The Professor and Dharen soon reached the building that he had said was the dorm, the thought of meeting the Dean now of the school of warfare clearly long behind them both as, Dharen looked at the building he could feel something from it, almost as if it was waiting for him to enter so that it could eat him whole.
The building itself, was five stories, having nine windows going each side of the main entrance, he could see how far back it went, but the building was large indeed and like all of the other buildings that he had seen, it was made from the same grey stone as that of every single other building had been made from so far.
Looking at him Professor Adrin started to speak once again, "So the left side is reserved for the female students, of which you can not enter for any reason ever, to do so…Well it is best that you do not think of any consequence as they would be far worse than that in practise believe me. Your room will be on the ground floor, like all other first years and that is room 109. Everything you need is inside, and dinner will be at Six, so do not be late or you will not eat. Good luck and I will see you in class."
The moment he finished talking, the Professor gave Dharen a pat on the back, and then turned away going off to perform other kinds of tasks. Seeing this, Dharen just shrugged his shoulders, it seemed like he would be on his own for now.
Slowly he walked inside of the building, looking around the entire place seemed to be completely different to what he had expected it to look like, all of the other places that he had been to until now had some kind of decoration or something to cover up the grey walls, but here they had been left just as that. Their grey colour although was completely natural seemed so dry, but then again what could he expect. Not everywhere was going to be decorated and fancy like that he had seen so far.
Looking to his right, there was a long hallway, with doors running down it each one having its own number. Looking at the closest to him, it said that it was room 100, then each door went up by one.
It seemed easy enough Dharen slowly walked down the empty hallway, until he had reached his room which clearly said 109. The black numbers bore down on him a bit, but inside he felt a little happy. This was his room or well his and whoever his roommate would be, but finally he had a place that he could say was his, somewhere to belong in this world.
Knocking on the door as he walked inside, he found the room empty, showing the roommate that he had been told he was getting out somewhere doing something or other.
The room though, was completely different to what he had expected it to look like, the large window was in the centre of the wall, which seemed to act as some kind of divider between the two halves that the owners of the room would have. On his side it was rather bland and lacking in any form of decoration. The bed sitting there, with bedding neatly folded up on top of it. There was a wardrobe and cabinet and as he looked inside, he found a set of uniforms, all in the colour of black looking back at him and a rough guess by their size, they seemed to be for him.
Though how they could find and prepare such a thing in such short notice was beyond him, then again it would not be the most crazy and odd thing that he had seen since he had arrived here.
Aside from the bed and already filled storage spaces, the only thing that was in the room was a desk and chair which appeared to be for studying, as well as a few different textbooks that must have been for the course that he would be studying.
Finally, feeling Dharen sat down onto the edge of his bed it being far more comfortable than he thought that it normally would be, his roommate's side of the room however had all of the same things as he did, but on his desk there was a small plant in the corner of it, and on the wall that was next to his bed, there pinned up is what looked like a large flag. It depicted a ship with wings on the side, the background being a light blue colour.
Then hearing a soft click Dharen looked over to his side, where the door lay and walking through it was an athletic young man, with sandy hair and green eyes, the man was in the black uniform that he had seen, after closing the door.
He started to mutter something to himself as he took over the top layer of the uniform throwing it to the side of the room, sitting down he put his head in his hands, as he did all of this Dharen just sat there watching him, confused at how the man hadn't even noticed that he was sitting here while he was coming in as it were.
The young man then looked up, and saw Dharen his face startled as he was surprised by the sudden newcomer in what had thought until now was his room.
"Who are you? Where did you come from?" He yelled out at Dharen as he pointed, still partly in shock it seemed.
Dharen just sighed, people always did seem to give him the most extreme and odd reactions when they all first saw or met him.
"My name is Dharen, I was admitted on special admission and I am to be your roommate or so it seems." This let the man calm down at least, then as he took one large deep breath, he finally introduced himself.
"I am Jason, it is nice to meet you. I had always wondered why I never had a roommate, I guess now I know."