Chereads / The Hybrid of New Orleans / Chapter 10 - Chapter 10

Chapter 10 - Chapter 10

After Klaus left Marcel he followed his master's advice stay hidden respect the other supernatural's and don't upset the status quo he up held everything he was taught however 3 years before Klaus was resurrected the witches had a vision about Klaus as well as how powerful he would become so they took action they enacted the harvest ritual Marcel managed to save only one girl Davina Claire but he tried to save the others he failed.

The devereaux sisters never agreed with the harvest in fact it was them who supplied Simone with all of her information as well as some spells so she could bring Klaus back what's even better is that Marcel didn't stop them he looked the other way because Davina told Marcel that Klaus was nowhere to be found and that he wasn't dead or the ancestors would be celebrating his death Marcel frowns then says there's no way he would do that he knows how dangerous it is Davina asks do what Marcel says put himself to sleep.

Davina says it's possible he did that also something else he's been cloaked by extremely powerful magic even more powerful than me Marcel says don't worry Klaus won't stay down forever remember we have his sword they are linked by blood so when he revives himself his sword will as well and the two will try to reunite Davina asks should we let that happen Marcel says it's his sword nobody but him can use it without the prospect of losing a hand Davina asks then how come i can draw his sword Marcel gasps in shock then asks how are you doing that.

She says idk Marcel says i've tried this sword on humans vampires witches and werewolves nothing worked Davina uses her magic on the sword then puts it away disappointed he asks what's wrong she says the sword is too weak to fight me Davina asks does this mean that Klaus is too Marcel says yes it does it means he's not over the side effects of his sleep yet and he'll be extremely weak for awhile.

Davina asks what are you wanting from me Marcel regarding Klaus Marcel says just be polite and show him around that's all he hasn't seen New Orleans since 1700 she gasps then asks how old is he Marcel says idk but i do know that he's the oldest there is and the strongest there is Davina says whatever your intentions were just know that i'm not going to give myself to him Marcel chuckles she asks what's so funny Marcel says as long as i've known him no woman has ever interested him he likes to look at them but he's never actually been with one as far as i know anyway.

Before Davina can respond Marcel recieves a call from Katherine telling him that Klaus is on his way to Louisana and his limo has GPS so if you want it diverted to where you are his limo number is 2011 Marcel ends the call changes the route to come to New Orleans Davina asks what was that about Marcel says Klaus will be here in 7 days Davina gasps in shock she then asks what do we do Marcel says by this time next week he will be here he's coming in a limo and from what i've been told he went to sleep just like we thought.

The next week comes Klaus arrives in New Orleans at noon he's shocked by what he sees he exits the limo puts the bottles in a bag then grabs the card his driver hands him puts it into his pocket the driver drives away Klaus walks through Bourbon Street with a look of confusion and wonder the witches in the crowd immediately sense that he's not just some tourist that he's alot older than every single person in this city combined which frightens them but also intrigues them as some of the older ones can sense how weak he is including how foggy his mind still is.

So they see this as their chance to get someone like him on their side Klaus makes his way over to Agnes's table he sits down she doesn't do anything to him but just give him a tarot reading he seems intrigued by it as he was asking her what each card meant and how they all tied together she explained as best as she could he put down an ancient form of currency they use to use when Lousiana was first established then left she stares at the coin with bewilderment then closes her table to take it to the best coin dealer she knows.

Sabine checks out the coin she gasps then asks where did you get this Agnes says some guy paid me with it why sabine says you need to find him Agnes asks why Sabine says this coin belongs to the one who really discovered and built this state from the ground up he even brought us witches here from Europe as well as the werewolves and vampires to live in harmony Agnes says he's on the main strip here in town so he shouldn't be that hard to find.

Meanwhile Klaus's senses pick up that he's being followed he goes into an alley then says come out or suffer the consequences there's no movement Klaus says if i have to hunt you down those involved will do so without the benefit of a spine with that he's surrounded by 4 vampires Klaus smirks then asks what seems to be the problem last i checked i haven't killed anyone i haven't given away what i am to the humans so why so hostile the first vampire says because you reek of wolf Klaus stiffens then asks what do you have against wolves?

The first vampire says everything they killed my brother 3 years ago before anybody can do anything Klaus moves faster than anyone can blink he picks up the vampire with no effort his eyes start changing his fangs come out of his mouth his claws come out of his fingers he growls then says you better tell me now why your two species are killing each other or i'll kill each and every vampire and wolf i find until there's only one left of each the vampires gulp in fear.

