Chapter 5 - Chapter 5.

Ariana sat at the head of the table, wishing for the meeting to end. She had craved the title of boss for the luxury and power it offered, not the dull meetings with the leaders of the DeLuca Mafia.

"That's the major plan for the time being, Boss," a man said, startling Ariana. She had been lost in her thoughts and hadn't been listening.

Mr. Salvatore noticed her distraction and immediately stepped in. "Yes, yes, we need to focus on strengthening our alliances and expanding our territory for the time being," he repeated.

"That's great," Ariana picked up. "We've lost some ground recently after the death of Don Dante DeLuca. I intend to reclaim it. We'll start by solidifying our relationships with key partners."

The leaders nodded in agreement, aware that the recent events involving Sophia DeLuca had taken a toll on their reputation. They needed to fix it.

"Thank you all for your input. We'll meet again next week to discuss further progress," Ariana said, rising from her seat.

Just as the room began to clear, Alexander, one of Dante DeLuca's most trusted allies, stood up. "Boss, before we go, there's one matter that hasn't been discussed. What about Sophia DeLuca?"

Ariana's smile faltered for a split second, but she quickly regained her composure. "She has been dealt with," she replied smoothly. "She was sold as a slave."

Alexander's expression darkened. "I understand the need for swift action, but don't you think we should have investigated more thoroughly before carrying out such a severe sentence?"

Ariana's jaw clenched tightly. Alexander was getting under her skin. She wasn't surprised because the lanky man had been very close to Dante and quite fond of Sophia.

"Thorough investigations were carried out, Alexander," Mr. Salvatore interjected. "And indeed, Sophia was found guilty. She was a traitor."

"Mr. Salvatore, there's no solid proof to back that up," Alexander retorted, but he was cut short by Mr. Salvatore.

"We know you were quite fond of the young lady...very fond in special ways, but don't let it cloud your judgment."

"What do you mean by that, Mr. Salvatore?"

"That's enough," Ariana interrupted the bickering. "Thank you for your concern, Alexander, but rest assured, all actions taken were in the interest of this family." Alexander still looked troubled but said no more. Ariana smiled and dismissed the meeting.

Immediately outside the hall, she turned to Mr. Salvatore, clenching her fists tightly. "What's wrong with that stupid man? Is he trying to ruin me or something?"

"Calm down and keep your voice down," Mr. Salvatore warned, his round eyes darting around cautiously. "Very soon, Alexander will be taken care of, but right now, you have to focus on gaining the trust of the leaders, and it's not going to be easy, Ariana."

Ariana huffed angrily. "I can't believe he questioned me in front of everyone. It was humiliating."

Mr. Salvatore nodded. "Yes, it was very foolish of him, but it's crucial that you remain composed. The leaders are watching your every move, and any sign of weakness could undermine your authority."

"I know, I know," Ariana's tone softened slightly. "But what if they start doubting me because of him?"

"You need to show them you can handle disagreement. And remember, we're playing the long game here. Alexander's loyalty to Dante is strong, but it can be swayed. We just need to be patient."

Ariana took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. "You're right. I'll stay focused. But if he steps out of line again, I won't hesitate to put him in his place."

Mr. Salvatore smiled approvingly. "That's the spirit. But where is Marco?"

"He went to check up on some supplies," Ariana replied with a yawn. "He'll be back soon. All that boring talk has made me tired. I'm heading back inside."

"One more thing," Mr. Salvatore sighed. "Try to pay attention during meetings like this. We don't want them to think you're incompetent. Let's not have a repeat of today."

She rolled her eyes. "It's fine, Mr. Salvatore. I'll try to pay more attention even though I'm bored to death."

Mr. Salvatore shook his head slightly but didn't say anything as she began walking away.

Ariana returned to the master bedroom, once again mesmerized by the luxury surrounding her. The room had belonged to Dante DeLuca and was supposed to be occupied by Sophia after she became the boss, but now it was Ariana's. It was the luxury she had always craved.

"Finally, I can take this stupid dress off," she muttered, relaxing her breath as she unzipped the gown. Long flowing dresses weren't her thing; she preferred leather pants and jackets. But this was how Sophia always dressed, and everyone thought she was elegant and beautiful. Ariana wanted to be elegant and beautiful too.

Now in her bikini, she picked up her pants from the bed but decided to leave them. A nice bubble bath in the glass interior bathroom wouldn't be bad. Yes, she would do exactly that.

Just then, the door swung open, and Marco walked in with heavy footsteps.

"My God, Marco, you scared me!" Ariana wrung her hands dramatically, panting hard from the surprise.

"I'm so sorry, I was kind of agitated," Marco's eyes swept over her body deliciously.

Ariana felt a shiver run down her spine under his intense gaze. "Is everything alright?" she asked, trying to steady her voice.

"Just some issues with the suppliers. Nothing we can't handle," Marco replied, though his eyes never left her. "You seem more relaxed now."

Ariana smirked, her initial irritation giving way to amusement. "Trying to. It's been a long day with all that boring ass meeting. By the way, why were you agitated?"

"It's fucking Sophia. We have a problem on our hands."

Her expression hardened. "What do you mean? What happened?"

"I heard from my informant. She wasn't sold, Ariana."

Her blue eyes narrowed slightly. "What do you mean she wasn't sold?"

"Luca Moreno interrupted the bidding and freed all the captured girls there."

"Who the fuck is Luca Moreno?"

"He's the most popular and dangerous Mafia boss in New York."

Ariana's heart sank. "So now, what you're trying to say is Sophia is free?"

Marco didn't reply, but his expression gave her the answer she feared. "What the fuck are we going to do?"

"Don't worry, I'll find her no matter where she is, and then I'll kill her this time."

Ariana nodded, raking her fingers through her blonde hair. "It's all my fault. I should have just listened to you and killed that bitch."

"I'm glad you realized that," Marco drew closer and wrapped his arms around her.

"We need to act fast," she leaned into him and muttered against his chest. "If she gets back to the DeLuca family, everything we've worked for could fall apart."

Marco's grip tightened. "We will. I've already put some of our best men on the task. We'll track her down."

Ariana couldn't afford to have Sophia back. She couldn't lose everything she had worked for—the crown, the luxury, and even Marco. She was well aware that Marco had betrayed Sophia because of wealth, and she couldn't let that wealth slip away from her grasp. Or else, he'll also leave her.

She felt Marco's hands on her, rough and urgent. "Now I just need a little therapy," he groaned, grabbing her firm ass tightly. His gray eyes traveled from her oblong face to her breasts before settling below her waist. "I want you now," he husked, lifting her from the floor and depositing her on the bed.

Ariana barely had time to react before Marco's lips were on hers, his hands tearing at her bikini. She welcomed the distraction, needing to feel something other than the cold fear that had gripped her since learning of Sophia's escape. Marco's touch was rough, possessive, as if he could claim her and keep her safe through sheer force of will.

She moaned against his mouth as her fingers tangled in his hair. "Don't let anything go wrong, Marco," she whispered, even as she pulled him closer.

"Nothing will," his breath hot against her skin. "I'll make sure of it."

Marco's hands roamed over her body, but Ariana's mind was still racing, calculating her next moves. She couldn't rely solely on Marco; she had to ensure her own survival. She would call in every favor, use every contact, and crush anyone who stood in her way.

Marco's mouth moved lower, and Ariana arched beneath him, letting herself get lost in the moment. For now, she would allow herself this brief escape. Tomorrow, she will resume the fight. She will not rest until Sophia DeLuca is dead.

She closed her eyes, pushing thoughts of Sophia to the back of her mind.

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