Chereads / An Heiress Just More Sinister Than The Male Lead / Chapter 9 - A Man Called Derek Floyd (2)

Chapter 9 - A Man Called Derek Floyd (2)

Derek exited the penthouse and slid into his luxury car.

This was the prestigious Havilland Penthouse, a lavish residence worth thousands of dollars, which he had purchased privately for himself and Lucinda, his ladylove.

Despite the steamy night they had shared, he still had to return to the Floyd's Mansion.

"Ugh, I'll have to face that woman's ugly face," he groaned, his mood turning sour at the thought of encountering Rachel.

Derek connected his phone to the car's Bluetooth as he drove out of the penthouse's main gate.

"Hey Jess, call my personal assistant," he said, expecting a seamless connection.

Instead, the AI responded in a robotic tone, "You do not have a personal assistant."

Derek's brow furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean, Jess? Call me Zayne, my PA."

The AI replied, "Zayne Julius connecting..."

Before Derek could process what was happening, the AI continued, "Zayne Julius left a message. Would you like me to read it to you?"

Derek's curiosity piqued, he replied, "Sure."

The message played, and Derek's eyes widened in shock. "I resign, Mr. Derek Floyd."

Derek's jaw clenched in disbelief. "What?" he exclaimed, but the AI simply repeated the message. "Repeating, I resign—"

Derek's patience snapped, and he interrupted the AI's robotic voice, "Shut the fuck up, Jess!"

Derek's anger boiled over as he searched for Zayne's number himself, his fingers flying across the screen. Finally, he connected the call.

"Hello, good—" Zayne began, but Derek cut him off, his voice low and menacing.

"Zayne, where the hell are you?! Do I pay you to slack off?" he growled, his patience wearing thin.

Zayne stuttered, "I-I'm s-sorry, sir. It's just that—"

Derek didn't let him finish. "Quit talking nonsense and get a bouquet of roses to the Floyd's mansion for Rachel! Now!" he barked, his frustration evident.

Zayne hesitated, "Sir... Sir, I resigned. Didn't Jess tell you? I'm no longer your—"

Derek's anger reached a new level, interrupting Zayne's explanation. "Zayne!" he barked, but Zayne had already hung up.

The line went dead, and Derek was left seething, his anger boiling.

Zayne hadn't even worked with him for up to two months! Why was he quitting now?!

Derek arrived at the Floyd's mansion, having cooled down slightly during the drive.

He dismissed Zayne from his thoughts, thinking, "He's just a damn secretary. I'll replace him with a new one in the blink of an eye."

He parked his car and was greeted by the grand dining hall, which led him to the dining room.

The family was almost finished eating, but they were all present, their faces turned towards him as he entered, well except Richard, the weird one.

His gaze remained on his food like even a world war would not affect his eating.

"Ah, Derek, finally decided to grace us with your presence," Elder Floyd said, his tone dripping with sarcasm, his eyes gleaming with a knowing glint.

Rachel's gaze rose from her plate, her expression a masterful mask of neutrality, her eyes flashing with a hint of disdain.

"Had a long day, Brother-in-law Derek?" she asked, her voice sugary sweet, laced with a subtle venom that only a seasoned player like Derek could detect.

"Yes, quite a busy day," Derek replied, forcing a smile that struggled to conceal his unease.

He strode over to his seat, the weight of the family's stares settling upon him like a leaden cloak.

"Busy with what exactly?" Elder Floyd demanded, his tone sharp as a whip crack. "You missed an important family dinner... again."

Derek's gaze flicked to Rachel, her eyes sparkling with a knowing glint, her lips curled into a sly smile. 'Hmph! Trying to make a teasing duo to rattle him.'

But Derek was no stranger to these games. He was a Floyd, after all, raised on a diet of wit, charm, and strategic manipulation.

"Work, Grandpa," he replied, his voice smooth as silk. "I had to finalize some urgent matters... that couldn't be avoided."

Rachel's smile grew wider, her eyes gleaming with knowledge.

"Well, I'm glad you could make it for the end," she said, her tone dripping with irony, her voice laced with a subtle venom that only Derek could detect.

As he took a bite of his food, his mind worked overtime, calculating his next move. He wouldn't let anyone's manipulations ruin his plans.

He was a Floyd, after all, and Floyds always came out on top. 'The question should have been, how would I manage to take all of you down? Only time would tell.'

After dinner, Derek rose from his seat, his eyes locked on Elder Floyd with an air of urgency. "Grandpa, may I have a word with you in private?" he asked, his voice low and mysterious.

Elder Floyd's eyebrow arched upward, curious, but he nodded curtly. "Of course, Derek. Let's go to my study."

As they exited the dining room, Rachel's gaze followed them, her eyes narrowing.

With a subtle smile, she rose from her seat, her movements graceful and calculated, and glided towards the kitchen, her eyes gleaming with a hint of mischief.

She had played her cards well so far, but the game was far from over. Derek's move would dictate her next step, and she was ready to adapt, to counterattack, and to emerge victorious in the end.

In Elder Floyd's study, Derek closed the door and turned to his grandfather. "Grandpa, I need to talk to you about Rachel and Richard. This situation is getting out of hand."

Elder Floyd leaned back in his chair, his expression stern. "What about them, Derek? From what I saw today, you have a lot to explain."

"Rachel is lying, Grandpa," Derek said, his voice laced with desperation. "She's not pregnant, and Richard is not involved with her. It's all a scheme to ruin me, to destroy my reputation and our family's legacy."

His eyes locked onto Elder Floyd's, pleading for believed.

Elder Floyd sighed, rubbing his temples. "Derek, you're making serious accusations. Do you have any proof, any evidence to support these claims?"

His tone was measured, but his eyes betrayed his doubts.

Derek hesitated, realizing he had none. "Not yet, but I will get it," he promised, his voice laced with determination. "Just give me some time, Grandpa. I'll uncover the truth, and I'll bring it to you. I swear it."

Elder Floyd's eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing through Derek's facade. "What game are you trying to play now, boy?" he asked, his voice low and even.

"Time is a luxury you can't afford, Derek. If Rachel and Richard are indeed scheming, I will uncover the truth. But if you're lying, if you're trying to manipulate me again... the consequences will be severe. Do you understand?"

Derek nodded, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed hard. "Y-yes, Grandpa. I understand."

Elder Floyd's expression remained unyielding. "Good. Now, go and sort out your issues without causing more trouble. I won't tolerate any more deceit or manipulation. You're walking a thin line, Derek. Don't make me regret giving you another chance."

The dismissal was clear, now Derek had to tread carefully to avoid falling out of favor completely.

Derek left the study, his mind racing with desperate strategies. He was determined to expose Rachel's alleged deceit and salvage his reputation, even if it meant resorting to drastic measures like forcefully marrying her.