Marcel speeds through the city as he feels blood lust he finds Klaus about ready to kill one of his guys he walks up to Klaus then blows a handful of powder in his face that puts him to sleep after that he lets the vampire go he picks Klaus up along with his stuff then speeds over to the compound he puts Klaus in a room he knows that he would like it has a veiw of the city a liquor cabinet a record player with every album ever made and his sword on display in a glass case in red velvet.

Davina says listen Marcel on a normal vampire that dust would knock them out for a few days but him he might only sleep no longer than a day or less idk for sure she goes into his room sees what he is wearing then asks Marcel why is he dressed like a plantation owner Marcel chuckles then says from what i was told he just woke up 4 days ago before he made the journey here so he had other things on his mind than fashion besides there's plenty of time to change his clothes Davina says you're right but shouldn't we do something when he wakes up?

Marcel says we will for now lets let him sleep she nods then heads to bed the vampires come into the compound freaking out marcel goes to see what it is they're worrying about Thierry says the witches are hunting for someone Diego says the wolves are hunting for someone as well Marcel is worried he's wondering how he can keep Klaus a secret from them but for now he sends everyone home saying that he will deal with this tomorrow they nod.

The next morning Klaus wakes up a little groggy but his head clears up after he drinks some water drinks his bloodwine then gets up takes his bottle down stairs but before that he saw two people asleep one human the other not so he breaks the neck of the non-human one to buy him a few hours after that he sneaks out of the compound before the sun rises in fact it's still quite dark out when he woke up the sun won't rise for another 3 hours.

Klaus follows his nose for wolves using vamp speed takes him to the bayou he manages to find a few packs of wolves who are startled to see him others are wondering where he came from Jackson wakes up seeing the new visitor he has his coffee he waves Klaus over who ignores that he was summoned by a lower wolf as soon as Jackson wakes up more after he gets the smell of coffee out of his nose he picks up the scent of an alpha who could kill everyone there with no effort at all his senses point at Klaus.

He gulps then asks why did you come here Klaus says because i came here for answers i need to talk to the most knowledgable person here in this pack Jackson takes Klaus to his grandmother she too is woken up but like her grandson she can tell that Klaus isn't someone to be messed with she offeres Klaus coffee which he takes she doesn't bother trying to poison him as she wants him on her side she sleepily asks what is it that this old lady can do for you?

Klaus says i need information on why the three factions are killing each other Mary asks why they've been fighting since before you were born Klaus scoffs then says not when this state was first built they weren't i made sure of it in fact they were at peace Jackson and Mary perk up at that Jackson asks what happened to those who tried to start conflict between the factions Klaus smiles evily then says simple all those who caused problems were eliminated.

Both Mary and Jackson gulp after that Mary says i will tell you what i was told growing up but i warn you my information might not be complete Klaus nods Mary says witches, vampires, and werewolves primarily fought each other due to a long history of mistrust and power struggles, with the main conflict stemming from the fact that vampires are often seen as an unnatural creation fueled by dark magic, which witches are meant to control, while werewolves are viewed as a wild, uncontrollable force that threatens the balance of the supernatural world; the werewolf curse itself is often tied to ancient witch magic, further exacerbating the tension between the groups. 

Mary says that is everything i know about the reason why the three factions fight each other Klaus nods thanks Mary she stops him as he's about to leave then says listen idk where you've been all of this time but the New Orleans you created isn't the same as when you left Klaus says it better be or heads will roll Jackson says idk what happened to you but we can tell that you're nowhere near as strong as you used to be the witches here will take you out before you even get close to them Klaus nods then speeds away back to the compound when he gets there he sees Marcel for the first time in centuries.

Klaus marches up to Marcel punches him in the gut then growls what the hell have you been doing Marcel i gave you only 2 directives keep our world secret from the humans and keep the factions from trying to kill each other Marcel catches his breath he can tell that Klaus is nowhere near as strong as he used to be or he would have had ruptured organs and broken bones instead of a bruise on his stomach but he can tell that his old master is slowly getting stronger Marcel rises to his feet then says i did do everything you asked for the first 100 years then i went off to war when i got back they were fighting each other at that point i couldn't stop them i could only keep the vampires out of it.

