Chereads / Lore incarnet: Obsidian / Chapter 4 - The Clay industry is booming!

Chapter 4 - The Clay industry is booming!

Time: 16:00. Date: 13.04.7]

[Name: Adam Cross]

[Age: 52]

[Race: Ex-Human (Tén) [+]]


-Stess: 56% [+]

-Lifetime: 4.570.187h [+]

-Organisation 3,892% ]


- STR: 29

- DEX: 16

- AGI: 18

- CON: 40

- INT: 17

- WIS : 10

- CHA: 10?

[next page [yes]/[no]]

Adam was currently burning his clay in his self made lava oven. Since Adam had no Coal it was it a creative exercise that forced him to think and rebuild 32 times but he did it eventually. his Water farm also extended.

He now had Two dozen of Huge pots that held at least 100 liters of clean water Each. He also made himself a Hotspring Bath where he gathered material like calcium, sulfate and magnesium oxide in small amounts. It was cool how they reacted when you threw them into hot Lava.

Another ability Adam acquired was the Ability to approximate the temperature of Lava by its colour and flow and he was surprised to see that his Lava river was Drying up. That was a problem for him. Or him in Two Years.

In other New Adam wasn't Sloughing in the Six, and a bit, Years. He build himself a whole village made out of brick and plaster. it Took him Two years to identify at least 20 different kind of clay combinations and two used his blood and one his own Hair in am Mesh to be more the product more stable.

Not soon after Adam was finished with his Clay village and needed a new down time. He made nice plates, cups and other Pottery and began to apply different minerals or patterns to it. Makeing art and observation tables.

On the other note he began a Brick run up the Slope in direction of the Gold he Discovered. Adam knew that it was like a 5 months journey away but it wasn't like he had nothing better to do here. Over the time Adam managed, with better bricks and better tequnice to transport more and more bricks away. When he had enough bricks Adam build a Squar hut that he used to Sleep and Store a Jug of water in.

Sure Adam made Clay statues and music instruments out of clay but it made him Feel lonly so he put them in a corner where it wouldn't bother him. On a nother note Adam managed a kind of Shower and toilet. With help of a room he made on the Floor above that he filled with Pure water.

Now Adam was testing how the minimarals and the method of hardening changed the kind of vulcanic rock you got. He pulled a highly Temperature Resistant to the most liquid Lava and put Minerals, Specific claydust or Minerals Water into it.

He was currently emptying his 7th atapt into mold like Pit. Befor Emptying a Bucket of Water over it. Evaporaiting it into the Steam house. Adam didn't wanted to admit it but he was Bored out of his mind. He was currently looking how to make thouse floaty rocks so he could make a floating platform.

Sure, Adam recognised that he got Stronger, better, Faster and made all in all progress. But Adam feelt depressed. And Adam noticed in form of slowly rising Stress %tage.

He was looking board and saw that he made slightly greenish Obsidian Glass with that mixture and was maintaining on it when Adam Heard a Booming sound that he didn't hear since he got here. Thunder.

Adam Eyes widen! He didn't Lightning Proof his little Clay village. Adam cursed for the first time im a long time. Adam Sprinted into his Material storage room and Gathered all the half ask Iron he either picked up from meteorite craters or on the side of the Lava river. At the moment he didn't care if his Stress Rose to high levels. He needed to make a lightingrod before his Painstakingly constructed Water room got blown up by Lightning.

In haste he got to the Part of the Lava river that was still over 3000° hot. And saw how the Iron Slowly melted into a thick iron liquid. After it was Adam got it out by hand ignoring the pain of third degree burns and and Cocked tights. Adam put on the second batch in haste and Nearly Stumbled into the lava as he tryed to walk to a thie tube he made on the floor for dirty water to run of.

Poring the Molten Iron into the Grove he saw how it solidified with a lot of slack forming in Top. Adam tryed befor to make Iron but it was always to brittle for tools and he didn't understand why. But right now Adam needed a lighting rod. So he began running back and forth. When he had no more he sat down and hoped that the littel less then 6 meter long and wrist thick Iron rod was enough.

poring water over it Adam Saw the Steam rise. Hopeing for the best he pulled out the heavy object and proped it up into one of the Stone mounts. Where it Stood... for now.

Looking up Adam saw the Colourful Cloud overhead and the Red lightning it produces.

Adam was hurt and tired so he stumbled into his main house and hoped for the best.

Sitting there for Hours in the Darkness, illuminated by lightning flashes and deep and dull thunder following. You just sit there and try to meditate while the hours go by. Suddenly Adam feelt Quizzical feeling of impending danger. Trusting this feeling Adam ran and threw himself into a building that feelt Save only to see a flash of Bright light and an Instant crack of noise Blinding him.

Feeling like he got Flashbanged by a Dozen at once Adam layed himself on the floor. Feeling how hot water flooding the floor he was Laying on. Adam knew his House most likely a ruin of the wrath of lightning Adam cursed.

"Fuck this Shit!"

It took the Storm hours to go by. Meanwhile Adam stayed laying on the floor questioning his life in this Hell.