"Oh no…" Subconscious was going to be losing it at that point.
"Tell me Six, what did you do about your father? After all, you know what happened, but still chose those very actions. What about your friends? You gave up on them as well right? I mean, there wasn't surely anything that you could do." Facades kept going.
"SHUT UP… PLEASE SHUT UP!", Insanity screamed across the table.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO OUR FUCKING DAUGHTER, SIX??? YOU JUST LET HER DIE, RIGHT. YOU DID NOT WANT TO GET HER TO BE FREE. INSTEAD YOU BLOODY LET HER DIE IN THAT MANNER. SHE COULD BE SAVED, SIX. SHE COULD HAVE BEEN SAVED. BUT YOU WASTED WAY TOO MUCH TIME IN BEING A CRYBABY AND SHE SACRIFICED HERSELF." Facades could no longer contain himself. "We loved her, Six. I KNOW THAT YOU LOVED HER. Then, why would you do that? She died because you weren't fast enough. She died because you weren't brave enough. None of us were, but we trusted you to make the right call."
"Stop it now." Six commanded the table.
"Why should I stop? Are you afraid that the lair is telling you the truth? Are you afraid of the truth Six? Huh?? Afraid of the truth??" Facades did not have any intention of stopping.
The table members looked at each other's faces realizing the actual reality of the situation that they had pulled themselves into and out of. They had lost a lot of members. They had lost a lot of loved ones. They lost their daughter.
"You are on the verge of losing her as well, Six. You need to start apologizing to everyone in here and in reality because some of the decisions that you have taken have cost lives. They have cost important lives. You need to be held accountable, Six.", Ruler calmly told the table.
"I tried to apologize, but I couldn't make it work. One day, when you all realize that the mistakes I have made were not mistakes, I will apologize for making you worry." Six replied.
"THEN WHY ARE YOU MISSING HER, HUH SIX?? TELL ME… DID YOU LOVE HER??? DID YOU LOVE OUR DAUGHTER???", Insanity questioned. "To me, it seems like nothing ever fucking works whenever we try something. We had that kid from an extremely young age, and she was the final gift. And now, even she is gone. She is gone Six. Completely vanished. She does not exist in the world's database archives. There is nothing that can save that Six. SHE IS COMPLETELY GONE. AND THAT, IS YOUR AND THE SISTER'S FAULT. I will one day make sure, that once I am let free from this mental prison, the first person that I avenge, will be her. I will make sure that those who have caused her harm will be punished severely.
"Six, you lost everyone. You lost your best friend, your promise, your daughter, and now are on the verge of losing your mind as well. Make up your mind, and make sure that the decisions that you make will benefit everyone. Don't trust anyone here. Just believe in yourself." Gatherer calmed the table.
The six blades, all turned to each other and were expecting a full-blown argument to occur between the table members.
Six stood up. He then promptly left the table.
"I am taking a break from the blades group."