Which is what i continue to do some however side with one faction or the other by taking a witch or werwolf as lovers and get swayed by their plights after that i can't stop them aside from killing them Klaus sighs then says it's a good tactic it's also an old one to diminsh your forces by means of seduction Marcel says listen Klaus things have changed since you left i appreciate everything you have taught me but you can't just come back here expecting to rule New Orleans like you did.

Klaus just laughs at Marcel who is taken aback at his old master laughing at him Marcel is getting annoyed Klaus finally stops laughing Marcel asks what's so funny Klaus says i don't want to rule New Orleans i just want to bring peace to the factions other than that i could careless about who's in charge or who has power here i hated ruling when i built this place if you want to rule this place go for it but you will aid me in my goal or i will declare war on you and every faction until i get my way i've been asleep for a long time Marcel.

Marcel says which means you're not as strong as you used to be Klaus chuckles then says maybe physically but mentally i'm stronger than i've ever been even when i turned you i was barely holding onto my sanity and onto my murderous impulses Marcel gulps not knowing this then asks was it the result of a curse Klaus says yes a bunch of witches cursed me in my youth for allowing my father to kill their loved ones while he was hunting me down over the centuries.

Before anything else can be said Klaus speeds right to Davina who's been eavesdropping on their conversation Klaus surprises her when he brings her before Marcel she's a little shaken Marcel is worried on how to play this but Klaus asks does she have your protection or is she a spy Marcel says she's under my protection she's just curious about you Klaus lets her go then vanishes from the compound he heads back to where he trained Marcel he's annoyed that there's a swamp that swallowed his home but sees the rest of his land still there but is occupied by someone else Klaus growls.

Meanwhile back with Davina and Marcel he asks what were you thinking Davina she says i wasn't i just thought he would be too weak to sense me Marcel says maybe before he broke his curse Davina tilts her head in confusion then asks what do you mean Marcel says Klaus was born a werewolf before he became a vampire when he was your age his family sealed away his werewolf side so he couldn't overpower them Davina says that's horrible Marcel says yes it is especially since the pain of that spell hurts worse than going through the werewolf transformation also if you pass out from the pain you die.

Davina gasps in shock wondering what kinds of horrors Klaus went through to become what he is now then a thought occurs to her she asks how can you tell that he broke his curse Marcel he chuckles points to his nose then says vampires can smell these things when he first turned me Klaus didn't smell like a wolf now his scent reeks of it Davina nods in understanding then her head swims with visions of Klaus fighting with someone in a swampy area she goes to her room on auto pilot and draws what she sees once she's finished the person she drew was Lucian Castle one of those he turned.

Marcel immediately recognizes who she drew as he was one of the first ones that Klaus turned Marcel also knows that in Klaus's current condition he's no match for Lucian he asks Davina where did Klaus go she shows him her vision Marcel sighs then says Klaus will be fine in fact I pity Lucian for thinking he can take Klaus in the place where he's strongest not even all 9 covens could take him on even with him as weak as he is now he will beat everyone who challenges him Davina looks at him like he's lost his mind.

Marcel says i'm not telling you why but I'll give you a hint compare your cemetary that channels the power of the ancestors power into the coven and you'll come close to understanding to what I mean Davina as soon as he brought up that example immediately understood what he meant she asks did he empower that place to always give him an advantage against everyone who wishes him harm Marcel says yes ironically he used his own power combined with some form of ancient magic that predates anything the covens currently use hearing this shocks Davina then has stars in her eyes she asks would he consider teaching me?

Marcel chuckles then says I have no idea then a humming starts going off in the compound then it starts getting louder then a flash of light goes off blinding both davina and Marcel they go see what caused it and both of them gasp as Klaus's sword is no longer looking faded cracked or lifeless it's back to what it was when Klaus gave it to Marcel to hold onto seeing this marcel shivers as he's afraid of who forced Klaus to use this technique to keep from exploding in both rage and power so he transferred both to his sword which can only mean one thing his family has found him again as those are the only people Klaus would react like this to.

X- Mini Flashback-X

Klaus made it to where he raised and trained Marcel only to get the feeling he was not only being watched but being followed his sense of smell told him it was both a human and a vampire he couldn't tell which one had bad intentions so he waited until they made their move the first one to approach him is the vampire it's Lucian Castle who bought this land hoping one day Klaus would come back to it he sees that his money wasn't spent in vain now he just needs to play this carefully as he can tell that his sire may not be as strong as he used to be but he's getting there.

