Chereads / An Heiress Just More Sinister Than The Male Lead / Chapter 13 - Off Her Name From The Audition

Chapter 13 - Off Her Name From The Audition

Rachel sat in her room, enjoying some fruit. That morning, she crossed her legs, tapping on her phone. Today was second july.

She could remember vividly the events that would unfold.

The next day being third july, in her past life, Lucinda had gotten a role in a highly anticipated movie, and they had celebrated it lavishly.

But this life was different. Rachel had the chance to change the course of events, to pull the strings and take control of her destiny. Oh yeah!

In her past life, she had been married to Derek, a man who had manipulated and controlled her. Immediately she got married, he stripped her off her name as heiress.

She had been powerless, a mere pawn in his schemes and that's why she celebrated blindly with them.

But now, she was determined to reclaim her position and use her influence as an heiress to turn the tables.

She pulled out her phone and opened her messaging app. Scrolling through her contacts, she found Mask X.

He was like a brother she never had, someone she had been forced to cut ties with due to Derek's jealousy in her past life.

She sent the first message:

Rachel: Hey Mask X, long time no chat! How's life in the shadows?

MaskX responded almost immediately:

MaskX: Rachel! It's just been two weeks. Life's as shady as ever. What about you? Still playing the good girlfriend to your dear Derek?

Rachel smirked at the screen.

Rachel: Not anymore. I'm married to his uncle.

MaskX: That's just sick!

Rachel chuckled.

Rachel: I need your help with something big.

MaskX: Oh, sounds juicy. What do you need?

Rachel: Remember Lucinda? I need her name off the audition list for that movie role she's vying for at J Emory's entertainment.

MaskX: Lucinda Preston? Isn't she your best friend? Why are you doing that to your best friend? Are you planning to audition yourself?

Rachel paused before responding, carefully choosing her words.

Rachel: No, I'm not interested in the role. I just don't want Lucinda to get it. Trust me on this one.

MaskX: Hmm, interesting. Alright, I won't pry. Consider it done. Anything else?

Rachel: Not right now, but I might need more favors soon. Thanks for sticking around, MaskX. It means a lot.

MaskX: Always got your back, Rach. Let's shake things up!

Rachel smiled, feeling a sense of empowerment. This time, she wouldn't be the victim.She was ready to rewrite her story.

As she reveled in her thoughts, a knock sounded at her door, and it immediately swung open.

"Elder Floyd," she said, a bit surprised. Richard's father walked in with his usual dignified presence.

"Hello, Rachel," he greeted warmly as he approached her.

"Oh, come in," she said, putting her phone aside. "What brings you here?"

Elder Floyd chuckled, taking a seat nearby. "Can't I have a talk with my daughter-in-law anymore?"

Rachel smiled, feeling a mix of affection and curiosity. "Of course, you can. It's just a pleasant surprise."

Elder Floyd's eyes twinkled with warmth. "I wanted to see how you were settling in. It's been quite the whirlwind these past few days."

Rachel nodded, appreciating his concern. "Yes, it has. But I'm managing."

He leaned in slightly, his tone gentle but serious. "Rachel, I want you to know that you're part of this family now. Whatever you need, whatever support you require, we're here for you."

Rachel felt a wave of gratitude. "Thank you, Elder Floyd. That means a lot to me."

He patted her hand reassuringly. "Just remember. you're not alone in this. And you can start calling me grandpa now.. haha.."

Rachel nodded, her resolve strengthening. "I won't forget. Thank you for reminding me."

Elder Floyd stood up, giving her a kind smile. "Good. Now..." His face changed to that of a stony one.

How did he and Richard know how to do this so well? They were literally chameleons!

Rachel's smile faded slightly as Elder Floyd's demeanor turned serious.

The soft light from the chandelier above cast shadows on his face, highlighting the depth of his concern.

He settled into the chair opposite her, the leather creaking under his weight, and fixed his intense gaze on her.

"Rachel, I came here to talk about Richard," he began, his voice resonating with authority and a hint of sorrow.

Outside the window, the wind rustled the leaves of the ancient oak tree, creating a soothing backdrop to the gravity of their conversation.

"Richard of all people, committed to a woman. It's something I never thought I'd see."

Rachel's heart pounded. What? But it was all fake! She and Richard had lied about her being pregnant to strengthen their cover story too… that was fake too.

She swallowed hard, trying to keep her composure as she fiddled with the edge of her silk dress.

Elder Floyd continued, his voice softening, "Whether you're pregnant or not, what I need from you is to help me cherish Richard. He never got the love he deserved in this life."

His eyes flickered with a deep, unspoken pain.

Rachel's eyes widened in surprise, her mind racing to absorb his words. A distant thunder rumbled, hinting at an approaching storm.

He knew her pregnancy wasn't real?!

"Richard's mother was a poor lady, and his father held a prejudice against him because of it," Elder Floyd said, his voice tinged with sorrow as he stared at a family portrait on the wall.

"His mother died an early death, murdered coldly when Richard was just three. Since then, Richard has been so confused, so hurt. I'm even surprised that Richard could speak, let alone grow into the man he is today."

Rachel felt a pang of sadness, her fingers gripping the end of her dress.

She hadn't known about Richard's tragic past anyway, and now she felt a deep empathy for the man she had married under false pretenses.

Elder Floyd's eyes bored into hers, his voice firm. "I've looked you up, Rachel Sullivan. I know you were in love with Derek. So I'm confused as to why you agreed to marry Richard. But if you're plotting anything or have any hidden motives, know this: I won't take it easy on you."

His words hung heavy in the air, punctuated by the rhythmic ticking of the grandfather clock in the corner.

Rachel's breath caught in her throat. This wasn't just a conversation; it was a veiled warning.

Elder Floyd leaned back, his gaze softening slightly. "Richard is my favorite son. Despite everything, he has a heart of gold, and he deserves happiness. I'll do anything to make sure he's okay."

Rachel nodded slowly, understanding the weight of his words.

"I understand, Elder Floyd. I care about Richard too. I want to help him heal and find happiness." Her voice was steady, determined, as she met his gaze with newfound resolve.

Elder Floyd studied her for a moment longer, then stood up, his expression thoughtful. "I hope you mean that, Rachel. For Richard's sake."

As he left the room, the door closing softly behind him, Rachel was left to process the depth of Richard's past and the responsibility now resting on her shoulders. He was her husband after all!

She glanced out the window, watching the birds through the glass. "Husband," she muttered.

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