Chereads / His Crimson Obsession / Chapter 10 - Her fever

Chapter 10 - Her fever

In the cramped confines of the carriage, Eiravyne lay motionless, enveloped in a stifling heat that seemed to emanate from the very core of her being.

The air inside the carriage hung heavy with the scent of sweat and desperation and blood.

The rhythmic rocking of the carriage now intensified the relentless waves of fever coursing through her.

Her body felt like a furnace, an inferno burning from the inside. Waves of intense heat surged through her veins, rendering her incapable of coherent thought.

The world around her dissolved into a haze of shadows and distorted whispers as she drifted in and out of consciousness.

Despite the agony that gripped her, Eiravyne's eyes remained shut, the effort to open them an insurmountable task.

The lids felt heavy, as if weighed down by the oppressive heat that permeated her very soul.

The darkness behind her closed eyes offered no respite; instead, it seemed to amplify the vivid hallucinations that danced on the fringes of her fevered mind.

In her delirium, she was transported back to the vivid scenes of her life when she was abused by her family.

Faces and places intertwined with the searing heat, creating a disorienting montage of memories and illusions.

Lysander's voice echoed in the infernal symphony, a haunting presence that exacerbated the turmoil within her.

The journey, now stretching into its second day without respite, felt like an endless odyssey through a purgatory of heat and exhaustion.

The carriage, driven by Elara's determination and Zain's desperation, pressed on through the unforgiving terrain.

Amidst the fever-induced delirium, Eiravyne's lips moved in silent murmurs, uttering fragments of incoherent sentences that danced on the edge of consciousness.

Her voice, barely a whisper, carried the weight of her subconscious thoughts and unresolved emotions.

"I didn't do anything…I am sorry father ….mama….I am sorry….Thomas …Isabella…I am coming …I promise ...I will be good ...I will make sure to have everything on control.. " she gasped, the urgency palpable in each whispered syllable.

Her brows furrowed in distress "No, don't... dad …dad …don't listen to them…I did nothing ..why…why ..did u say…dad…I am coming … help," she pleaded, the lines between reality and hallucination blurring in the haze of her fevered consciousness.

Moments of vulnerability surfaced as she whispered, "father, is that you?... I'm lost, find me,"

Elara, sitting beside her, listened to these fragmented confessions, the weight of Eiravyne's unconscious words weaving a tapestry of the internal struggles she faced.

Elara rushed outside to where Zain was managing the carriage, his face etched with stress and fatigue from the relentless journey.

She approached him with a grave expression, concern evident in her eyes.

"Zain," she spoke with urgency, "I don't think I can stay calm anymore …Her fever is increasing …and the healing magic I am using is just useless…I am not as powerful as Alfonso …of course …my magic is just this bad….I think we're going to lose her.

Eiravyne needs to be healed. Her cuts have gotten infected, and the amount of blood she lost is taking a toll on her.

She's been hallucinating for two days now … whatever she is seeing in her nightmares is just haunting her …and I can't wake her up anymore, and I don't think she'll make it through the night if we don't do something."

Zain's eyes betrayed a hint of frustration and self-pity as he acknowledged his limitations.

"If only my magic was stronger like that fucking bastard, I could have ... I could have done something for her. But I can't heal her with the skills I have.

We need to find someone who can….The horse is tired, sister …and …we have been on the move for 2 days … I will keep moving, Elara….But right now the situation is not promising at all,"

"But... but where can we find someone to heal her? Everyone in Aloxa is after us, and the people of Verdant Vale would kill us because we're part of the Romani family. We can't... we can't even seek the help she needs without putting ourselves in even more danger," Elara stammered, fear evident in her voice.

Zain, desperate and exhausted, raked his hands through his disheveled hair.

The weight of the situation bore down on him, and he looked at Elara with a mixture of helplessness and determination.

"We have to find someone, Elara. There must be a place, someone, who can help her. I can't stand the thought of losing her, not after all we've been through," Zain urged, his eyes reflecting both concern for Eiravyne and the anxiety of their perilous predicament.

Elara nodded, her own worry mirrored in her eyes. The carriage rattled along the uneven road, each jostle accentuating Eiravyne's weakened state.

However, suddenly…

The galloping hooves echoed relentlessly behind them as the carriage hurtled down the uneven path.

"Zain, they've found us! Hurry up...They're catching up to us !" Elara's voice quivered with fear, the urgency in her tone mirroring the escalating danger.

Panic etched across Elara's face as Zain desperately tried to steer their escape, his knuckles turning white as he clutched the reins.

Zain, tense and resolute, cast anxious glances over his shoulder, assessing the proximity of their pursuers.

Zain's eyes narrowed, his mind racing to find a solution. "Hold on, Elara. We can't let them take us. We need to find a way to escape."

As they careened down the winding path, the treacherous terrain became increasingly challenging.

The dense foliage concealed a hidden cliff, an unforeseen peril lurking in their path.

The horse, agitated by the relentless pursuit, made a sudden, panicked move. The carriage teetered on the edge before gravity took hold, sending it over the precipice.

The world seemed to slow as the carriage descended, the air filled with a mix of screams and the creaking of wood.

The cliff's edge, shrouded by thick vegetation, marked the beginning of a tumultuous descent.

Elara and Zain, entangled in the chaos, felt the stomach-churning drop as the carriage plummeted into the unknown abyss below.