Chereads / His Crimson Obsession / Chapter 5 - Every drop of her blood

Chapter 5 - Every drop of her blood

Desperation to move overwhelmed Eiravyne, but Alfonso, with a steady hand, restrained her, compelling her to endure this moment of vulnerability.

Eiravyne's mind raced with apprehension, the fear of violation lingering in the recesses of her thoughts.

As Alfonso seemingly continued his actions, Eiravyne's fear intensified.

Alfonso leaned in closer, placing his palm on Eiravyne's inner thigh to heal it .

Eiravyne, trembling with fear, instinctively tried to remove his hand by placing hers on top of it.

However, he forcefully pushed her hand aside and coldly remarked, "You're so full of yourself."

Amidst her tears that fell heavily this time, Alfonso uttered, "If it weren't for Father, I wouldn't do this. But this is the only way to use you again. I'm forced to heal you."

His tone carried a palpable disgust, as if the very idea of healing her repulsed him to the point of nausea.

"Don't worry... I'll leave that bite there on your neck, just as a reminder," he added with a wicked smile

Alfonso orchestrated an unsettling choreography between Eiravyne's exposed legs.

He was seated between her legs so comfortably.

One leg, still lifted onto his shoulder with an intimate proximity.

The other leg, positioned like a chicken drumstick, lay flat against the mattress, further accentuating her helplessness .

He initiated the healing process, his hand, akin to a sculptor's delicate touch, traced the contours of the wounded limb.

Eiravyne, trapped in the exposed vulnerability of her intimate position, experienced a profound sense of degradation.

The remnants of her torn dress clung to her like tattered veils, unable to shield her from the unsettling gaze that bore witness to her helplessness.

Each passing moment seemed to etch a deeper sense of shame, as if the room itself conspired to amplify the echoes of her degradation.

In a desperate attempt to shield herself from the haunting reality, Eiravyne covered her face with one of her now-healed arms, tears streaming down in a silent cascade.

The frailty of her position, coupled with the aftermath of cruelty, left her grappling with an overwhelming mix of emotions.

Once the healing ritual was concluded, Alfonso fixed Eiravyne with an icy gaze, his words laden with a chilling promise of perpetual torment.

"This will be an endless cycle, Eiravyne Verenth. No one is going to help you escape this fate. Every wound I mend, every moment of respite, is just a prelude to the next wave of suffering.

You're trapped in the clutches of the Romani family's legacy, and there's no salvation in sight. Your pain will be unending, and you will dance to the cruel tune of our design.

No savior will emerge, no reprieve granted. Welcome to the abyss of your father's making."

Alfonso revealed in the perverse satisfaction of the moment, callously discarding Eiravyne's lifted leg with a dismissive gesture, akin to tossing aside refuse.

His enjoyment lingered in the air as he distanced himself from the bed, leaving the room with an unsettling aura of triumph and malevolence.


The weight of Eiravyne's captivity hung heavily in the air of the cabin, each night a haunting echo of degradation orchestrated by the Romani family.

Trapped in a cycle of torment, she loathed her powerlessness and the absence of any means to escape.

Each night was a relentless reminder of her status as both prisoner and tool, a role she despised with every fiber of her being.

Eiravyne's days unfolded in a suffocating abyss, devoid of glimpses of the sky or the refreshment of fresh air.

Her body bore the cruel marks of Alfonso Romani's twisted promise, not just with cuts but also with bites that invaded the most intimate parts of her body.

Just this night he did the same.

As Alfonso's teeth pierced the tender skin of Eiravyne's junction from neck to breast, his uttered words "I'll mark this soft, smooth, untouched, and unseen skin with bites," he declared with feigned aversion, each syllable carrying a concealed undercurrent of something he himself couldn't grasp.

The velvety texture of her skin yielded to the intrusion, and as Alfonso navigated this uncharted terrain, a strange sensation enveloped him.

