Chereads / Mr. Tycoon's Evil Genius Wife / Chapter 7 - Family Reunion - part 1

Chapter 7 - Family Reunion - part 1

Hyun-Jin's face morphed slightly, a faint smirk playing at the corners of his lips—a subtle shift that only a keen observer might catch. He couldn't help but find a bitter humor in her choice of words.

Low life, huh? Funny how you manage to keep your head held high after everything you've done to me.

The sarcasm and resentment swirled inside, masked by his calm exterior.

"Well, it might be disgusting," Hyun-Jin began, his voice laced with a cool, calculated disappointment. He allowed his gaze to drop to the floor momentarily before lifting it to meet Ha-Young's eyes directly. "The Wangs were kind enough to accept and raise me, molding me into who I am today. I understand it might be repulsive to be related to someone with 'low blood' in their veins," he continued, his tone steady, his gaze unwavering despite her glaring.

Ha-Young's face twisted in contempt, showing not a flicker of sympathy. If anything, her revulsion seemed to intensify. Hyun-Jin, however, remained unperturbed by her obvious hatred. His aim was clear: to test her, to probe for any sign of remorse for the wrongdoings she had inflicted upon him.

Seeing none a such, he pressed further, aiming for her deepest insecurities. "I am forever grateful to you and Father for taking me in," he said, his voice dripping with irony. "Perhaps I should find my birth parents and thank them for giving me up. After all, without that sacrifice, I wouldn't be standing here today."

As if struck by a sudden realization, Ha-Young's composure faltered momentarily. A flicker of guilt seemed to cross her face, her eyes losing focus, her balance shifting, and a slight tremor coursing through her body. The reaction pleased Hyun-Jin, a subtle smile growing on his lips, enjoying this unexpected turn.

Seems like she still has her fears of getting caught. After all, he's the living proof that could make her lose everything.

She couldn't bare to look at him. Why did my father have to adopt this ticking time bomb and tie him to my neck again?

Avoiding his gaze, her eyes roamed around the room before settling on the glass in her hand. Adjusting her posture and expression, she spoke in a measured tone, "Hyunnie, today is Father's big day, and Sister is just having a bit of fun," she added with a forced chuckle.

"Oh, seems like I've missed out on all the family jokes," Hyun-Jin quipped dryly.

Ha-Young responded with a tight-lipped "Of course," shooting him a glare with gritted teeth. Before either could continue, a gruff voice interrupted from the top of the stairs.

"I see you siblings are already catching up," Old Wang's authoritative voice echoed through the banquet hall, instantly commanding everyone's attention.

Wang Il-Sung, the host of the evening, appeared alongside his wife, Park Na-ri, as they began their descent down the grand staircase. Old Wang was dressed in a sleek black three-piece suit, his salt-and-pepper hair meticulously styled back. Deep wrinkles framed his sharp, shrewd eyes, adding to his formidable presence. His gaze alone could assert dominance and command respect—a testament to his powerful aura.

In contrast, Mrs. Wang exuded elegance in a simple yet stunning dark green dress that accentuated her graceful figure. A shimmering emerald and diamond necklace adorned her neck, complementing her dazzling smile which stood in stark contrast to her husband's stoic demeanor.

Hyun-Jin watched as the old couple approached him, hoping to catch a glimpse of emotion in his father's face, but encountered only his customary inscrutable expression. What did he anticipate? The old man had never shown emotion—not during his pleas to stay in the country, nor when he was severely ill, not even when he teetered on the brink of death. He remained the same unyielding figure, aloof from attachments to both people and things.

Hyun-Jin's gaze shifted to Mrs. Wang's kind eyes, and an instinctive smile made its way onto his face. He moved towards her. "Hello, Mother," he said, bowing in front of her. "You look gorgeous tonight."

"You look dashing as always, my boy," the old lady replied, returning his hug with a wide smile. She was the only good person in his life. She then glanced at her husband, and Hyun-Jin took the cue. Turning to his left, he greeted indifferently, "Good evening, Father." He bowed with a hint of formality. "Happy birthday. I wish you a long, healthy life."

