Chereads / His Crimson Obsession / Chapter 6 - Impragnate you !

Chapter 6 - Impragnate you !

The Romani family led a life of perpetual travel and were deeply entrenched in the mystical arts.

Their fascination with magic, coupled with a desire to alter the power dynamics within the kingdom, culminated in the horrific massacre of their daughter.

However, the audacity of their actions left them vulnerable and exposed.

Recognizing the imminent retaliation from the families aligned with the Verenths, the Romani clan found themselves lacking the fortified defenses needed to withstand a potential onslaught.

With no imposing walls to shield them, they decided to take matters into their own magical hands.

In a collective effort with their allied families, the Romani clan embarked on the monumental task of creating a formidable magical barrier.

This expansive enchantment was designed to envelop their entire settlement, Aloxa, shielding it from the wrath and reprisals of those seeking justice for the murder of the Verenth family.

The process of crafting this magical barrier became a focal point in the Romani family's narrative, showcasing their mastery of magic and their determination to safeguard their way of life.

The cruel ritual, initially designed to unfold over a year of relentless torture, faced an unexpected acceleration due to Eiravyne's newfound strength and determination.

The Romani family, sensing the shift in dynamics, acknowledged that waiting for a year was no longer an option.

Their sinister plan, reliant on a celestial alignment marked by a full bloody moon, now needed to be executed within a mere week.

The next morning, Eiravyne awoke feeling a bit dizzy, a consequence of both the considerable blood loss she endured and the lack of nutrition in her forced meals.

Even though she didn't particularly like the Romani family's cooking, she was compelled to eat it for sustenance.

"They are speaking of accelerating the rituals …I think I wouldn't survive for long… This could mean that I may face a horrendous fate, and that I have no chance to even know why father spoke to me that way and even tried to kill me ," she exclaimed, panic seeping into her voice.

Each word accompanied by gasps for air, her breaths irregular and ragged as the weight of uncertainty bore down on her.

She stumbled out of the bed, her weakened legs barely supporting her.

The room seemed to spin as she clutched her head, grappling with the disorienting swirl of thoughts.

Every breath became a desperate attempt to anchor herself in the face of an unraveling reality.

"I should survive…I should …," she muttered, the words escaping between gasps for air.

Her once-confident demeanor shattered, and she paced the room, her hands trembling as they traced the grotesque imprints of the previous night's torment.

The weight of uncertainty pressed down on her, and her gasps for air intensified.

The room blurred as tears welled up in her eyes.

"No, no, no!" she gasped, the panic now reaching a crescendo. "I thought that they needed one …that they needed my blood and …and that they needed to use me for so long… …This wasn't how it was supposed to be. They needed small amounts of blood …at least to keep me alive …so …why …they are taking this much …these days!"

Eiravyne, still caught in the remnants of panic, squinted at the unexpected visitor.

She didn't even notice when the maid entered the room.

The new maid, a young woman with wide, sympathetic eyes, seemed unperturbed by the ominous atmosphere.

Her gaze held an unusual warmth, a departure from the cold indifference Eiravyne had grown accustomed to.

Elara had purple eyes and disheveled chestnut brown hair framed her face and delicate lines hinted at silent perseverance.

Despite a slender frame, she exuded a quiet strength, defying the degradation imposed by the Romani family.

Calloused hands told tales of labor and invisible battles.

"Miss Eiravyne, are you alright?" the maid inquired, her voice a soothing contrast to the unsettling events unfolding.

Eiravyne, struggling to find her composure, responded with a hesitant nod.

"Miss Eiravyne, I brought you some supper. You really should eat," Elara said, her voice kind but carrying an undertone of caution.

Eiravyne's hands trembled as she reached for the tray, the smell of the unappetizing food making her stomach churn.

Elara gently assisted Eiravyne in consuming the meager meal, a small act of kindness amid the cruelty that surrounded them.

Eiravyne was so surprised that this new maid was being gentle with her, she wanted to thank her but she had no power to even talk …

As each morsel was reluctantly swallowed, Elara's eyes conveyed a mix of empathy and determination.

Once Eiravyne stopped eating, Elara, the maid, observed her distress and, leaning in, whispered with urgency, "Miss Eiravyne, I know that you have no reason to trust me, I am a Romani after all …I am part of the family who killed your entire family …but I just ….I need you to listen to me …you look so pale …as if you are about to die so soon …I just … I need you to be strong.

Tonight is not going to be easy, it is going to be different from all the past nights, and what I have to say is horrific.

I just want to spare you from that kind of hurt, you know? …tonight is not just about them taking your precious blood is about …Well, Alfonso, in his twisted whims, has accelerated the ritual. He plans to... impregnate you."

Eiravyne's eyes widened in sheer disbelief, a guttural gasp escaping her as if the air itself had been sucked from her lungs.

"I-impregnate me?!" Eiravyne exclaimed, her voice a mixture of disbelief and horror.

"Yes, he plans to have intercourse with you to conceive a child," Elara explained, her words dropping like heavy stones in the air.

Eiravyne couldn't say a word when Elara added :"Miss Eiravyne, I don't want to scare you, but you are so young, you are like a young sister to me should know that what he plans to do's worse than you could ever imagine," Elara continued, her voice hushed but urgent.

"Alfonso, he... He's ruthless and doesn't care about the consequences. I've seen the aftermath of his actions before, and I couldn't bear to see it happen again to another person. "