Chereads / Madam Wants To Divorce Her Second Husband / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: I will take this baby with me

Madam Wants To Divorce Her Second Husband

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: I will take this baby with me

Winter stood on the balcony of her penthouse, staring down at the view of New York City's skyline. It was already midnight, yet her second husband, Sebastian, hadn't returned home. 

Then again, why would he be home with her, when he was out sleeping with a younger woman? In his eyes, she was nothing more than a burden, a good-for-nothing widow, and everything he hated about this world. 

Winter stared morosely at the picture her mother-in-law had sent earlier. It showed her husband hugging a red-haired woman's waist, as they entered a hotel suite. 

Her phone beeped again. This time, her mother-in-law sent her an audio recording. 

She clicked on it, and her husband's voice echoed through the empty house.

'I married her for her inheritance. That useless woman had a shit ton of money after Aiden died,' Sebastian replied coldly.

The recording ended, and so did the last trace of love she had for Sebastian Saenz. 

"This is a mistake. I shouldn't have married you in the first place. I should've just followed Aiden to the grave right after his death," Winter whispered. She bit her trembling lips, but she couldn't hold back the tears that rolled down her cheeks. "Aiden would never hurt me like this."

She was a fool to fall for Sebastian Saenz. When Aiden, her first husband, died in a car accident, Winter inherited his multi-million dollar company. But she didn't know how to handle such a heavy responsibility.

Enter Sebastien Saenz, who was at the right place at the right time. The answer to all her prayers. Though ten years younger than her, he was already a CEO of a branch company that her late husband owned.

After getting closer, he proposed to her after only six months of dating. She agreed without hesitation. How could she refuse a good man who was willing to help a widow?

Who would've thought Sebastian Saenz was an unfaithful, gold-digging scum?

He cheated on her and took over all of her assets. He never loved her. 

She was left with nothing but a baby in her womb.

"My baby…" Winter placed her cold hand on her belly, which was already a small bump. 

She was already twelve weeks pregnant, but she hadn't broken the news to anyone, not even Sebastian, because she thought it wasn't worth it. 

He wasn't worthy of being a father to her child, and she didn't want this baby to be born knowing that their father was such a monster. 

As if to prove her point, her mother-in-law just sent a new message. It was a transcript, proving that Sebastian had transferred all of Winter's assets to himself. 

She was now left with nothing, not even the penthouse her late husband left her. 

How could Sebastian do this to her? Their marriage was colder than the season she was named after, but to think he would be ruthless enough to leave her with nothing after she tried her best to be a good wife to him. 

Her mother-in-law sent a second voice recording. 

'That penthouse is mine, so leave before dawn, or I will have cops to kick you out.'

Leave? Winter choked out a mirthful sob. If they wanted her to leave, she would leave - but on her own terms. 

Winter looked down from the railing of the balcony. 'I should have an instant death if I jump from this height.'

Before she lost her nerve, Winter decided to send one last voice note message to her scumbag of a husband.

"Are you satisfied with yourself, Seb? You took everything from me, from this lonely and stupid woman who wanted nothing but to be loved," Winter said, her voice wavering in the voice note. But as she caressed her baby bump, she got braver. 

"But I will take something from you in return; our baby. Because a heartless bastard like you doesn't deserve to see your child."

"I will take this baby with me to the grave," Winter declared. Now, her anger was gone. It died alongside her will to live. Her voice was empty of any emotion. 

"Goodbye, Sebastian Saenz. I hope you burn in eternal guilt."

Winter sent the voice note to Sebastian, and in only a few seconds, she got a call from him.

Winter scoffed as she saw the number saved as 'Husband' calling her desperately. 

Was he going to convince her to live? Impossible. Knowing him, he must have wanted to accuse her of having an affair that resulted in pregnancy. 

She didn't want to listen to his garbage any longer. She tossed her phone down the skyscraper and took her time staring at the night sky, "The stars are beautiful tonight. Too bad I can't stand and watch for too long…"

She took a deep breath and climbed onto the railing. Winter closed her eyes as she felt the sensation of falling from a great height. The cold wind whipped around her, and she knew she would meet instant death the moment her body hit the ground.

Yet, she feared nothing. 

Nothing would scare her anymore now that she had lost everything. The only regret she had was the baby nestled within her stomach.

She had been waiting for this baby for so long, and now she had to take him with her to the grave.

'I'm sorry, my baby…' Winter's last thought echoed as her body hit the ground.


Strangely, she felt no pain. She floated in emptiness for a while before slowly opening her eyes, thinking she was already in heaven.

However, the moment she opened her eyes, she caught sight of the flower petals surrounding her. She was sitting on a white bed decorated with flower petals. Her mouth fell open in shock.

"What on earth…this can't be!" 

She paused, her mind whirling in confusion and panic. She easily recognized where she was - in the bridal room where she spent her first night as a married couple with Sebastian. 

Then her eyes caught sight of the desk clock on top of the drawer. 


June 15, 2022.

10.30 p.m.


Winter gasped. 

She had somehow traveled back in time, two years to the night after her wedding reception with Sebastian Saenz, to be exact.

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