Chapter 7 - Is Richard Gay? (2)

Later that night, after dinner, Rachel had gone downstairs. Richard had invited her to join him for dinner, but she refused, saying she wasn't going to play the good couple that night because she was really stressed.

Richard went out alone, giving their grandfather an excuse for her absence.

When Richard returned to his room, he found Rachel waiting for him, her face etched with a deep frown. He wanted to tell her to leave, but the words stuck in his throat.

Approaching her, he said, "I'd like to go to bed now. You can sleep in the guest room, the room beside it, or any other. I don't share my nights with anyone."

"Tsk!" Rachel's eyes flashed with amusement as she scoffed at Richard.

"You think I'm here to sleep with you?" she spat, her voice low and venomous. "I'm not some obedient wife who'll curl up beside you like a lapdog. I won't rape you, rest assured."

"What are you talking about, Rachel?" he asked, his tone cold and detached. He ran his hand through his hair, frustrated. The Rachel he knew was far from stubborn, why…? "Leave!"

Rachel stood up, barely meeting his height with her expression hardened as she gazed up at him.

"Even if there's nothing between us, consider the appearances we're keeping up for everyone's sake. We're pretending to be love birds, for crying out loud!"


Richard's face contorted in a visible struggle, his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides. Then, in a sudden outburst, he blurted, "I told you to leave, so do it!"

Rachel was taken aback by his abrupt tone. She had remained in his chamber with a high sense and her mind already made up to be stubborn. His tone was scary, she wanted to leave.

Yet, despite her desire to leave, she thought, 'why should I listen to him when he hasn't listened to me even once?'

She took a deep breath and looked at Richard, her voice softening slightly. "Fine, I'll stay tonight. But from tomorrow night on, I'll find another place to sleep."

She paused, her eyes locked on his. "But don't think this means..."

"Leave already, Rachel!" he yelled, his voice rising in frustration and his patience wearing thin.

Rachel's eyes flashed with anger, her face reddening. 'Do not blame me for being rude Richard, you started it!'

"Don't yell at me, Richard!" she shot back, her voice firm but controlled. "I'm not some servant you can order around. I'm your wife, or at least, that's what I thought."

She took a step closer, her eyes blazing with determination. "You're hiding something, Richard. I just know, it's all over you. And I'm not leaving until I find out what it is."

The air was electric with tension as the two stood locked in a silent standoff, the only sound Richard's heavy breathing and Rachel's steady gaze.

Suddenly, the door burst open and Richard's secretary rushed in, whispering anxiously, "Fourth Young Master, are you...?"

He froze when he saw the tense scene unfolding before him, his eyes widening in surprise.

"That's my luggage over there," Richard said abruptly, his eyes fixed on the secretary. "Let's leave, Lee."

Lee nodded hastily and scurried to collect Richard's luggage, his eyes darting nervously between his master and Rachel. "Y-yes, Fourth Young Master. Right away."

Rachel's eyes widened in surprise, her mind racing with questions. What was going on? Why was Richard leaving so suddenly?

"Where are you going, Richard? I mean, Senior. I promise I won't be stubborn; I'll listen to you," she said, her voice breaking.

Richard's stride faltered for a moment, his eyes flicking back to Rachel's pleading face.

For an instant, his mask slipped, revealing a glimmer of vulnerability. But he quickly regained his composure, his expression hardening into a cold, impenetrable mask.

"I'm afraid it's too late and you'd have to go to bed alone, Rachel," he said curtly, his voice devoid of emotion. "I have more pressing matters to attend to. Lee, let's go."

With that, he walked over to her, placing a light peck on her hair.

'No, this can't be happening the second time! Why am I being abandoned in my every first night as a wife?'

Rachel stood there, letting him do what he wanted, her eyes brimming with tears and her heart heavy with sorrow.


Richard's expression remained unyielding, his eyes fixed on the luggage as Lee hurried to gather it. But his words were laced with a slight slur, his enunciation barely off. "Lee...let's...go."

As he spoke, his eyes fluttered closed for an instant, his eyelids trembling. His body swayed almost imperceptibly, his fingers twitching with a subtle spasm.

The signs were faint, but unmistakable - the onset of a seizure.

Rachel's eyes widened in alarm, her voice rising in concern. "Richard! Richard, what's happening?"

Thankfully, their door, in fact every door in the Floyd Mansion was soundproof… hehe!

Lee's eyes darted to his master, his face pale with fear. "Fourth Young Master! Sir, please..."

Richard's eyes snapped open, his gaze fixed on Rachel with a fleeting moment of clarity. Then, his body stiffened, his eyes rolling back as the seizure took hold.

Richard's body convulsed, his limbs stiffening as he collapsed to the ground. Rachel's hands reaching out to him in horror.

Lee rushed to his side, trying to cushion his master's head as he thrashed about, his eyes rolled back in a blank stare.

"Richard! Oh, Richard, no!" Rachel's voice was a despairing whisper, her eyes brimming with tears. "What's happening to him?"

Lee's face was white with fear, his eyes darting about the room as if searching for help. "I-I can't say, miss. He's always ... .always had episodes like this lately every night."

The seizure intensified, Richard's body jerking violently as his eyes flashed open, unfocused and unseeing. Rachel's hands hovered over him, hesitant and helpless, as Lee tried to hold him still.

"What?! Since when did Richard Floyd get seizures?!" She panicked. This never happened in the past life. "I'd go get grandpa!"

"No, Madam Floyd!" Lee said, authoritatively. "No one… no one in the family knows about this."

And then, as suddenly as it began, the seizure ended. Richard's body went limp, his chest heaving with ragged breaths.

Rachel's tears spilled over, her voice a broken whisper. "Richard...oh, Richard, I… I'm sorry…"

"Richard!" Rachel yelled, jerking upright from sleep. She looked around, saw Richard sitting on the couch sipping coffee with papers in his hands.

"Was it all a dream?! Yes, it was a dream. It should be!" She scrambled to her feet and rushed to hug him.