Looking over the Rubble of his first Home on this Planet, adam, healed of his injuries, felt melancholic. Yes it was Dirty and Ugly. But it had a 'Shower' that only hat light acidic water.
The lightning Tore one Wall into bits and made the approximat 2000 liters of water. Water Steamed from the Pools in the lake and carried by manpower up into the Specially prepared room. Jug by Jug.
This exacly this water gushed out of the broken walls, all over the other walls and supporting pillars. Makeing the stuckture collabse... the whole Structure... Many smaller building beside it didn't fare better, being damaged by the exploding Shards of the walls or by the water sill hot and on a rampage.
Adam wishes he had a Broom right now... Sure he could wait a bit to cut his Hair off to make it into a Brush but he could use Hair for more things then brushes. for example he yould make String and Rope out of it to Transport the Pots better.
Adam was considering it in the back of his mind when his Gaze turned to the improvised Lighting Rod. Seeing it Collapsed to the Ground. In broken Shards of Scrab metal.
Makeing his Way over to the Mostly Iron Metal Adam picked up the pices. Noticing how the they lay here Adam deducted that it got hit by lightning at least once for it broke into millions of Iron Shards and Slack.
It was just Shotty work. That it worked at all was a Wonder to him
Picking up another pice adam noticed how a other Pice Stuck to it. Furruring his Brow Adam tried to pry the pices apart. Activeing it Atam feelt how they where attracted to another. 'Magentisim!?' Adam was shocked. Who knew that his Hasty and Failed protection of his house turned into this winfall?
What opend this up? Adam could slowly start to gather Iron Dust and Turn it into Tools. Sure Adam had no Coal or Charcoal but the truth was that as long there was a bit to no O2 in the air that there would be practically no O2 in the Water, the reason why the Water was so Acidic. Meaning that there was no Iron ore here that needed the carbon to bin it away from the iron and even if. Adam mused he could use his body as a Carbon replacement if comes to it.
Having thaugth this far Adam realised how fucked up his thaughts where! Using Blood and other Bodyparts what Wrong on so many levels. Adam mused that it could even Summon a Demon to him. And that would be a Stupid Idear without any of the right Gear.
Adam could use it to find out how Big the Planet was he was on like he did in his survival training in the Army. Sure they wouldn't had landed me on a Lava planet... but he couldn't bitch about that.
A far away crash pulling Adam out of his Thaughts. He continued his Task of putting every bit of Iron in one Place and Checking if they where magnets. In the end Adam had Five Crude magnets in his Arsenal.
Feeling it all wasn't for nothing Adam pulled himself together and Began to clean up the rest of his work area. Plans already forming in his Head. Having a accass of Lava resistance pottery and Minerals, Adam could begin metal working. Sure it would put a lot of Stress on him. But maybe he could figure things out. Was it possible to make a lava powerd Steam engine? Producing electricity for Futher Use?
Adam suddenly came to a stand still. What could 'He', adam cross. Use Electricity for? He wasn't a mechanic, he was a Soldier... Coming to this realisation, adams mood was dampened. He needed to unlock the files of the of the UAM. Thousand of Thousands of Years all in his Head.
Maybe he could manage to not Die on this Cursed planet and could die amongst the Stars. It would be preferable. Sure Adam see any Demons in the Year that he was here but he didn't wanted to risk it. Better Die up there then down here.
Later after Adam was mostly finished Cleaning up the Komplex, he create. Adam layed on the smooth stone he managed to liberate from the ruin. His eyes where closed but mind just wasn't calming down. The thaughts and doubts didn't let him rest. His calm reaction of his Body, like it was only a character in a Viedio game. This fuled his frustration and together with the over 7 year isolation made him feel like his Sanity was on a very thin string. A String that could rip just like that.
Adam missed his old life but coincidentally didn't saw one persons face or name. Emptyness came over him, because he didn't knew if he was single or had a family with someone else. Maybe kids? Maybe he had a Brother or a Lover? He didn't even Remember the Empors face, that he remembed beeing shown all over the Empire.
Maybe the bliss of not knowing was protecting his Sanity until now, cause the only face he knew was Adams own. Adam knew that every person had different face made out the smalles details. He also knew how every organ in the face looked like, but he couldn't put one together in his Head.
Adam already tried to make sculptures but they feelt uncanny to him. In combination with his not good sculpturing abilitys made him abandon his Project in one unused corner of his Work area. Where they where forgotten and ignored.
Adam... unable to rest Stood up in the Darkness and took some off the finest clay. The ones clay with his bonedust in it. Sure, adam had only a bit he could always use the ones that he removed after he had a grievous injury... Adam didn't like to admit it but haveing his body growing a new Bone was better then mending the broken bone wrong.
Looking up Adam could see the red glowing moon. And begun to form the clay into a Human Skull... if Adam wasn't able to recreate a other Face in his memorys he would recreate one. One step at the time. And only so that he wasn't feeling alone here anymore.