Chapter 6 - Is Richard Gay? (1)

Richard began packing up his things, his movements swift and efficient. Rachel stood frozen, unsure of how to react.

Her mind raced with thoughts and emotions, but she couldn't seem to process any of them. She felt like she was in a daze, like she was watching the scene unfold from outside her body.

Finally, she turned and walked away, needing some space to clear her head.

Her thoughts drifted to her past life. Why was it different now without her even doing a thing?

She thought of how, on the night of her wedding, Derek had abandoned her, and how she had wandered the mansion, waiting for him until morning.

"Derek, where are you going?" Rachel had asked, trying to keep her voice steady like she wasn't worried.

"I have work to do, Rachel. I'll be back later," Derek had replied, his voice distant.

"But it's our wedding night...I thought we would spend it together," Rachel had said, feeling a pang of disappointment.

"I'm sorry, Rachel. I'll make it up to you later. I promise," Derek had said before turning and walking away.

She had been left alone, feeling frustrated and confused that night.

What work could pull a just-wedded man out of his matrimonial home at night hours? She didn't have the answer to that or perhaps, didn't want to give an answer to that.

"Tsk! Derek, you managed to fool me then," Rachel sighed, smiling bitterly as she pressed her back against Richard's door.

She had wandered the mansion while waiting for Derek that night, but he didn't come back till dawn.

It was while walking the house that night she had stumbled upon Richard's room, where she had heard strange noises like growls and groans, and seen his secretary and guards gathered inside.

A thought suddenly flashed across her mind. 'Is my husband gay?'

Rachel shook her head, trying to dispel the unbelievably disgusting thought. It'd really be awkward if he was indeed gay!

Rachel began devising a plan in her head. She'd wait until Derek came back, then follow him secretly to where he went that night.

She'd take a camera, certain that he had gone to see Lucinda. This life was different now, and she'd seek vengeance.

She smirked to herself, feeling a sense of empowerment.

Derek had fooled her once, but this time she was determined to expose his deceit and betrayal. She wouldn't let him get away with it.

But then her thoughts drifted back to Richard. Her curiosity about him was really intense now, her buds could express. What if he was truly gay?

"No, I shouldn't let my man be gay, right?" she muttered to herself.

She felt a strange, protective urge toward Richard, even though their relationship had taken such a cold turn.

Rachel took a deep breath, steeling herself. She turned back and re-entered Richard's room, this time changing her expression and approach completely.

"Senior," she called mockingly yet seriously, her voice cutting through the silence.

Richard looked up from his packing, his expression hardening. "What is it, Rachel?"

She took a few steps closer, her gaze unwavering. "You can drop the act. I know you're not gay."

Richard's eyes narrowed. "What are you talking about?"

His expression turned cold. He furiously slapped his shirt he was holding to the bed and strode toward her, their faces and bodies barely an inch apart.

Richard, breathing in and out hard to hold back his anger, placed his right hand on her cheek.

He glared from her eyes to her nose, then lingered on her lips. "Watch what you say, wifey," he said.

It sounded like a threat or was it a warning? Rachel was confused about that, but she knew one thing for sure: compared to his hardened face and pressed tight lips, his touch was soft and tender.

How could he do that?

And another thing she was sure of was that the closer this man got to her body, the more she felt this need to protect him, to hide him in her pocket, to… to stick to him.

She felt a mix of emotions swirling inside her.

The intensity of his gaze, the warmth of his hand on her cheek—it was all so overwhelming. She could see the conflict in his eyes, the battle between anger and something else she couldn't quite identify.

"Richard," she said softly, her voice trembling slightly. "Why are you doing this? Why are you pushing me away? What is my offense?"

His eyes flashed with a myriad of emotions before he spoke. "This isn't about you. It's about me, it's about my dignity, it's about my legacy. You wouldn't understand 'princess'."

Rachel's heart ached at his words. He was mocking her at the end of his sentence, still she wanted to know why things are different in this lifetime.

"Then help me understand. Let me in, Richard. We're in this together now, whether we like it or not."

For a moment, Richard's resolve seemed to waver. His grip on her cheek tightened slightly before he let out a sigh, his eyes blazing intense anger and something else… disgust.

"Tsk! Together? So, I should believe you then," he scoffed then asked. "I should believe that I can work with you?"

Rachel nodded, feeling a surge of relief. He was willing to open up, or so she thought.

Still, to herself she was ready to face whatever truths Richard was hiding, ready to stand by his side no matter what.

"Fine then," Richard said, his voice low and dangerous. "Can you do something for me then?"

"What? I can do anything... Just mention it," she replied, her voice trembling but resolute.

"Okay," he said, his eyes gleaming with a sinister light. "Can you get pregnant with my child?"

Rachel's eyes widened in shock. "Huh?" She didn't expect this at all. Getting pregnant wasn't an issue but wasn't it all too sudden? Was that what he really wanted?

"You see? How do we work together then as husband and wife when we can't..."

Richard began trailing his fingers on her exposed neck, his touch both electrifying and terrifying. "...when we can't even make a child? Tsk! I know he sent you to act and do this, but let me leave a message."

Richard tightened his hand around her neck, causing Rachel to cough out and look at him, shocked and in pain. His grip was firm, yet his eyes held a twisted mix of anger and something darker.

"Tell him, tell your lover," Richard growled, his voice cold and menacing, "that Richard is a sinister man and really hard to take down!"

Rachel's vision blurred as she struggled to breathe, her hands clawing at his arm in a desperate attempt to free herself. Her thoughts became chaotic. She was scared, she was confused, she was sad!

Just as suddenly as he had grabbed her, Richard released his grip, and Rachel fell to the floor, gasping for air. She looked up at him, her eyes filled with tears and disbelief.

"Remember that, Rachel," Richard said, his voice now eerily calm. "You wanted to work together? This is the reality. There should be no games here, no pretending. Don't be a pawn!"

Rachel's mind raced as she tried to process what had just happened. The Richard she thought she knew was gone, replaced by this cold, calculating man who seemed capable of anything.

She had wanted to protect him, to be close to him, but now she wasn't sure what to think. 'Sweet Richard, where did you go? Why are you different now?'