Old Wang stared at Hyun-Jin for a couple of seconds, studying him. "I thought you would visit me as soon as you came back. I'm disappointed in you," he began, his voice steady and controlled, masking the depth of his disapproval. "I suppose I am no longer the most important person in your life," he added quietly, each word carrying the weight of unspoken expectations and the obsessive loyalty he craved from his only son.

The room seemed to freeze, the silence heavy and charged. Hyun-Jin met his father's gaze with a cool detachment. The air between them was thick with tension, each moment stretching into an eternity.

"Father," Hyun-Jin finally replied, his voice smooth and measured, "rest assured, you and I are inseparable." His tone carried a subtle edge, a calculated calm that hinted at the complex emotions beneath his composed exterior.

Finally, Old Wang gave a slight nod, seemingly satisfied, though his gaze remained sharp and scrutinizing. He clapped Hyun-Jin on the shoulder, the force behind it hard enough to be felt, but Hyun-Jin fought to keep a grimace from appearing on his face.

With his father's acknowledgment, Hyun-Jin stepped back, allowing Ha-Young and her husband to step forward and convey their own birthday wishes to Old Wang.

As the greetings concluded, Old Wang's secretary briskly walked behind the screen that served as the background for the elevated stage. A slideshow of images began playing, displaying key moments from Wang Il-Sung's illustrious life: photos of him in his youth, and cherished family moments. The images highlighted his journey from a determined young man to the formidable patriarch he was today.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. The Wang family welcomes you to the grand celebration of Mr. Wang Il-Sung's birthday," the secretary, a middle-aged man in his fifties, spoke with a mild tone. Some cheers and claps followed his words.

"Now, Mr. Wang will raise a toast," he announced, going straight to the point before stepping down from the stage..

Despite being in his late sixties, Old Wang carried himself with pride and immense power. His stride was powerful, commanding the air around him. Taking the microphone, he ascended the stage.

Clearing his throat, Old Wang began with a warm tone, "Good evening to all present here. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to each of you for taking the time to join us tonight."

A round of applause erupted and soon subsided.

"As we gather to celebrate my 70th birthday," he continued, his gaze shifting to his wife, who returned the gesture with a warm smile and a subtle blush, "we also mark our 50th anniversary together."

"Not really a milestone, but it is very special to me," Old Wang said, his smile widening. Laughter gently rippled through the crowd, breaking the formal atmosphere.

He paused for a moment, allowing the guests to settle before continuing, "Tonight isn't just about my personal milestones. It's a celebration of the journey we've all shared—our achievements, our challenges, and the bonds that tie us together."

Hyun-Jin glanced at his mother and saw her smile shine even more brightly. He couldn't deny that despite everything, the old man was at least a good husband.

"And today, I'm delighted to celebrate my birthday in the presence of both my children." An unexpected cheer erupted as attention shifted to Mrs. Song and Hyun-Jin.

"So, I'd like to make an announcement on this occasion. My son, Wang Hyun-Jin, who has been proving his capabilities in the West, has finally returned to his home country and will continue working alongside me. My boy, welcome home," Old Wang conveyed with a smile.

Raising his glass, Old Wang continued, "Here's to many more years of shared successes and cherished memories. Thank you all for being here to celebrate with us. Cheers!"

The room filled with applause and the clinking of glasses as guests raised their own in a toast, marking the start of a joyous celebration filled with warmth and camaraderie.

Old Wang toasted with his son. "Come home tomorrow for lunch. It seems I forgot to teach you something important," he said before mingling with his friends, his smile belying the underlying shrewdness.

As Old Wang chatted happily, Hyun-Jin was left with mixed feelings. He knew he could never escape the old man's scrutiny, which meant the next few days would be a trial, testing the very limits of his endurance.

He couldn't shake off the gnawing worry, remembering the way his father had eyed him during his speech. The weight of that gaze felt like a trap closing in around him, a reminder of Old Wang's craftiness and the precarious position he now found himself in.