Over the next two Years Adam had a solid routine. After Adam woke up, did his workout and training, took something heavy and made a run to the next outpost in direction of the gold. Moving material, water or bricks up in a longer growing footpath two hour interval. After that Adam build a new Storehut, Adam would explore the surrounding for interesting Materials (Stone for clay or other crafting), Minerals or Metals/Ore. Build up a Stockpile of Stuff, catalogueing it and building up the lock. Fullknowing that it wasn't useful this instances, but may be useful later one.
When it came to the time to rest Adam Streched, cleand himself and started working on the Skeleton project for an hour, he was haveing stored them in a claybox bound in Hiar rope holding the magnetic stones too. When Adam wasen't satisfied with his work he remade it. After that Adam Meditate, got to rest and began organising the files of the UAM without being able to read them since the number of files was MASSIVE. Everything needed to be "Downloaded" manually and sorted Manually, one by one for the System to work without giving him a stress raiseing Headache.
When Adam ran out of matirial, clay or water he made his way back to the Camp by the Lake. Where he Woke up, did his Workout and Training and Started to Either Smash rocks to dust, gather iron dust and nuggets with in Claypots or moved Water to the Pools to be purified. When he was done with that Adam made other chores, repairs, Molded Bricks or Clayware or Sorted to bigger Storehousees.
When it came time to Rest. Adam streched and cleaned himself mostly in the Hot tub. Then decorate the claywhere or worked on other relaxing outlets. If he felt lonely Adam would work on the Skeleton Project. Building the Skeleton from the skull down. Even looking at his own bones as a reference only befor grinding them into Dust for the special clay. And adam didn't get hurt on purpose. He just Pulled the ones out that where not working anymore after Adam fell or crushed a bit.
The skeleton became more bone after bone. Turning out smaller then his own. Whenever one bone was finished Adam finished it with a garnish of quartzpowder molten over lava, giving it a glass like shine to it. Adam was Pretty sure that his work was perfect, but deam at least the jaw and skull was interlocking with each other.
Adam also redid his Watertower and Plumbing project. Even working on a Toilet with a functional flush. Even going so war and makeing Bathtiles just for the aesthetic alone. Haveing Worked with Clay, plaster and Bricks for Years now Adam even renovated a bit, keeping it functional to not grow too attached.
On a another note, the smithing and Iron smelting project came along gradually. His many atamts on smelting iron tools, by smelting the iron in claypots which where put into lava, resulted in Briddel and dirty Iron. He needed a furnace! So Adam started experimenting and found out that not all Magma was suitable for smelting. it was either to cold, hardend to fast or was impossible to remove, clogging the way for continuius heating.
So Adams began to look at the Magma ways where the lava came out and found out that they weren't that dried out as he initially thaught, but just got clogged up. So when Adam Startet declog small Magma chimneys, with a claytube he made, very Liquid stone came up. Perfect for useing to fule a furnace. Which was finished after 4 moons of work.
Along came the realisation that his at the Moment base camp was probably on one of the first Vulcanos in this planets history. Somehow happy he started his way to the Goldspot away from here, so that not all progress was lost once this base inevitably would errupt in next 100 years, if his status was to be trusted.
Now after one and a half Years Adam had gathered around 200kg of Iron bits and pieces. He also worked out a Furnace design that he made mostly from memory Improvisation. The important for Adam was, that the Iron never cam into contact with the Lava and that Adam could smelt iron consistently. So Adam began regularly to smelt bits of Iron, cast it into clay forms and try to work with it. It took him around 3 moons to figure out something workable and another 5 to optimise the process to start the first form of Mass production and the age of Tools!
Adam even Tryed to poor an Anvil but after many failed attempts with the iron Adam had adam found it easyer to get one of the harder stones and try to chisel it into something to work with and then Smooth the Surface with Quarzy dust and Slag adam had. With that Adam made himself hammers with a metal grip and Tongs to not burn his own Hand, which was still a very, very painful process.
It was a sobering and hard exercise to lern a skill like smithing from the ground up. Trying to mold the iron into the Shape adam desired. And Failing over and over again but Adam had time. Adam could see in his Status how Dexterity rose bit by bit and how it showed not only in his iron works but also in his clay products.
After that, Adam spend one moon to try to make the perfect all-purpose knive for him. Sure there wasn't much use for a Knive but something inside Adam longed for one. Even though he had nowhere to carry it. It turned out that Adam was learning allot from trying to make one iron knive. At one point Adam just skipped to Casting of the Iron into a knice form because it was to unstable and just used the Hammer to form the hunk of Iron he had into a knive and it was much more satisfying then trying to just hammer an Edege.
When Adam what finished with the knive, he had made a bunch of tools again because it was much more reliable. Smelting the old tools into small ingots for besser storage. Also Adam found a much better purpose of casting and that was casting the lava that didn't produce that much slag into forms and makeing decorations out of it.
Wanting to decorate his knive too Adam looked into Storage to lay his eyes on the Copper he gathered stunning the Man. He had gathered to copper on his outing. The Grin he had disappearing in a Groan of Tiredness.