Chereads / STEPMOM FOR YOUR SON / Chapter 13 - Viona's True Background

Chapter 13 - Viona's True Background

"So you found out everything from your late daughter's cell phone? That's very sad, sir. I'm sorry for what you're going through." Viona responded. Up to this moment, the woman couldn't do much. Major General Kenneth's story is so sad to hear.

"Yes, thanks to a dream from my daughter, I was able to see the faces of those depraved perpetrators. Armed with my IT experience from the military, I started looking for the thirteen criminals myself. In these two years, all those robbers have died in my hands." Major General Kenneth explained again.

He was seen correcting his sitting position, currently, his body and hands were still tied by Jansen, "There's just one more I haven't finished yet. He was the mastermind behind the robbery and premeditated murder of my family."

"I will be very grateful and accept your condolences when you let me carry out my duties as head of the family. I have to settle this two-year grudge so that the spirits of my wife and two daughters can rest in peace up there."

Major General Kenneth was seen staring blankly at Viona while observing the expression of the young woman who might be one of the soldiers he trained with.

"I'm close to making a decision, but I'll tell you the final one when you answer my last question. What is your latest target's name and do you know him? I asked just to make sure your answer was the same as what I thought."

Viona asked with a calm face. She breathed a sigh of relief after hearing Major General Kenneth's next answer.

"I really know who destroyed my family. He's Albert, my first neighbor. After that incident, he secretly fled abroad and changed his name to Nino Alfonso. Is that the same name as the person who paid you to arrest me?" Major General Kenneth's answer made Viona smile.

The former special forces member also smiled, "You are still very great, Black Pearl. You didn't disappoint me." Viona answered happily, "I decided to let you complete your obligations, Major General."

When Viona wanted to continue what she was saying, her cell phone suddenly rang. It was an incoming message from someone she had tagged.

'I just want to remind you that the time to think only leaves tomorrow, Viona.'

Viona frowned and took a deep breath. She stood up and put her cell phone back into her trouser pocket.

"If you need our help, just tell him. I still have other things to do," she said then started to turn around.

"You haven't answered who you are, girl? Why are you so kind to me by letting me go when you could get paid handsomely after catching me?" Major General Kenneth asked confused. His question succeeded in making Viona stop in her tracks.

Viona turned back to Major General Kenneth, "I will tell you who I am if you succeed in completing your revenge, Major General. I go!" That was all Viona said before leaving Major General Kenneth and Jansen.

"She's a smart girl." Major General Kenneth praised Viona as he watched the young woman leave.

"She was born with a special life, sir. Anyone who had a good relationship with her would understand that her life was truly unique." Jansen answered while untying Major General Kenneth.

'Hmm, and I think I'm starting to remember who she is...' The Major General answered Jansen's words silently.


'I received a job offer from you, sir. I'll be there in a moment.'

Typing the message that Viona sent in response to Joe's message was what made her arrive at Joe's house even though it was already midnight, even Sammy and Ben were fast asleep. Only Joe knew that Viona was coming.

"This is your room while you live here," said Joe as he opened the white door in front of him.

Viona blinked several times, not believing the big room in front of her this time, "Do all the workers in this house get rooms this big?" she asked.

Joe glanced at her, "Of course, but the workers in this house are in the building behind the house. You are here because you will be Sammy's babysitter and also take care of my personal affairs before leaving for the office. It would be more efficient if you weren't too far away and were easy to call."

Viona nodded as a sign of understanding, "Yes, Boss. I understand and thank you." she said politely then quickly entered her room.

"Viona, wait!" said Joe immediately.

"Anything else, Boss?" Viona seemed to be waiting.

"There isn't any. I just wanted to say good night."

"Yes, good night too. See you tomorrow, Boss," she answered again. Viona didn't want to be alone with Joe any longer to avoid random discussions like a sudden proposal like yesterday.

Early morning on the other side of the capital…

Precisely in a hotel bar which currently feels bustling with the sound of DJ music and also the happy screams of the people there. In one corner of the dimly lit room, on a long sofa, two or three women could be seen serving an almost naked man.

His top clothes had come off and he was only wearing trousers that even had the zipper open, showing his manhood while receiving delicious service from a female servant.

It was very clear that the man was enjoying the atmosphere. Intoxicating liquor, delicious service from three beautiful and sexy women, and booming music that was right for his ears. The muscular bald man was now moaning in pleasure. However, he had to stop the sound of satisfaction when one of his men approached.

"Boss, the messenger from Blooming Lotus has just canceled the cooperation. They have also sent penalty money as compensation for the canceled agreement and said that after this they have nothing to do with us." The man dressed neatly like a bodyguard conveyed a message to his boss.

"Stop!" he said angrily which immediately made the three women serving his body stop, "Give me my clothes and cell phone. You three wait for me in my room." he continued giving orders.

The three sexually satisfying women immediately jogged over to obey the boss's orders. They don't want to wait for the boss to finish getting dressed and start getting angry again. It could be that they are the ones who will be affected by the anger of this man who is famous for his temperament.

"I wasn't in a completely good mood when they canceled tonight's meeting. And now they can easily break the initial agreement that their big boss agreed to. That's great, yeah." said the man previously told by Major General Kenneth. He is Nino Alfonso aka Albert. Jealous neighbors who have ruined Major General Kenneth's beautiful life.

"Who did Blooming Lotus send to deal with my problem? I heard he just came from Bangkok." Nino asked his trusted person again.

"No, Boss. The only one who had just arrived from Bangkok was the right-hand man of the Blooming Lotus envoy. What I can assure you is that the son of the leader of Blooming Lotus herself will handle your problem, Boss. And she's a woman. Maybe you already know or have heard about that woman, Boss." Nino's confidant answered.

"I don't know and don't care. How arrogant could Blooming Lotus be to look down on their clients? Why do women get involved in handling men's affairs? A woman's nature only exists under a man's crotch."

Nino's words really belittled the Blooming Lotus messenger. Even though he didn't know who Viona was at all. Armed with the advice of many of his friends, Nino only needed to pay a very high amount of money to use Blooming Lotus's services to solve his problem.

"I'll think about Andrew that bastard later. Call my gangster friends and tell them to teach that woman a lesson. Also, tell them this message. I want that woman writhing in pain in my bed. I want that rotten woman to pay for the insult to Nino Alfonso." he said in a tone of voice and an expression of anger.

He didn't know that the Blooming Lotus was not just a random group. Bigger than his little brain that just found out about the Blooming Lotus, Nino Alfonso had no idea how big a disaster would come to him when he thought about how to repay Viona's insult to him.

Not entirely blaming Nino's ignorance, even though he has been associated with the criminal world for a long time, but didn't know who the Blooming Lotus itself was. Because not many people know about the roots of the Blooming Lotus itself and who the people in it are, including Viona and her special family.

Unique family status. Has a harmonious family that is spread across various countries and even continents. The big incident that shocked the international world around thirty years ago may have disappeared from memory, but believe me, the people involved in the uproar in the past existed and have now entered the third generation of the story, including Viona in that group.

Who doesn't know the mafia organization whose name is legendary in America, called Black Dragon?

Who still remembers the top players such as Black Jack, Black Sky, Black Lily, and Black Lion? And the last and most horrendous security issue between countries at that time, was Black Rose, the leader of the Rose of Death.

All of this has now led Viona Bharadja to cover up the background of her true identity, which is… Black Clover Garendra.

While waiting for the continuation of this book, please read BLOCKED LOVE, BETWEEN CEO AND SINGLE MOM, and RICH WIDOWER AND BEAUTIFUL BOSS first to complete your information about the cast.

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