Chapter 4 - Chapter 4.

**Warning: Abuse**

This is necessary for the plot. It will become clear in later chapters.





"I'll do no such thing, you bastard. You must think I'm weak or something," Sophia yelled angrily.

"Suit yourself then." He pulled her roughly outside the room. She was instantly embarrassed to see his men standing guard. She tried to pull back, but he was too strong.

The guards barely glanced at her, but Sophia felt their eyes judging her. Luca dragged her through the hall and out into the courtyard, where a tall wooden pole stood.

"You fucking bastard, stop!" Sophia protested. "You don't have to do this."

"I warned you, didn't I?" Luca's voice was cold. "Maybe next time you'll listen."

He forced her against the pole, tying her hands above her head. The rough wood scraped against her bare skin, and she winced in pain. Her eyes darted around, looking for any sign of mercy from the guards, but they stayed stone-faced.

"Let this be a lesson to you," Luca said, stepping back. "Disobedience has consequences."

Sophia felt tears welling up, but she refused to let them fall. "You're a fucking monster." She shook with anger and fear as Luca's expression hardened, and he stepped closer.

His face was inches from hers. "You have no idea what I'm capable of," he hissed. "But you'll learn. You'll learn very soon."

With that, he turned and walked away, leaving her tied to the pole. The guards remained with their cold eyes fixed on her. Sophia's body shook with pure rage, as she pulled against the ropes, but they only dug deeper into her skin, leaving angry red marks.

She looked up and noticed that the sky was slowly turning dark; it seemed like it was about to rain. If it rained, would Luca really leave her out here in the rain? No, she didn't care about that. He was trying to break her, but she wouldn't allow him.

She felt water sliding down her cheeks and realized she was already crying. She had never felt so embarrassed in all her life. Her dignity and pride had been damaged, but she still wouldn't give him the satisfaction. No, she wouldn't. She would survive this and get revenge on all who wronged her.

Sophia saw the woman who brought her the food tray approaching with quick steps. Maybe he had changed his mind.

The woman looked at her pitifully from head to toe before fixing her gaze on Sophia's face. "The boss said he'll grant you mercy if you agree to eat the food."

"I don't want to. Tell him to leave me the fuck alone," Sophia cried out through tears, but the woman looked up at the sky.

"As you can see, it's about to rain. Are you sure you want to remain here? It's going to rain soon."

But Sophia shook her head. "I don't care. If I have to stay here, then so be it."

The woman looked at her as though she had lost her mind but nonetheless nodded her head and left Sophia alone.

The first raindrops began to fall, cold and heavy, mixing with Sophia's tears. The guards retreated to find shelter, leaving her alone in the courtyard. She stood there, defiant, letting the rain drench her to the bone.

Meanwhile, inside the mansion, Luca was having lunch alone in the dining room. He savored each bite, his mind never straying far from the woman outside.

"Carla, has she agreed to eat the food?" he asked as the woman who had just walked in knelt before him.

"No, sir, she still refuses to eat."

Luca scoffed darkly. "So she's still being stubborn. Let's see who's going to cave first."

He dismissed Carla with a wave of his hand and continued eating his meal. Each mouthful tasted better knowing that Sophia was suffering. This was only the beginning; he would make her pay for everything her father did. Yes, he would.

As he ate, Luca's thoughts wandered back to the past. Sophia's father had wronged him in ways that could never be forgiven. Taking his daughter and breaking her spirit was just the start of his revenge. Luca was patient; he would take his time, savoring every moment of her downfall.

The rain pounded against the windows, matching his dark thoughts. He pictured Sophia outside shivering, and it gave him a twisted satisfaction. She would learn her place, and when she finally broke, it would be even more satisfying.

He finished his meal and leaned back in his chair, gazing out the window at the storm. "You're strong, Sophia," he muttered to himself. "But not strong enough."

Back in the courtyard, the rain was still heavy and began to sting Sophia's naked skin. She was hungry, tired, and aching all over, but she still hardened her mind. She was the true leader of the DeLuca Mafia; she couldn't let this break her. It would be a disgrace to her father.

About two hours later, Carla returned, holding an umbrella over her own head. "Sophia?" her voice was softer this time. "He won't let you go until you eat something. Why are you doing this to yourself?"

Sophia's eyes blazed with fury. "No," she said firmly. "I won't give him the satisfaction."

Carla sighed, shaking her head in disbelief. She was amazed by the young lady's bravery but thought Sophia was equally foolish. "You're strong, I'll give you that. But you can't survive on pride alone." She muttered, turning to leave.

Evening came, and it was already becoming dark. The rain showed no signs of letting up, and Sophia's body trembled with cold. She kept repeating to herself that she wouldn't break, that she couldn't let Luca win.

Inside his study, Luca was sipping wine, enjoying the warmth and comfort of his surroundings. The storm outside seemed a world away. He smiled to himself, imagining Sophia's suffering. She would learn her lesson soon enough.

Diego walked in and kneeled before him. "Boss," he greeted, his head bowed respectfully.

"Go on." Luca nodded, swirling the wine in his glass.

"I found out the reason Sophia was sold."

Luca leaned forward, intrigued. "Tell me."

Diego cleared his throat. "She was accused of being the fake heiress of the late Dante DeLuca by her fiancé, Marco. He also accused her of infidelity."

Luca smiled into his glass. "Infidelity, you say? Interesting."

Diego continued, "There are even pictures of Sophia naked with another man in bed. Additionally, her cousin Ariana is now the new boss of the DeLuca Mafia."

Luca nodded but didn't say anything. Something seems fishy, but he couldn't quite place his finger on it. "I want you to find out everything about Marco and Ariana. Report back with all the details."

"Yes, sir," Diego replied, starting to stand but then pausing. "Boss, what about the lady outside? When I was coming in, she was shivering violently."

"Shut the fuck up," Luca snapped at him. "How the fuck is it your business?"

"I'm sorry, sir," Diego said quickly, lowering his head in fear.

"Get the fuck out," Luca ordered coldly.

Diego hurried out of the room, leaving Luca alone with his thoughts. Infidelity and betrayal—these were powerful motivators, and Luca knew how to exploit them. But something about Sophia's situation didn't add up. He needed more information to understand the full picture.

Luca took another sip of his wine, his mind already plotting the next steps. He wouldn't stop until Sophia was utterly broken, begging for mercy. He would take everything from her, just as her father had taken everything from him.

It was very dark now, and the rain had stopped, but Sophia was barely holding on. She was sneezing nonstop, and her hands had grown numb. At this point, she wondered if she was being stubborn for nothing. Maybe she should just agree to eat the damn food. But when she saw Carla approaching again, she began to shake her head.

"Are you alright?" Carla asked, a bit worried that Sophia was trembling so much. "You're literally shaking like a leaf."

"I... I'm just go," Sophia stuttered, barely keeping her eyes open.

Carla grew more worried. "Just eat so that you can get out of here," she begged, but Sophia shook her head, bursting into tears.

"I can't... I'm not going to show... him my weakness." Immediately after the words left her lips, she collapsed against the pole.

Carla's eyes grew wide as she tapped her, calling her name, but got no reply. She quickly rushed inside to inform Luca. Thankfully, she met him at the front door as he was about to come out.

"Boss, boss, she fainted," Carla cried out.

"What?" Luca's eyes widened in alarm. He picked up his pace and raced towards the pole. He couldn't let anything happen to her. No, she couldn't die, not without his permission.

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