Finn's POV
For awhile he looked for a way to end their cursed existence but realized that in order to do that they would either have to find another doppelganger or find more white oak which thanks to Niklaus all of Europe's white oak supply has been completely destroyed but what he didn't tell his siblings is that where the lived wasn't the only place in that continent where white oak grows.
In fact he made sure to grab seeds from the destroyed trees in their old home and plant some more he did this just before they were burned then after everyone left he planted the trees a feet away from where the originals were he made sure that they were growing before he left then let nature take things from there he's been back to check on them and seen that they have grown nicely over the years.
Over the years when he wasn't looking to kill his siblings he became obsessed with trying to better the world as much as he could to make up for being a vampire to do so he studied everything to achieve that goal however despite his noble intentions he ended up causing more problems than fixing them because he never had the cunning or the guile to out think or out maneuver the politicians that he was going up against however before he could blunder through this latest scheme he was cooking up he was met with the most unlikely ally.
One day as he was about to build a housing development in Spain for the homeless he bumped into his brother Niklaus of all people who had a disappointed look on his face and an angry scowl he picked up Finn's papers grabbed Finn by the shirt then sped him into the country side so they can talk without being over heard Finn asks what's the big idea you grabbing me like i'm a child when i'm the oldest.
Klaus punches him in the face then growls at him and says if you're the oldest then why have i been going around fixing up your messes for the past 500 years Finn is stunned to learn that all of his failed projects have been saved by his brother Klaus it took me forever as i had to compel alot of people and bribe alot of people to get your projects off the ground not to mention killing quite a few people who stopped your projects from even reaching the right people's desk in the first place just so they could push forth their own agendas and get more power.
Finn is mad upon learning that not what Klaus did but about why his ideas never even made it to the right people he asks what did you think about my proposals Klaus says they were good ideas but they were a little rough around the edges on paper so i made them a little better but your ideas are still there they're just better illustrated on paper Finn nods at that Finn asks can you look at my current project for some reason no one is willing to help me.
Klaus looks at Finns papers sees the benefits even to the elite of the city but sees the error he made on paper instead of fixing it for him he he shows him that instead of getting funding from the city or taking donations he should get funding from the rich themselves and only ask for what they are willing to give also what they won't give him he will get money from the rest of their siblings.
Finn thinks that is a good idea but asks why the rich and not the newly rich Klaus says because they don't have the money for a project like this unless you're willing to sign them on as a partner Finn says that is fine unless they plan to close it down in the first year Klaus says it can make money if you also add a restaurant into it Finn agrees Klaus also suggests a place to clean clothes a place to drink water a place to drink booze and a place to gamble.
Finn is a little turned off to these suggestions of a bar and a casino but Klaus reminds him that it will attract the rich if those things are atleast in the area of the building Finn agrees then asks what will it take for them to donate their money to my project Klaus says you'll need something on them like a mistress or gambling debts or drug addiction or the fact that they are secretly everyone has their secrets and their vices.
It just takes finding out what their's are so you can exploit it for your purposes Finn can't help but agree but frowns with this line of thinking Klaus seeing his apprehension sighs and says Finn guys like this will use their wealth and power to continue to step on those they consider beneath them until they achieve their goals and damn the rest of us as long as they keep their wealth and power.
Finn considers his brothers words for a few minutes then asks how do i beat them at their own game Klaus asks what do you mean Finn says i don't want you to fight my battles for me anymore i want you to teach how to beat them on my own so you don't have to keep cleaning after me Klaus smirks then speeds him to an abandoned building that is set up like a class room.
Klaus says i can only stick around for 300 years or Mikael will catch wind of my trail so you have until then to learn everything i have to teach you about what you want to learn Finn nods in understanding then Klaus hands him a book on Portugal Finn is confused Klaus says this was the first country you tried to save but failed to do so a look of realization and remembrance appears on Finn's face.
Finn opens the book and is shocked that his brother gathered this much information on the country Klaus covers the country's culture , history, language, main product, currency and the economic problems plaguing it currently as well as when Finn visited the country he also covers the country's politics Finn wrote everything down making sure to study everything in the book and everything his brother was saying.
