Chereads / Mr. Tycoon's Evil Genius Wife / Chapter 4 - Tango of Temptation and Deals- part 1

Chapter 4 - Tango of Temptation and Deals- part 1

Her actions left everyone in the hall stunned. It wasn't just Hyun-Jin who was shocked; the entire room collectively gasped in surprise. Ever since Ha-Na had arrived, many eyes had been on her, and now they had more than enough to gossip about.

A reputed heiress of a powerful family kissing a man as soon as she returns, right in front of everyone? It was as if she were openly declaring their relationship. This was bound to become the scandal of the year in their circle.

Hyun-Jin's initial shock softened as he recognized Ha-Na, his eyes flashing with a blend of surprise and curiosity. As she pulled back, he saw the determination etched in her expression. The silence between them was charged with unspoken emotions and a hint of their shared past.

Turns out his trip to Korea wasn't a wasted one after all.

Stepping back a little, he smirked at how the present is the complete opposite from the past. "I thought you couldn't stand to have me anywhere near you." he remarked, his tone tinged with amusement but betraying a deeper interest.

Ha-Na arched an eyebrow, a sly smile playing on her lips. "Funny, I was under the impression that you enjoyed the chase."

He chuckled softly, his eyes glinting with a mix of amusement and an unreadable intensity. "Touché. But I can't help but wonder what sparked this sudden change of heart." With a smooth motion, he gently clasped her hand, subtly displaying their connection to onlookers. Though uncertain of her intentions, he anticipated her next move.

Observing his quick grasp of the situation, a smile played on her lips. Leaning in closer, she whispered in a low, seductive voice, "Turns out I needed you close, not far away."

A flicker of surprise crossed his face before he regained his composure, his smile widening. "I couldn't agree more."

She tilted her head, her eyes sparkling with playful defiance under the shimmering lights of the ballroom. "So, I guess I have made you curious enough to ask me for a dance?"

He let out another chuckle at her straightforwardness, secretly admiring her boldness, breaking their contact.

"May I have the pleasure to waltz through the ball as we discuss further into details, Miss Kang?" His tone was mockingly formal, but his eyes locked with hers, betraying a deeper, more sincere invitation. He stretched out his hand now, offering her a dance.

Ha-Na's smile deepened as she placed her hand in his, "Looks like our WangJa is finally catching up," she teased, a mischievous glint dancing in her eyes, her tone playful yet charged with a hint of seduction.

For twenty years, he had loved her from afar, silently tracing her every step, carefully orchestrating chance encounters, hoping for the day she would enter his life. Now, as fate aligned their paths as it always should have, he savored the delicious anticipation of the drama they were going to unleash upon high society.

The room seemed to fade away as they moved together, their steps in perfect harmony. The music swelled around them, but all Ha-Na could focus on was the intensity in his eyes and the feeling of being exactly where she needed to be.

As they took to the dance floor, the ballroom's opulent chandeliers cast a soft glow, contrasting with the intensity of their gazes under the scrutiny of hawk-like eyes. Ha-Na turned to face him, taking in every detail. Up close, he was mesmerizing in his black suit, his features exquisite and his smile captivating. His impeccable style added to his allure.

"Did he jump out of a comic?" She mused, captivated by his sharp yet soft and sophisticated features. Up close, he was even more striking, his presence almost otherworldly. She had always known he was handsome, far beyond any other man she had encountered, but seeing him now, she realized how deep that truth went.

As they moved together, the grace of his steps and the strength of his hold made her heart race. She couldn't fathom why she hadn't seized the chance to make him hers when she had it. Second thoughts about him began to swirl in her mind. Maybe she should marry him already.

She realized she had finally started noticing him, no longer avoiding him when their paths crossed. Time had changed things, including their own evolving feelings.

Reflecting back, she vividly recalled the drama that once surrounded them—Aera's unmistakable crush on him was no secret. Being the protective and possessive person she was, Aera vehemently opposed any involvement between Ha-Na and him.

Knowing about Aera's deep feelings for him and sensing his soft spot for Aera, Ha-Na didn't want Aera to misunderstand and complicate their relationship. So, she complied with Aera's wishes without question.

She remembered countless occasions where she deliberately avoided him, taking detours or finding excuses to leave whenever he approached. It wasn't just about respecting Aera's feelings; it was also about avoiding the awkwardness and potential conflict that Aera's disapproval could bring.

At one point, he stopped approaching her, putting an end to this charade of drama.

Looking back now, she realized the extent to which she had allowed Aera's influence to dictate her actions. She understood how foolish she had been to listen to Aera so blindly. She sacrificed many things, all to avoid upsetting her cousin, prioritizing loyalty to Aera over her own desires. But in the end, all she received was betrayal.

Lost in these thoughts, Ha-Na was suddenly brought back to reality by his voice.

Hyun-Jin noticed her admiring his face and chuckled softly, sensing a shift in their dynamic. "I didn't realize you were such a hopeless romantic. You should have made the first move sooner, little storm," he teased, his voice carrying a hint of playful challenge. With a smooth motion, he pulled her closer into his embrace, their bodies melding together effortlessly as they danced.

"Delusional, I guess," she retorted with a confident smirk. In her mind, she firmly believed it was her own initiative that had orchestrated their reunion. She saw herself as the mastermind behind it all, and concluded, it was merely a coincidence—that he had returned to Korea just when she decided to come back.

He twirled her gracefully, then pulled her back in, their faces inches apart. "I know you have your reasons for kissing me," he murmured, his voice a velvety whisper and intimate, "but in my world, I don't engage in anything without the promise of profit." His gaze held a mix of admiration and challenge, hinting at a deeper understanding between them.