He spoke with pretended disdain, yet there was a subtlety in his actions—a fervor that betrayed an internal conflict.

The intoxicating scent of her skin, the taste that lingered on his lips, and the concealed desires he wrestled with created a paradox.

It was as if Alfonso, in his cruel pursuit, was simultaneously unraveling a mystery within himself—a mystery he dared not confront.

Eiravyne, drained of power, could no longer push him away.

Tears marked each instance of his actions, but on this particular night, a spark of determination flickered within her.

It had been a month since this torment began, and a resolve to change her fate welled up within her.

With a swift, determined movement, she arched her body, capturing Alfonso's ear between her teeth.

The force she applied spoke volumes of her desperation and the pent-up rage that had been simmering beneath the surface.

As her teeth sank into his ear, a muffled gasp escaped Alfonso's lips as Eiravyne's teeth clamped onto his ear with a force fueled by desperation.

The unexpected retaliation momentarily caught him off guard, and his hold on her weakened.

Eiravyne, fueled by a surge of determination, maintained her grip on his ear, a silent declaration that she wouldn't succumb to his cruel whims any longer.

The taste of victory mingled with the metallic tang of blood as she held her ground.

Eiravyne's eyes, once filled with tears of helplessness, now sparkled with a glimmer of defiance.

Eiravyne clung to her daring act until the echo of approaching footsteps pierced the air, signaling the unwelcome intrusion of Alfonso's family.

The release of Alfonso's ear coincided with the realization that his agonized screams had reached the ears of those beyond the walls.

A vicious slap landed on Eiravyne's face, the force of it reverberating through the room.

In the aftermath of the brutal slap, Alfonso's words cut through the air with a spiteful edge.

He sneered, "You insolent wretch! How dare you defy me?" Each word dripped with disdain, intensifying the already oppressive atmosphere in the room.

The entire Romani family barged into the room. Alfonso, blood dripping from his ear and fueled by rage, shoved Eiravyne onto the bed, attempting to strangle her.

The air became thick with tension as her desperate gasps for breath went unheard.

However, intervention came unexpectedly from Alfonso's own father, who, appalled by the severity of the situation, forcefully pushed his son aside.

With a resounding slap, he admonished, "I allowed you to play with her, not to kill her. Control yourself!"

Amidst the chaotic scene, Alessio Romani, he was 30, the second son, couldn't help but laugh at his brother's predicament.

With a sardonic tone, he remarked, "Well, I guess she was playing with him, Father." His words, laced with mockery, added another layer of tension to the already fraught atmosphere .

Marco, the older son, he was 35,approached the bed with an air of authority.

He effortlessly pushed Alfonso aside, claiming his position by Eiravyne's side.

Leaning towards her, he observed her weakened state with clinical detachment.

Using his index finger, he delicately wiped the blood from her mouth, his touch strangely gentle despite the sinister purpose at hand.

A cold smile played on Marco's lips as he remarked, "We better hurry, Father. We need all the blood for the barrier spell. This wretched dog will bite us first."

"We need a substantial amount of blood," his father interjected.

With a sense of urgency, Marco Romani directed his attention back to Eiravyne.

His fingers, stained with her blood, traced a chilling path across her face, wiping away the evidence of her defiance.

"We can't afford delays," Marco stated coolly, his eyes fixed on Eiravyne as if she were a mere pawn in a macabre game.

Marco, leaning in closer, whispered to Eiravyne with a malicious grin, "You should consider yourself fortunate. Your blood is about to serve a higher purpose, ensuring the longevity of the Romani legacy."

Eiravyne, still gasping for breath, shot a defiant look at Marco. " You will face consequences….you d-damn monsters ! "

Alessio, the second son, interjected with a sardonic laugh. "Save your melodrama for someone who cares, little lamb. You're merely a means to an end for our family."

Their father, a stoic figure in the room, observed the scene with a cold detachment.

"Enough banter. Let's proceed with the ritual. We need every drop of her blood for the spell to work effectively....soon"