Klaus says okay now that you have passed every test i have given you regarding this country lets go over your proposal for the country and you tell me where you went wrong Finn is shocked that his brother has his proposal but the original draft he submitted to the to the people in power back then Klaus answers his unasked question yes i have every draft you have ever put forth in every country you have ever visited.
Finn is shocked then asked how did you get them Klaus said easy i stole them which was easy considering they were buried under a pile of other proposals that i'll show you in a minute that they were never going to look at Klaus shows him the others buried with his Finn reads every one aside from making grammar errors their ideas were good but not good at execution the same with his ideas.
Each idea had something similar they wanted to either build something , destroy an old building , preserve the historical buildings and monuments, educate every citizen, heal everyone fairly not just the rich, encourage music instead of banning it, feed and clothe the poor, gambling, or his idea to to build a bridge from Portugal to Spain Klaus finds that ironic considering that they are in Spain so does Finn.
Finn asks is my first idea a good one Klaus says yes it is but tell me as your final exam for Portugal what is wrong with their ideas and yours Finn studies each idea thoroughly not just the ideas themselves but the way the drafts are worded he writes each draft on a sheet of paper then studies them word for word but can't find anything wrong with them except grammar errors and they were naive about the execution of their ideas but other than that he can't find anything wrong with them.
He tells his findings to Klaus who frowns but can't help it as he only taught Finn the basics of politics and how politicians work Klaus says overall not bad but you get a D on your final exam thus giving you a final score of a C Finn asks what did i do wrong Klaus says it's not you or your way of thinking it's the way the politicians think there's a reason that these ideas were buried in a closet under a bunch of dust and cobwebs Finn asks and that is Klaus says they never had any intention of doing these ideas in the first place.
Klaus says they only met you and the guys who came up with these ideas just to shut them up and get them to stop bothering their office chances are they barely glanced at them before shoving them in the closet i found them in Finn sighs then asks is this true or are you trying to crush my spirit Klaus says every word is true and believe it or not brother i'm not here to force you to accept my view on the world but to help you navigate through the muddy waters of human politics.
Finn understands what Klaus is saying before anything else can be said Klaus tosses him a book on politics that covers every country Finn has never seen a book so thick before It's 2 feet long and 3 feet thick Klaus says i compelled every person i could to make this book so whatever i don't teach you this book will Finn wonders how long it took to make this book Klaus says there's spell on the inside of the cover to shrink it to the size of a normal text book.
Klaus says just channel your essence into the spell and it will shrink Finn does so and it shrinks to the size he wants it to after that he begins browsing through the book and is amazed by the amount of knowledge contained in the book he looks at Klaus then asks what else do you have to teach me Klaus says well you went to 4 other countries with the time i have left we can cover them or you can cover them on your own and i can teach you how to master your vampiric abilities it's your choice.
Finn says teach me how to control my powers Klaus smiles then he takes him to a place he set up in case Finn chose this option he puts magic weights on him then teaches him how to fight with them as well as make him do several workouts that will push his muscles to their limits he also teaches him how to fight humans as well as how to fight vampires without killing them in one blow next he teaches him how to combat and survive a witch by having a witch friend of his practice trying to launch spells at him but he tells Finn no killing his friend.
This is only to practice what to do against a witch Finn nods later on he trains Finn on what he should do to against a werewolf it was the second hardest fight Klaus has put him through Finn asks why do i have to learn this if your blood can heal me from a werewolf bite Klaus says i can't be everywhere at once so you need to learn to be prepared for anything and everything Finn nods in agreement and understanding then asks is it just me or have you trained our siblings like this as well Klaus says yes i have but for the most part i left them to their own devices.
Klaus leaves Finn to train on his own and complete his studies after Finn completed everything and got his ideas passed through he traveled the world more in search of his brother but never found him again he found his other siblings but while passing through Italy he found a book in the most weird place floating in the fountain he picks it up opens it up it's blank then flips through it in the middle of the book it shows a picture of a flame Finn immediately understands then leaves the city.