Lucian smirks then says look what I caught Klaus Mikaelson i was hoping to run into you sooner or later klaus asks why I don't know you Lucian says you wound me you should remeber those who you turned Klaus says my mind wasn't the best back then it was a blur things are coming back in bits in pieces so if you're here for revenge then go for it just know that just because I appear weak doesn't mean I am as I've already proven today Lucian chuckles then says I think you'll find I'm vastly stronger than those children who you easily scared today as they were barely 200 whereas I'm 1,000 years old.

Hearing this makes Klaus snort then says if that's all i won't have to try as soon as I woke up I killed my own father who was 10 times your age so killing you will be a piece of cake hearing this scares Lucian quite a bit as he thought was too weak to fight someone of his experience but it does explain why his mental faculties are back to how they used to be however the hidden observer is his with friend Alexis she's here to make sure that they don't kill each other but before she can step forward a vampire blurs in between Klaus and Lucian it's Sage Finn's wife.

Lucian asks what are you doing here she says keeping you from making a huge mistake he asks what mistake is that she says leave now while he's still calm and I'll see if I can convince him to spare your life Lucian chuckles then says shouldn't it be the other way around I mean he's as weak as a human right now Sage says listen to me Lucian I was sent to resolve this without blood shed don't make me a failure also his bloodlust isn't quite out of his system just yet so don't push it Lucian laughs then says you're not an original so you can't boss me around he attacks her and injures her quite badly but doesn't kill her she can barely move her healing has been slowed due to werewolf venom which is killing her.

Klaus watched everything go down as if it happned in seconds rather than almost an hour his rage goes out of control so much so that his body has to transfer some of it back to the sword once the sword has been restored his mind has been as well but he still is only strong enough to injure Lucian not kill him unless he bites him Lucian pulls out a white oak stake stabs Klaus in heart with it the stake doesn't work But Klaus is mad with rage that he would try that so he takes it out of his chest including every splinter then stakes Lucian with it not before drinking his blood seeing that he was sent here by Tristen De Martel and his sister Aurora to either recruit Klaus or kill him he walks over to Sage drinks her blood and sees that she has no negative intentions towards him so he feeds her his blood saving her life.

X- Flashback End- X

Klaus takes Sage to his old house after finding an old rusty sword he cuts his way there even after he repairs it flawlessly he cleans up the vegetation so that he's not being surrounded by vines and everything else he makes it just like he remembered she wakes up 4 days later surprised to be in such a luxiorous house in the middle of a swamp she finds Klaus making dinner she sits down to find bloodwine in a glass waiting for her she is suprised to see pot roast for the first time in 200 years she puts food on her plate they both start eating Klaus says okay I've fed you rescued you and shown you my home now out with it.

She sighs expecting this reaction even before his mind went he was always suspicous of everyone and everything around him kind of hard not to be when your entire family is out hunting you down and they each control legions of vampires what's even worse is he did nothing but try to help them time and time again but each time they betrayed him she says your family sent me to bring you to them he says tell them you couldn't find me she asks why he says if i go with you in my condition no matter if it takes a year I'll still be killed as I won't be as strong as I used to be for quite some time.

Sage says your bloodwine won't help with the effects of the curse as well as the hibernation you went through you're going to need something stronger than that he asks what's that she says you're going to need a cleansing ritual he says already been done she says good then you're going to have to feed on live humans until you get your strength back she vanishes then comes back with 1800 homeless people he sighs then feeds on them all right after the other but not at his place he takes them into the swamp deep into Lousiana at night then feeds on them drains them of blood Sage gets rid of the bodies making sure that vampires were not involved in their deaths but gangs and narcotics she even manages to start gang wars over it as well as making the cops crack down on the gangs in every state.

klaus feels alot better infact after finishing off his bloodwine bottles he's back to full strength he speeds to the compund while Marcel is meeting with the vampires under his control nothing even happened yet they just got there when Klaus walks in with his clothes covered in blood and blood running down his chin like nothing happened Marcel is shocked to see his old master back to full strength but is also worried wondering why he sped up his recovery instead of taking it easy also he can tell that Klaus's mind has come back as well which spells doom for whoever made this happen without saying anything Davina grabs Klaus's hand takes him up stairs takes him to his room asks do you know what a shower is he says no I've been asleep since 1730 she gasps in shock wondering why he had to sleep for so long.

