Chereads / The Alpha king Obsession / Chapter 13 - DINNER II

Chapter 13 - DINNER II

This was the first time I was stepping out of my room since I got to the legendary Alexander's castle. I've heard stories of it's splendor from when I was little but I had never visited it.

Growing up as the last child of Gonzalo Neville, my late father, I was treated differently. While my elder brother and sister had certain privileges and freedoms, I was restricted.

I wasn't even allowed to play among my peers. There were always guards lurking beside me with claims of protecting me. I'd asked my dad several questions like what they were protecting me from, but he never gave me a satisfactory answer.

Because of this strictness, while my sister and brother accompanied my father to the castle on special occasions like royal balls, and gatherings, I was left at home.

My father claimed the journey to the castle was more than a thousand miles away from home, and a two-days trip that could be disastrous in the blink of an eye. Since my wolf was yet to be awakened, he couldn't guarantee my hundred percent protection from outside his pack. So, my dream of going to the castle was shattered.

Until now...

I was patrolling the insides that guests hadn't had the opportunity to see, and it felt satisfying.

My eyes wandered the opulent hallway that Alexander walked me through with my hands linked on his arm. Soft lighting, plush walk through carpet that trailed down to the elevator, beautiful artworks of both paintings, and molded sculptures.

I had little time to admire it as I was led into the elevator with Alexander's hand on the small of my back. His touch stirred emotions within me that betrayed how I should feel. Regardless, I straightened my back.

The elevator descended smoothly and when the doors opened to the floor Alexander had pressed on, he guided me out with his hand still on my back, before linking our hands once more.

The hallway we stepped into was just as beautiful as the other hallway, except that it wasn't as secluded. Royal maids, dressed in their uniforms, patrolled the hall, but they all stopped whatever they were doing, and bowed when Alexander stepped into it. They didn't lift their head untill we took the next turn out of the hallway.

A beautiful door with two guards in front of it, loomed ahead, and Alexander led me to it. When the guards noticed our presence, they opened the door, and bowed as we stepped in.

The dining room was nothing short of magnificent. A long, ornate table stretched before us, adorned with silver candelabras and a spread of sumptuous dishes, some of which I hadn't set eyes on before.

The chandelier above cast a warm, golden glow that made everything shimmer with an ethereal light.

Alexander led me to a chair beside the head of the table chair, and pulled it out for me. "Sit," he commanded softly, his eyes never leaving mine, "It's time to feed that stomach of yours."

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