He goes to somewhere private but is followed by Mikael he starts a campfire he puts the book to the fire and words appear addressed to everyone including Mikael who walks up to Finn surprising his son and scaring him a little but Mikael takes his pages then leaves Finn stops him then asks is that it you use me for news on Niklaus then leave Mikael says yes according to your siblings they haven't seen him since he prepared them for the world which i'm guessing he did the same with you Finn says yes he did.
Finn says he taught me how to control my powers how to fight against humans , vampires, witches, and werewolves as well as politics Mikael scoffs as if that's not enough to survive in the world Finn says he didn't have time to teach me more as he was right because as soon as he left a month later you appeared in Spain looking for him Mikael scowls then says it's not my fault he's a coward.
Finn punches Mikael as hard as he can not caring for the consequences and says he has more courage than you he didn't have to train us he could have left us just as weak as baby vampires but he didn't he could have kept moving spent all of his time improving himself instead he made us stronger faster smarter and taught us the basics on how to survive even how to feed so we wouldn't get caught Mikael says if he took the time to teach you all of this then what did he get out of it Finn says simple we fed him information on you.
Mikael growls Finn smirks then says you brought it upon yourself besides you have never had my loyalty only mother did Mikael says you need to be careful about who you piss off in the future Finn nods then Mikael leaves Finn looks at the letter Klaus left for him he's intrigued by what he reads but also is seriously considering doing what his brother said but also keeping this book to himself until he's sure his siblings deserve to read it including Klaus himself.
In this book contains a ritual for how vampires can procreate i've secretly removed the memory from myself and our siblings heads you are the only one who knows the secret i will also forget the original reason why i killed mother all i will remember is that i did it in a rage after she locked away my wolf side and finding out my true parentage do not tell me the truth ever unless you are sure that the darkness inside of me has been conquered or i might do things that will make the devil weep as for Mikael the reason why i haven't killed him yet is because i simply am not strong enough yet despite Esther's ritual which i will also have forgotten one thing you should know apparently we become stronger if we turn someone into a vampire so far i haven't turned anyone but our siblings have also what i really wanted to tell you before i completely forget everything regarding this letter is that you can marry someone before during and after turning them into a vampire and they will become not an original but a vampire almost as powerful as you also they will be able to bear you children but it's a marriage in every way like the werewolves unification ceremony if vows aren't held up in every way it won't work so choose wisely before doing this.
Sincerely Your Brother,
Finn takes his brother's advice instead of keeping the book close to him he decides to hide it in a box lined with symbols lined with lead then put in a smaller box it's into a safe locked then dropped into the Atlantic Ocean in the deepest part of it so no one but him and a witch he trusts would be able to get it back he made a copy of the ritual just in case he met someone who made being immortal worth it he thought he would never find anyone like thought so he turned to the darker aspects of being a vampire.
It wasn't until 1112 that he met someone who changed the way he viewed everything her name was Sage she was the most beautiful thing he ever saw and she immediately knew what he was upon running into him feeding upon several people she could tell that he wasn't just doing it to survive he was suffering from a wound from the soul so she decided to save him from himself.
Sage was a beautiful and youthful young woman her height was 5'8" her build was thin and moderate she had fair skin with long curly red hair light blue eyes she wears a long black petticoat red skirt black boots and red leggings she also wore a red and black cloth choker he took his time getting to know her and she did the same with him little by little she was getting him to open up but she knew that unless he did they wouldn't get anywhere.
She tried for months to get him to open up about why he was like he was when she met him but one day she came home to find him drunk clutching a letter that was postmarked for a 1 year ago but only arrived today as she just saw the mail man deliver it and she hasn't read it but Finn did and he's been a wreck for the past few days after reading it always killing humans and getting drunk.
So enough was enough in her mind so she read the letter and it was one of his siblings letting him know why they couldn't find their brother after he helped them get setup in life was that he went into exile to get away from everyone and every living thing on earth she frowns wondering why he did what he did but upon closer inspection she sees a candle drawing on the back of the letter she puts it to a candle and a few minutes later numbers start appearing out of nowhere.
She writes them down on a seperate sheet of paper then the numbers disappear a few minutes later she tries it again it works she finishes copying it down then it disappears again she tries one last time but it doesn't work but the candle picture stays which is odd for her to understand she has been up for days trying to figure out these numbers only when does she finally confront Finn about his destructive habits does she get an answer.
