Chereads / Framed for her fortune - The Disgraced Heiress Dazzling Comeback!!! / Chapter 1 - I just admitted to the world that I was the fake one...

Framed for her fortune - The Disgraced Heiress Dazzling Comeback!!!

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Chapter 1 - I just admitted to the world that I was the fake one...

My heart was pounding wildly in my chest as I tried to ignore the pointed, amusing stare coming from my uncle at the other end of the table. It was as if something was funny and at this point, I didn't know what about me was amusing.

Today was an important day of for me and I had painstakingly dressed to the nines. I would be in front of the entire world today as the new CEO of Sky Corporation and Heiress to Sky Group, so I knew I had to look my best. The shareholders and the investors finally settled; they were all ready to vote since they all had their poker faces on.

I sucked in another deep breath trying to catch the eyes of one of the shareholders I met up with some days ago and she had reassured me that her vote was mine already.

"We will now proceed to announce the results of the election and since it was transmitted electronically by Flutterpoint to ensure it was smooth and fair and to also show the whole world that everything was done without fear or favour to anyone," Mr Edgar paused and nodded to one of the IT guys present in the conference room with us.

Suddenly, the viewing screen in the room came on and the names of the persons for the position of the CEO were displayed. My heart stopped beating for a second when I saw my name sitting at the end of the list with one vote.

No way! After all the things I had to do for every one of the shareholders present here as well as the investors… the monetary gifts, the promises… impossible.

"So, by the law of the land and the laws as stated in Sky Corporation constitution, I hereby announce Amelia Winchester as the new CEO and…" he paused as his eyes searched the room purposely avoiding mine. "Where is Miss Amelia?"

"I got off the phone with her a few seconds ago, she's stuck in traffic, she should be here any time soon, so…" My uncle started saying.

"I don't understand!" I rose to my feet, my gaze pinned on my uncle "I think there must be some error or something, but before that, who the fuck is Amelia Winchester? And why am I not named the CEO? This company belongs to my father and I am his only child," I said at the top of my voice fighting the hysterics teasing slowly at my composure "Hello… it is me, Sienna Winchester, one and only child to Mr and Mrs…".

"We know who you are, Miss Sienna," Mr Edgar interrupted me with scorn written all over his face "And I'm going to tell you this… in less than sixty seconds, the police will be here and I will dedicate my life to ensure that you're punished for all your crimes. How long were you going to deceive us for? Do you think we're fools?"

"Fools? What are you talking about, Mr Edgar? What have I done?" My eyes scanned all the faces in the room, hating that no one was attempting to look at me "Can someone please tell me what's going on?"

The words had barely left my mouth when the door of the conference room was flung open and several uniformed men marched in. Their leader paused for a minute as his eyes swept the room, then landed on me. I watched puzzled as he started walking towards me.

"Miss Sienna Winchester?" he asked arching his brow at me.

"Y…Yes…" I stuttered rising to my feet. Then remembering I was supposed to be the CEO and for Pete's sake, I am the only child of my Sky Group and my dad was the richest man in America. I settled on the chair and tried for a sterner expression. "Who's asking?"

"Me," he scoffed and removed a pair of handcuffs from his pocket "You're under arrest for the attempted murder of the one and only true Heiress of Sky Group and the real daughter of Mr and Mrs Winchester. Also, for impersonation, bribing and a whole lot. You do not have the right to an attorney and anything you say or do would be used against you in the court of law,".

Immediately all the investors and shareholders I had met before the election started bringing out the bag of cash, I had given them. My eyes widened with indignation… I felt like I was in the middle of a movie set and…I had forgotten my lines.

"Can someone please tell me what is going on at least?" I yelled running a hand through my hair "Officer, if this is because of the money I gave to them, I wasn't trying to bribe them. I am supposed to be the CEO anyway because my father handed over the company and the group to me before his death. I don't know what's going on here but I am not going to let you put those handcuffs around me,".

"Why not?" the officer chuckled, amusement in his eyes.

"I am a Winchester - W-I-N-C-H-E-S-T-E-R" I spelled out, "And you have no right to arrest me without any warrant,".

"Don't worry, Miss… we don't need warrants to arrest criminals, and…".

The shutter sounds of cameras going on and off suddenly filled the air making the words of the policeman drown in the chaos, I craned my neck towards the direction of the noise and felt my heart stop for the second time today when I saw her.

Skinny, shy, always crying Janice walked in front of almost a million paparazzi… she looked different and I could have sworn that it wasn't her. I mean, she was wearing the latest limited designer dress and looked far different from what she used to be as a child.

But why does she have a lot of paparazzi behind her?

"Officer," she said sweetly when she reached us "Thank you for responding to my distress call and for saving me of course. I appreciate it," ignoring me, she turned to the paparazzi who wouldn't stop clicking their cameras "Thank you all for also coming because I know it was short notice but I'm grateful that you showed up," she paused.

"I think it is high time I introduce myself to the world… My name is Amelia Winchester, the only child and daughter of my beloved parents…" her voice cracked for a second. She dabbed at the corner of her eyes "Mr Steven Winchester and Mrs Nora Winchester, may God rest their souls. I know to a lot of you this may come as a shock since this is the first time, I'm coming out to the public since my birth but I am here to keep the legacy that my parents poured all their souls into building. I am glad to finally show myself to the world and I know it would be worth it," she flashed the cameras an easy smile before she continued…

"Before you wonder why my parents kept me stowed away all these years, I want to share something with you all. On my way to New York three days ago, I was kidnapped and confined in a dark room, but for my uncle…" she paused again and stretched her hand towards my uncle,

"Philip Winchester who came through for me, I would have been dead and someone else would have claimed to be me. This…" she pointed at me "Is an impostor and an impersonator. We grew up as kids and lost contact at some point but nothing could have prepared me for this betrayal,".

"Betrayal?" I scoffed "Are you sick in the brain, Janice? Why are you trying to act like you're me? I am the real Winchester… Sienna Winchester and the last time I saw you was like 16 or 17 years ago. It is you who is an impersonator and not me,".

"I told you guys," She shook her head sadly "The exact reason why my parents didn't want me hanging around her. What is more important now is I am alive and well and I will let the law give me justice. Also, to prove that I am the real Winchester, we'll be sending documents, videos, clips… of me as a child growing up with my parents and other things to help prove that I am the real Heiress and not her. That will be all for today, thank you,".

I watched stupefied as the paparazzi pressed on me, each of them screaming off their lungs.

"Can you confirm everything she has said?" Are you truly an impersonator ma'am?"

Their voice drowned in my ears as I stood there, unable to move a muscle as the reality of what just happened dawned on me. I opened my mouth to tell them it was lies and nothing more but I doubt they would believe me at this point. I could hear the police shouting for the paparazzi to back off and immediately, someone reached for my hand.

When I turned, it was Monty, my father's driver. He gave me a known look and mouthed "Follow me, now!"

I don't know where I got to will to move my feet but in the next second, I was weaving through the crowd with Monty, hoping the police would not notice I was gone. We had successfully passed the crowd and were about to enter the car when the voice of the police chief rang out.

"You stop there, Miss Sienna!"

Monty pushed me inside the car and practically jumped over to the driver's side, in a few seconds, we were off the curb with half the police department chasing after us and half New York's reporters…But that wasn't my problem.

I just admitted to the world that I was the fake one… Yeah… after all it was me who was on the run.