Chereads / Mr. Tycoon's Evil Genius Wife / Chapter 5 - Tango of Temptation and Deals - part 2

Chapter 5 - Tango of Temptation and Deals - part 2

Ha-Na expected something along those lines from him. So, she simply smiled, proud of her deep understanding of the Wangs' ways. "I know that more than anyone," she replied calmly, her confidence underscored by years of observation and insight of the Wang family.

While the famous Kang family was known for their ethical business practices, prioritizing integrity and societal impact, the Wang Corporation thrived on profit above all else, a strategy that had made them industry leaders.

As the renowned heir apparent of Wang family, Hyun-Jin, despite being adopted into the Wang family by Wang Il-sung, embodied this profit-driven philosophy. To him, every interaction, whether personal or professional, was viewed through the lens of business—calculated risks, strategic investments, and measurable returns.

So she surely expected to pay the prize if it meant getting his support.

As they danced, she met Hyun-Jin's gaze with unwavering resolve. "Now, how can I compensate for our prince?" she asked, her tone both playful and challenging.

He chuckled softly, his eyes glinting with amusement. "I wonder what the Wang family could possibly lack that the youngest Miss Kang can provide," he mused aloud.

Right now Hyun-Jin stood as the pinnacle of success, his reputation in business unmatched, both locally and internationally. As the heir to the Wang Corporation, he wielded power and influence that extended far beyond the boardroom.

His sharp intellect and striking appearance cast him as a captivating figure, making him the city's most sought-after bachelor, who is coveted by countless admirers. With just a snap of his fingers, women would line up from across the city, eager for his attention. He exuded an air of effortless command, capable of acquiring anything he desired under his feet. So what could he possibly be lacking?

However, Ha-Na sensed that Hyun-Jin's willingness to engage in conversation hinted at his underlying interest and the potential he saw in their interaction. With a subtle smile playing on her lips, she moved gracefully across the dance floor, eager for him to reveal more.

"I'm sure there must be something our WangJa has his eyes set on. Name it, and I will do anything to ensure our prince's happiness," she said, her voice carrying intrigue and a hint of playful determination.

"Anything? Are you sure about the consequences your words hold right now, Miss Kang?" he replied, his voice dropping to a seductive murmur as he drew her closer, sending a thrill through her with his touch. "And I prefer not to exploit my dear niece's best friend."

Her heart skipped a beat, but she met his gaze with unwavering confidence. "That's for me to worry about," she replied, her breath catching in the closeness. The music swirled around them as they moved in perfect harmony, their dance a blend of elegance and unspoken tension.

Hyun-Jin's eyes held a mix of amusement and something deeper, a flicker of desire masked behind a veil of practiced restraint. For years, he had maintained a careful distance, guarding himself against the allure of Ha-Na's presence. Yet now, as she stood before him, offering herself willingly, he found himself unable to resist the magnetic pull she exerted.

Locked in a silent exchange, their eyes conveyed emotions too profound for words. The music enveloped them, drowning out the world, leaving only the intoxicating tension that had simmered between them for years.

He had long kept his emotions guarded, but Ha-Na's proximity ignited a storm within him, stirring emotions he had long buried. The way she moved, the scent of her perfume lingering in the air, it was all too much to ignore. His hand tightened subtly around hers as they danced, a silent declaration of intent.

As they twirled and spun, each movement brought them closer, both physically and emotionally. And deep down, beneath his carefully constructed facade, Hyun-Jin knew that he no longer wanted to keep her at arm's length. She had stepped willingly into his world, and now he was determined to make her his, to mark her as his own.

As the music swelled to a crescendo, he dipped her low, their faces so close she could feel the warmth of his breath on her skin. "I hope you won't back down when the real deal strikes," he murmured, his words thick with anticipation and a hint of danger.

Then, he kissed her deeply, a passionate embrace that left her breathless and stirred a tumult of emotions within her. Compared to their earlier kiss, this one was a revelation—a kiss charged with desire and unspoken promises, leaving her craving more, her stomach aflutter with anticipation.

She knew she should pull away, the rational part of her mind warning of the danger. But her body betrayed her, melting into his touch, succumbing to the allure of the moment.

After they stood back up, he took her arm in his, holding her close to him as they left the dance floor together. "That's just the interest. I will be back to collect the full sum, Little Storm," he said, his voice low before disappearing into the crowd.

Ha-Na watched him until he vanished from sight, her heart still racing with the lingering taste of his kiss on her lips. As she replayed the moment in her mind, she couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of something thrilling and unpredictable.

Once she regained her composure, she noticed the varied reactions of those around her.

Aera's look of shock and anger was unmistakable, her usually composed demeanor shattered. Her eyes were wide, her mouth slightly agape, as if she couldn't believe what she had just witnessed. It was as though the ground had shifted beneath her feet, leaving her struggling to find her balance. For someone who prided herself on maintaining control, this unexpected turn of events was a bitter pill to swallow. Her hands clenched into fists at her sides, her mind racing with a mix of fury and disbelief.

Joon-Jae's expression, on the other hand, was of heartbreak and disappointment. His eyes bore into Ha-Na with a look of betrayal, as if she had cheated on him in front of everyone, revealing the duplicity of his personality. The hurt in his gaze was palpable, as though her actions had struck him to his very core, which she couldn't fathom.

As Ha-Na's eyes met Ha-Min's, he seemed to reel back to reality quickly, his shock evident. He rushed towards her, his face a mix of confusion and concern. "Noona, what was all that? You're in serious trouble once Old Master finds out," he exclaimed, his voice trembling slightly. The protective brother in him was clearly worried, his mind struggling to process the night's events.

Ha-Na's eyes sparkled with determination. "You underestimate me too much. This is just the teaser," she replied with a confident smirk before marching out of the hall, having achieved her purpose for the night.

"Can you tell us more about your relationship with Wang Hyun-Jin?"

"With your return, will the current CEO of Ilwa Entertainment step down and will you take over that position?"

"Do you have any plans to return to the business world, or are you considering other ventures?"

Ha-Na paused, turning to face the journalists with a poised smile. This was the moment she had been waiting for. "I do plan to get back to work, but not with Ilwa Corporation. I will be setting up my own entertainment company."

Her words hung in the air, a clear declaration of her independence and trouble.

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