They talk about it after he calms down a little bit she shows him the drawing his eyes light up with hope like she has never seen before she tells him that the hidden message is a bunch of numbers that she can't figure out Finn looks at them he can't either she sobers him up because she knows that he knows what these numbers mean they come back to the numbers 2 weeks later Finn studies them carefully and remembers everything he has learned from his siblings as well as the humans so far Finn says they are coordinates.
Sage couldn't believe it was that simple she gets a map of the world and asks where are we going he says longitude 60.4720*N latitude 8.4689*E longitude 56.2639*N latitude 9.5018*E longitude 62.2786* N latitude 12.3402*E she studies the map traces it with her fingers then gets confused Finn asks what's wrong she says the numbers lead to Norway , Scandinavia , and Denmark Finn asks why would Niklaus go to the home of the vikings.
Sage says lets go find out he agrees they pack up their stuff she puts on some pants for the first time and loves the way they feel she also wears a coat instead of a mini dress she also wears a sweatshirt in her colors as well as her boots she also puts her hair in a ponytail instead of having it down all day they get to the docks buy two tickets then head to Scandinavia first on the boat Finn notices several vampires eyeing Sage like she was not only dinner but something for them to enjoy sexually.
He was about to show them what happens when you cross an original but she whispered soothing words into his ear plus she held his hand he calmed down enough to hear what she was saying he blinks then turns to her as she sighs in relief at it working she says listen Finn i'm not the only human on this boat but i am the only human that they can try to steal from another vampire.
He nods she also says in case you haven't noticed this whole boat is infested with vampires and you haven't fed in two weeks you're not strong enough to take them on yet she says even at your strongest there's too many to fight on this tiny boat he can't help but agree with her statement the boat reaches their destination and only a quarter of the vampires get off the rest get off at Norway and Denmark they travel through the country hoping to find Klaus but they don't.
Instead they find a compelled messenger who gives them a note then runs for their life as it was a woman who's compulsion has broken and vampires are now after her they take it to the wilderness she reads it while he feeds on animals it won't taste very good but it will help him survive until the next country he comes back she looks to have a bunch of different emotions running through her face when he walks up to her he asks whats wrong she says all of these vampires were sired by your father to hunt down your brother.
Finn laughs she gets mad and asks what's so funny about that finn says i'm sorry that vampires are hurting people looking for him but they couldn't touch him even if they tried for 500 years he's the strongest among us except for father no vampire on earth can match him Sage says well our orders are to lead every vampire straight to him Finn says that won't be that hard i can tell that the oldest one among them is only 300 years old they stand no chance.
Sage asks why does that matter Finn says the older you are the stronger you are besides my brother knows way too much about vampires to lose to one also where does he want this showdown to happen she says Greenland then it says to leave them to die and if humans are involved keep them on the boat as the climate might kill them Sage frowns but can't help but wonder why Finn's brother would choose such a dangerous place to hide himself.
They gather the vampires lead them to Greenland they get the usual threats get kicked off the boat the vampires travel through the island until they find a man in meditation waiting for them he says it took you fools long enough to find me which is rather sad that you had to use my brother to track me down when i've been on this island for the past 1,000 years they frown at that if this is true then everything they have done up to now has been for nothing.
Klaus sighs then says i even left clues as to my whereabouts to those smart enough to find me when it was obvious you idiots weren't going to figure it out i reached out to my siblings in the hopes that you would take the bait we'll wait for the rest of you to show up they look at him confused he smirks and says that look to your left they do now look to your right they do.
The same amount of people you see here is currently following each one of my siblings who are coming here so in total there will be 4,000 vampires for me to fight the oldest among not only this group but out of the whole 4,000 steps forward he says Klaus surely you can't expect to just wipe us out i mean the vampire species will lose alot of vampires Klaus says you should have thought of that before agreeing to this mission.
He says come on be reasonable i realize that if Mikael catches you it won't be pretty but he's assured us that he won't kill you just lock you away so you can't hurt anyone Klaus laughs then asks how many humans did you kill on your way here they all frown at that before they can say anything to defend themselves Klaus puts his hand up stopping what they were about to say.
