Chereads / His Crimson Obsession / Chapter 9 - Elara and Zain Romani

Chapter 9 - Elara and Zain Romani

The resonating echoes of horses' steps on the hard ground gradually seeped into Eiravyne's consciousness, a disorienting melody that mingled with the unfamiliar scent wafting through the air.

It was a stark contrast to the confined and musty atmosphere of the dirty room she remembered being in.

With a hesitant uncertainty, she dared to open her eyes, only to be met with a blinding burst of bright daylight that momentarily robbed her vision.

For a brief moment, she grappled with the disorientation, the transition from darkness to light overwhelming her senses.

Amidst the swirl of confusion, a voice called out her name, cutting through the haze of her awakening.

Blinking against the harsh sunlight, she strained to focus on the figure leaning over her.

"Where am I?!" she managed to croak, her voice betraying the lingering weakness in her body.

The person hovering above her came into clearer view, and she recognized the face of Elara, the maid who had played a pivotal role in her plan.

"You're awake, Miss!" Elara exclaimed, her voice tinged with relief and joy at Eiravyne's regained consciousness.

Eiravyne, still unable to move freely, stared at Elara, the events of the previous night slowly coalescing in her mind.

The memories flooded back – the poison, the Romani family's sadistic revelry, and the impending threat that had pushed her to the brink.

"Where am I? Did he... did he succeed? Why am I even alive?" Eiravyne questioned hurriedly, a mix of anxiety and confusion evident in her words.

The uncertainty of her current situation and the aftermath of the night's events hung heavily in the air.

Elara's reassuring hand rested on Eiravyne's shoulders as she spoke with a mixture of concern and admiration, "Of course, I wasn't going to let you poison yourself, Miss Eiravyne. That was a sick idea. However, I have to say, you inspired me to do another thing, and thank the goddess, it worked perfectly."

Perplexed, Eiravyne questioned, "What happened?"

Elara explained, "Instead of poison, I used a sedative magical potion , a very potent one. The rest unfolded just as you pictured it. I wasn't very sure if you would agree with me on this. The look in your eyes last night was intense; you wanted to kill them so badly. I wasn't even sure if you were going to succeed."

Surveying her surroundings, Eiravyne realized she was still alive, but an unsettling feeling gnawed at her.

"Tell me what happened in that room," she urged, dreading the possibility that Alfonso might have succeeded in his sinister intentions while she was sedated.

Elara hesitated for a moment before recounting, "He took off your clothes. He wanted you to be awake, but your body wasn't responding to him.

He tried for a long time to wake you up, but the potion I used was strong. He failed to rouse you, and eventually, he fell asleep on top of you without realizing it. Don't worry, he didn't get to do anything. I waited until they all fell asleep on the floor to take you out of the house."

Eiravyne, overwhelmed with relief, smiled through tears and said, "Are you an angel or something? Tell me."

Elara smiled back, laughing nervously, "And now, we're on the run. We can't let them capture us. Me and my brother... we did this. He's driving the carriage right now."

Eiravyne surveyed her surroundings inside the humble carriage, reminiscent of those used by farmers to transport vegetables. She lay on the surface, and Elara was beside her.

"And let me tell you this... we don't even know where we're going!" Elara confessed, her nervousness palpable.

Eiravyne could sense Elara's anxiety, amplified by the involvement of her brother Zain, a 23-year-old who willingly joined the daring escape.

For months, Zain struggled to come to terms with the torment inflicted on their little sister, Reema.

Despite his efforts, he couldn't avenge her, consistently beaten and tormented.

When Elara presented Eiravyne's request, Zain seized the opportunity to craft the strongest sleeping potion.

In the chaos of moving Eiravyne, he took his chance to mercilessly end Alfonso's life for what he had done to Reema.

As Zain fervently drove the carriage away from Aloxa, he knew the Romani family would inevitably catch up, and his fate was sealed.

All he wanted was to save Eiravyne and his sister.

Turning to Elara with a serious look, Eiravyne uttered, "Take me... take me to Verdant Vale."

Elara hesitated, protesting, "No, this can't be possible. Your family is dead. No one there is going to save us."

Eiravyne insisted firmly, "Take me to Verdant Vale, please….I will make sure that you both will be safe with me ."

Elara's brows furrowed with uncertainty, caught between the desperation in Eiravyne's eyes and the logical doubts clouding her mind.

She pondered the risks of heading towards Verdant Vale, a place where they are considered enemies.

"Miss Eiravyne, are you certain about this? No one will harm us there ? The Romani family could be relentless, and seeking refuge in Verdant Vale might not guarantee safety," Elara voiced her concerns.

Eiravyne, however, remained resolute. "I…. We need to reach Verdant Vale. It's our best chance."

Elara sighed, recognizing the determination in Eiravyne's gaze. "Very well, Miss. We'll head to Verdant Vale, but we must be cautious. The Romani family will not rest until they find us."

As the carriage rumbled on the uneven path, Eiravyne's mind raced with a mix of hope and apprehension.

Verdant Vale held the promise of sanctuary, but the journey was fraught with peril. She couldn't shake the feeling that her family, or at least a part of it, awaited her there.

Amidst the uncertainty, Elara looked out from the carriage and told her brother to head to Vardant Vale, then she focused her gaze outside keeping a vigilant eye on the surroundings.

Zain, focused on navigating the terrain, maintained a steady pace, aware that their pursuers could be closing in… the journey was not easy …it was 2 days after all .

Eiravyne gazed at the vast expanse of the sky with a focused intensity, absorbing the freedom that had eluded her during her captivity.

It was a moment of solace, a brief respite from the turmoil that had defined her recent existence.

Elara, perceptive to Eiravyne's contemplative mood, approached and gently spoke, "Miss Eiravyne, if, for any reason, we don't find help there …, we might need to consider an alternative plan."