

"It's very lively!" Zayn said, looking around her, "do you often go here?"

"Only if I need to pick something up, or something for business." Jeremiah said, eyeing the playing and laughing children beside him with soft eyes, "I'm not much of a busy-place person."

"I see, I see!" Zayn said, trying to keep up with Jeremiah's brisk pace--he seems to have notice, because he slows down. "What business do you have-?"

There's a heavy push to her shoulder, which almost causes her bulk-self to fall over if not for her quick steadiness. Zayn looks over, then down at a man--long grey bangs covers his handsome face--his dull grey eyes almost hidden by his long bangs. He's wearing all black--a black clock, black slacks and a black button down, yet the only that isn't black is the grey metal gloves he wears.

A apple rolls from the man's hands to Zayn's feet. Zayn bends down, picking up the apple and handing it to the strange man.

"I'm really sorry." Zayn said, attempting to polish the apple with her metal sleeve and handing it back to the man, "I tend to often not know how big my armor is."

Surprised, the man silently takes the apple, but doesn't move from his seat, staring at Zayn like she's a ghost. 

"Knight Zayn." Jeremiah said, turning his head, "What seems to be the issue?"

"Oh, I pushed someone by accident," Zayn said, motioning to the man on the ground, "I just wanted to apologize."

Jeremiah looks to where Zayn's eyes are, confused, yet he nods his head and continues on, causing Zayn to hurry and apologize and run off to follow.