Klaus says you don't need to kill those you feed on to survive several vampires are calling him a coward soft and a weakling just like Mikael said he was the main voices Klaus moved so fast that they couldn't even see him move and he was back to his spot holding their hearts in his hand he feeds on them shocking them as they thought only their sire did that upon feeding on their blood Klaus was able to learn everything about them including what they were taught.
He drops the hearts then sits back down Klaus says listen to me it's not cowardly to compel them before and after you feed on them so we don't get exposed last thing we need is to be hunted instead of ripping them to pieces if any of you survive this fight you won't serve Mikael anymore you will belong to me and you going around killing humans will stop or i'll kill every single one of you.
The rest of the vampires showed up as well as Klaus's siblings they all went to the island along with Sage to watch the fight Mikael showed up but kept himself hidden unfortunately every vampire sensed his presence and all this did was infuriate Klaus to no end who's eyes changed color claws shot out of his fingers fangs shot out of his mouth and his muscles grew 4 times bigger then went all over his body so instead of getting bulkier he made himself stronger and faster and his ears become pointed.
Sage asks what kind of vampire thing is that i've never seen that before Elijah says neither have we it's either something very new or extremely old that we've never encountered before Klaus takes off his shoes and his feet sprout claws there too The vampires are getting nervous so is Mikael he's heard tales of other kinds of vampires transforming before but never knew that they actually existed he just hopes that Niklaus hasn't practiced this too much.
The fight begins a few hundred vampires launch at him with weapons Klaus rips them to shreds he continues to dodge and attack several vampires at once killing hundreds at a time until they get down to just 400 left everyone is stunned by what they have witnessed in just 2 hours Klaus has killed almost 4,000 vampires however everything changes when one of them pulls out a white oak stake Klaus sensing danger jumps away then goes back to normal.
He sees what's in their hands and his rage goes through the roof he kept them intact so that they could be buried no more mister nice guy he rushes them and completely rips them apart then he builds a pyre stacks their bodies on top of it and burns them along with the stakes Mikael frowns at their failure but he has learned alot from this he just hopes that Klaus doesn't improve anymore.
Before Mikael can leave he's surrounded by his children including Klaus who still has a murderous look in his eye Klaus says if not for our new friend here i'd gladly rip you apart like i did them but next time we meet and know this if you force me to abandon something i love or someone i care about i won't keep playing this cat and mouse game with you i'll just take that stake you have been carrying around and kill you.
Mikael grunts then leaves after that Klaus gets everyone to Norway to his private house that he's been living in which no human has ever set foot in Sage is just enjoying the landscape and the scenery it's beautiful after bathing and getting dressed Klaus walks up to her taps her shoulder she turns around he asks what's your story she smiles and says i'm with Finn he says not what i asked try again.
She sighs then says i'm actually from this area i just had to escape the way that they wanted women to just work the house, the fields, the animals, give birth, speak when spoken to , and yeah i could have become a shield maiden but then i would have died in 10 years Klaus understands where she is coming from he says if Finn makes you into a vampire you can still be a shield maiden but just be careful about getting injured because the locals will think that you're either a god, a witch , or a demon if you heal really quickly.
She asks could you train me like you did Finn Klaus sighs then walks forward and asks how much has Finn told you about us she says only the basics and that you were responsible for helping him survive as long as he did Klaus says listen even if you were a vampire already my training would almost kill you are you sure that you want me as your teacher when one of my siblings would be better she smiles and says no even if i was trained by every sibling but you combined it still wouldn't equal the one who taught them.
Every other sibling has been listening and commenting on their conversation Klaus is so lost in his own thoughts and darkness that he can't hear them Kol says your woman is very brave Finn Nik is clearly in no mood for company Finn says i'm not worried if she can handle me she can handle him Elijah says sorry to say this but i agree with Kol after seeing father Niklaus looks ready to spiral from here i can tell that he's just barely holding it together so he doesn't kill her.
Rebekah says maybe but he's also considering staying with us or leaving again in fact he has been for awhile they look at Rebekah in shock she smirks and says i've been keeping in contact with Nik for years before his exile all he needs is one push and he'll join us she's the push we need he needs a project so Finn hurry up and turn her so Nik can train her he says no i want to be sure she is the one first.