She gets over her shock then teaches him what shampoo is what body wash is what a loofah is also what a towel is she was about to turn on the shower until she sees that his hair is rediculously long he has a horribly long beard so she sits him down goes down stairs walks upto Marcel then asks do you know any barbers he says yeah I know one he calls Jane Anne Devereaux she comes right away davina takes her upstairs to meet Klaus she can tell right away that he's the one they were looking for she also can tell that he hates his long hair and beard so she cuts them off and gives him the hair style he always has in the Originals TV show even the stubble on his face as well Davina can't believe how hot he became she stops her train of thought wondering where that came from she pays Jane Anne who says keep it your price will be to let me talk to him alone Davina nods then leaves the room.

Klaus doesn't know what's going on but he's ichty and sticky so he begins taking off his clothes she stops him pushes him into the bathroom closes the door he gets undressed she says get into the tub close the door and I'll start your shower for you he does as she says then turns it on for him then leaves the bathroom door open she says listen Klaus when you get a chance come by Russo's tonight we can talk there if you want to learn more about why your city isn't the same as when you built it he nods then continues his shower Davina brings him a jacket a T-shirt jeans comfortable shoes socks boxers Jane Anne leaves the compound Diego asks why was a witch just here?

Marcel says because she's a barber and other than 30 years ago since when did we care about which race was which they can't fault his logic Thierry asks why did you need a barber Marcel sighs then says Davina she says yes go get him she nods as she was about to walk up the stairs Klaus joins Marcel by standing right next to him Klaus says these clothes are more comfortable than what I was wearing plus they don't itch as much Marcel chuckles as does everyone else Klaus reads Marcel's mind then sighs he says in case you're all wondering who I am my name is Klaus I was the one who sired Marcel hearing this makes everyone flinch Klaus asks any questions?

Diego asks why do you smell like wolves a little angrily Klaus's expression went from cheerful to angry then asks what's your name boy Diego says Diego but you never answered my question Klaus says fine to answer everyone's question about my scent I was born a werewolf originally but never knew it as my family hid it from me until I was 21 years old when I was turned into a vampire then it was sealed away in the most painful way possible a thousand times more painful than when a werewolf first turns and even more life threating than a vampire being bitten by a werewolf diego backs off not wanting to know that kind of experience for himself.

Klaus asks the guy in purple hat next to Diego why is everyone trying to kill each other it wasn't like this when I built this state from the ground up Theirry sighs then says times change also you vanished what did you think was going to happen klaus says I didn't have a choice it was either go sleep until this year or stay awake and be nothing but a mindless killing machine i was hexed by witches for not protecting them against the other supernaturals when I was being hunted myself Thierry says in case I haven't said my name is Thierry klaus shakes his hand and smells the scent of a witch on him Klaus says good atleast one of you doesn't care about this dumb ass war between factions.

Hearing this shocks Thierry he asks aren't you mad that I'm dating a witch the vampires stiffen Marcel and Diego knew about it but not the rest of the vampires Klaus just laughs then says no if I hated witches I would have let them all be killed by the humans during the witch hunts instead I saved them from their fates hid them in Europe until this place was ready I did the same with the vampires and werewolves as well then brought all 3 factions here to live in peace without the fear of being hunted by each other's faction or humans Klaus says once I learn why you all started fighting I'm meeting with the witches.

Davina rushes over to Klaus buries her head in his chest with tears in her eyes as she looks up at him this catches him off guard she says please don't meet with them he asks why not she says because they are quite powerful and you've just recovered from your slumber Klaus asks is that all if that's the case he picks her up gives her to Marcel then speeds up to his room sees his sword in the glass case he opens it with the key he was given ties it to his waist speeds back down Marcel chokes on his spit seeing Klaus have his sword with him in fact he grabs Davina and speeds away to the church where Kierran is who has a puzzled look on his face Marcel says sorry to barge in like this Kierran but my old master is back and lets just say that he reaquired his old lie detector.

Kierran nods then asks what was his policies when he was ruling New Orleans Marcel says peace between factions but forget it old friend he always hated ruling I just never paid attention enough to notice because lots of things were happening at that time Kierran says I wasn't going to suggest that he take over for you but give him the information he needs to bring the other factions to heel including your vampires because we both know that he's only with your daywalkers right now Marcel curses then says I forgot about them Kierran says Marcel I need a favor Marcel asks what kind of favor Kierran says I need you to compell my niece to forget what she saw in this church last year.

