Chereads / Who Is He, Really? / Chapter 11 - Breakfast (1)

Chapter 11 - Breakfast (1)

A few days later after meeting in the training room.

Kurao who had a new routine wakes up early, before the sun has even rose and does a type of training meditation to circulate mana for a few hours before breakfast, after he goes to check on his mother who he has been checking on daily since they reconciled. 

Arriving at her door he stood in front of the door opposite to his room as he knocks on it.




The door to the room opens up as a tall woman with dark blue eyes and long white hair that looked to still be wet while she was in a black bath robe. Seeing his mother that had rosy cheeks and a radiant smile made him feel like everything was going up since his awakening, seeing that she seemed to be in a a much better mood then before where she would only even stick to glares and apathetic motions and speaking. 

Since even before his awakening his mother wouldn't even dare show a reaction. Ella on the other hand looked at her son with a slight smile at his appearance and remembered that he has been doing this for the past few days since coming back from training with her darling and fully awakening. 

"How is my little baby, Just give me a second and we can head to the dining hall and eat breakfast."

Ella then shuts the door quickly. Kurao was feeling happy seeing that she was excited to spend time together. He was also excited since soon he was gonna meet his teacher that his father picked out for him. Thinking of furthering his skills with a proper guide made him elated to no extent.

Waiting patiently at his mother's door it slowly opens up showing a beautiful woman that didn't look anywhere close to her appearance a week ago, she grabs Kurao hand and picks him up while carrying him with one arm. While looking at him with a smile her smile then turns into serious look as she says in a inquisitive tone.

"Kurao your father said he gave you permission to enter his personal treasury why haven't you gone yet?"

Ella asked seriously, with access to such a rare treasure trove who wouldn't take a treasure as soon as possible.

Kurao on the other hand was embarrassed that his mother was treating him like a baby by carrying him when he can perfectly walk on his own. 

"Mother I am 8 years old, I can walk on my own!"

Kurao was so absorbed in the embarrassment of how his mother was treating him, that he didn't notice her expression, but when he remembered her question he started thinking about what is father offered him.

While Ella was watching Kurao deep in thought as she sighed over how much Kurao gets to absorbed in his thoughts instead of thinking like a child of his age. It didn't concern her much since her baby was able to get the attention of the man that has been ignoring her for years which in count could also put her back in his sight.

Kurao then replied to Ella, "I have been to focused on training, so I haven't put much thought into it. I will talk to Aunt Vayla later about entering the treasury."

"It's okay my baby to go at your own pace but make sure to enter and find something to help accelerate your training as I have heard the room is filled with one of a kind treasures that any king would have to sell their country to get ahold of."

Ella then had a smile grace her face as she started carrying Kurao to the dining room much to his resistance.

As they got closer to the dining room Kurao wiggled himself free of his mother grasp and walks into the dining room in a dignified way compared to the more embarrassing position he was in earlier as he was just being carried just moments ago.

As he walks to the the table to get seated he recognizes a few people also came to have breakfast. Particularly the people he saw was his Aunt Vayla and a his Aunt Astaria. His Aunt Astaria had wavy teal hair that went to her shoulders, she also seemed to shorter then Ella and Vayla, she had a haughty feeling about her demeanor even when she was surrounded by family in private unlike how Vayla acted where she was dignified in presence of others and loving with the presence of family. 

Kurao also saw a few of his half siblings like Elyse, Nolaya, Aila, and even his big brother Alex

was present which surprised him since he was a busy man managing Father's projects. He also recognized a few other siblings but they seemed to absorbed to notice his presence.

Vayla was the first one to greet him as she gave a smile to Kurao as he sat himself next to her with his mother on the left side of him. 

"Goodmorning Little Kurao, Hurry and fill your stomach cause I got some exciting news for you after breakfast, little monster."

Vayla playfully said to Kurao as the maids delivered the food to him. Ella on the other hand stared coldly at Vayla for a moment before turning back to her little boy and pinched his cheeks taking out her jealousy of how Vayla was so close to talk so playfully with Kurao.

Kurao on the other hand was in thought after hearing what the exciting news Vayla would deliver to him.

'What does Aunt Vayla want to tell me? Is this about my tutor that is supposed to be coming today!'

Kurao thought getting excited, before he suddenly starts hearing someone calling out across from him.

"Kurao why haven't you been playing with me, I have been so bored without you visiting. Why don't you visit its been WEEKS since you last came to visit me. All I can do is study and I haven't had any signs of awakening."

Elyse pouted while using her fork to play with her food.

"Little Elyse he has just awaken that means he has to train to get big and strong like your brother Soleil. I am sure he will be able to play with you once he properly adjusts to life as a Elementalist, and don't be to hard on him, you will be as busy as him when the signs of awaking appear in you too."

Vayla replied trying to comfort her little girl. 

Elyse with a downcast expression was gaining sympathy among some of the people at the table. Kurao knows that he hasn't really talked to her since the ceremony, he replies in a confident voice. 

"Don't worry Elyse I will be sure to make time to play with you once I break through to Mana Sensing Stage 3 shortly. I have already broke through to Stage 2 so it shouldn't be too long. Then we can play all week long." Kurao said to Elyse trying to comfort her.

Hearing this Elyse eyes lit up, while all the other people at the table look at Kurao strangely after hearing him talk about hitting Mana Sensing Stage 3 when he has only been awakened for a week, they didn't even believe he hit Stage 2 like he said, the only ones who knew that he did hit stage 2 was the Ella, Vayla, and the Emperor. As for the others at the table they felt like Kurao was underestimating how long it would take to get to Mana Sensing Stage 3 and felt he was a bit arrogant for not even lower his goal to something like Mana Sensing Stage 2 so he could play with his sister. 

While the rest of the people except for Ella and Vayla, knowing that Kurao was already Mana Sensing Stage 2 and already made 5% of progress towards stage 3 in already a few days without any resources would be able to keep his promise to Elyse if he kept at his pace.

Astaria, Kurao's step mother, snickers to herself and then mockingly says.

"Little Kurao you don't need to lie about your progress to impress the people here."

Astaria then looks at Ella in disgust.

"Looks like you act just like Ella. Like mother like son."