Sage notices a storm brewing in Klaus and try as she might he's not Finn who just melts at the mere sight of her or smell of her she realizes that by touching his shoulder it not only does the opposite of what she was trying to do but she was almost killed if not for Finn before they can scold him he's gone they wait around for a week Klaus comes back covered head to toe in blood then passes out they clean him up during his sleep he remembers everything.
He wakes up they look at him concerned he says i'm fine i know what i did i found the nearest battlefield slaughtered everyone there with my sword and drank them dry then came back here i also remember attacking your girlfriend Finn i'm sorry Sage says it's no big deal but she asks how many times have you blacked out and just killed like this over the years he says i've lost count she says if you won't talk about it then you need a hobby besides travelling and fighting.
Rebekah says i know what he used to do when he was younger Klaus says quiet Rebekah he says i'm never doing it again Sage asks why from the way Rebekah talks about it you loved it Klaus says nothing Elijah says Niklaus why not let one of us show her why you will never be an artist ever again he growls and says no one will ever show her those moments ever he was about to continue his tirade but he was calmed by Rebekah who hugged him when he was walking across the room.
At first he tried to fight her off then she stubbornly wouldn't let go and he never could hurt her so he hugged her back after that she tried to convince him to go back to being an artist as did Sage after several days of convincing he finally caved then left before everyone woke up everyone was disappointed to find him gone only to find a note saying that if he was to become an artist again then he had to study so they stuck together traveled to different places.
In the year 1200 Sage had been a vampire for almost 100 years when she got separated from everyone she eventually found them 12 years later but was shocked to only find Klaus in the house upon seeing her again he smiles then says hello Sage she says hello Klaus where's my boyfriend he says follow me he takes her to the basement where a bunch of coffins are inside are his siblings with daggers in their chests she was about to pull it out but he stops her.
She looks at him in confusion he says i'm leaving him like this for 200 years as punishment after that you can awake him she asks what did he do well 13 years ago my family found me and we settled into this house later we met an interesting group of people they were known as the five vampire hunters created by witches my sister fell in love with the leader of them they even told us who they were with little probing or prodding as we helped them sniff out a few troublesome vampires.
Sage nods in understanding then lets him continue his story so we invited them for dinner we laughed we drank my sister slept with their leader while i never had a drop of wine i simply implanted thoughts into their heads making them think that i was drunk when really i was drinking water not vervain laced wine my siblings were unaware of their true agenda but i could read their thoughts and let myself get stabbed by their dagger in order to test something.
She says that was stupid what if the dagger worked on you he says doesn't matter i had a protection spell placed on us that night also they missed my heart so seeing that they had white oak stakes i didn't hesitate i killed them all i even stole all of their artefacts and hid them away so no one could find them except the daggers that is she asks so what about the rest of your siblings the same as Finn except Rebekah she stays for an extra 50 years Sage feels sorry for her but doesn't argue.
He says remind Finn should he become angry about me leaving him daggered in a box for 200 years if he wouldn't have let his guard down this wouldn't have happened also this is for you Sage drinks the wine then spits it out because it burns she asks is that vervain he says yes as well as wolfsbane she asks why did you mix them together he says this way you'll have protection from both vampires and werewolves i made enough bottles to last until we are dust.
She asks what does drinking booze do for you anyway he says it helps you with your blood lust and helps you eat solid food again as it makes you crave real food after starving yourself so long she immediately starts drinking even though it burns she deals with it after the burning is over which is the whole first bottle Klaus gives her food she eats it and is amazed at the taste of everything even though it's only meat cheese vegetables fruit bread and fruit spread she thinks it's the best thing she has ever had.
250 years pass Klaus is gone and the rest of the siblings are woken up Sage gives them blood wine which they drink and they don't get as burned as she did when it was just wine and the two plants that's because Klaus took the time to mix it with blood fruit herbs wine vervain wolfsbane and honey then mixed it together needless to say they are drinking it like it's the best thing they have ever had Klaus made an infinite supply so they wouldn't have to hunt humans ever again.