Marcel sighs then says listen Kierran compelling a powerful memory like that away even if I could would take alot of effort because she actually witnessed it herself instead of just being told about it be thankful that she chose to delve deeper into her studies pursuing both psychology and psychiatry she's also studying the criminal mind as well as well as the both the mentally insane and criminally insane and finally she's studying neruology she's wanting to be the first mind specialist Kierran says I know she is but she's running out of money Marcel says I'll talk to Klaus about it even though he put me in charge of his finances before he left i barely touched it except to make them bigger and invest in things I was sure were never going to go out of business.

Kierran asks so how long are you two going to be here Marcel says just a few hours meanwhile back at the compund Klaus's sword detects that the vampires other than Thierry and Diego have no reasons to hate either faction their just in it for the money or the thrill of the hunt Klaus uses his speed grabs both Theirry and Diego has them stand next to him he asks Theirry out loud do you trust these vampires Therry says not really and neither does Marcel we only gave them daylight rings to be our eyes and ears he looks at Diego then asks do you feel the same way Diego scoffs then says they should've never been given a daylight ring in the first place Klaus nods then asks if I were to discover that these vampires were traitors or spies what's the rules on that?

Because in my time we just tortured them for information or just killed them Theirry says normally there's a no killing rule among our kind but for traitors and spies that rule is lifted in fact you can do whatever you want to them Marcel told us to tell you that as we were told of your arrival 5 days ago hearing this makes klaus smirk and the others stiffen Klaus says please run I've been lying in a box for 280 years I could use the exercise they don't move a muscle as they know that even if they ran in different directions he would hunt them down faster than they could run Klaus reads their minds sees that each and everyone of them works for 3 different employers 1/3 of them works for Francessca something 1/3 works for the witches 1/3 works for his family. 

Upon seeing the last one they work for he actually draws his sword making every faction stop breathing as it sends a shiver down their spines and makes them see their breath the vampires in front of Klaus are afraid for the first time in their lives he says you have 10 seconds to explain to me why I should spare your lives their minds are completely blank they can't move or speak completely frozen by fear he says nothing else and slaughters the lot of them then sheathes his sword Thierry and Diego breathe the breath they didn't know they were holding as does all of New Orleans with that Klaus speeds to where Davina is as her scent calls to him and he arrives at the church.

Kierran is shocked to see Klaus as he's heard stories about him before not just from Marcel but from his family growing up Klaus recogizes Kierran he tilts his head in confusion then asks Adrian O'connel is that you Kierran is shocked to hear the name of one of his relatives from almost 3000 years ago kierran says no he was my ancestor my name is Kierran Klaus nods then says your family has always been friends with me and I have always protected the members of your family for 5000 years that is until i slept for 280 years Kierran nods then says still I appreciate that if not for you I wouldn't be here Marcel is also shocked that Klaus would protect a human family like this Davina is smiling knowing that her hunch was right about Klaus.

Klaus walks upto Davina she gets a bit nervous he looks her in the eyes then says even without my sword I know that you have been hiding things from me little witch his eyes harden as he looks at Marcel and says you have some explaining to do Marcel I didn't catch it because I was too weak but now that I've recovered I can smell the fear wafting off of you in waves you never used to fear me before why now Marcel says before you didn't have access to you werewolf half plus I heard from the people of Mystic Falls that you killed your father Klaus twitches the only one who caught it was Davina.

Marcel says listen to me Klaus idk waht's going on with you but ever since you got here you've been foaming at the mouth for a fight which isn't like you Klaus says nothing and just leaves he heads to the cemetery where the they meet his sword directed him there but also directed him to the main strip of New Orleans which is where he went to see the sights back at the church Davina sighs in annoyance which wasn't missed by the men Marcel asks what's your problem Davina she says it's obvious what's wrong with him you don't have to be supernatural to see it Kierran says nothing as he can tell that Davina the coldest girl he's ever met has warmth in her eyes when talking about Klaus even her friend Josh doesn't make her talk like this.

Kierran however can sense that they will argue so in order to stop that he uses his fatherly voice then asks what do you think is wrong Marcel he says Klaus just needs to kill something and get over it Davina says no he's having problems adjusting to this time period plus the fact that the person he considers a son is keeping secrets from him about why the factions in the place he built from the ground up are trying to kill each other Marcel stops in his tracks he looks at Davina then says in a fearful tone you better hope your wrong Davina she and Kierran are shocked to see Marcel of all people afraid of what she said Davina asks why what would happen if i am right Marcel gulps then says because the last people who tried to cause a war between the factions Klaus wiped them out entirely.