Chereads / Who Is He, Really? / Chapter 14 - Unusual Books

Chapter 14 - Unusual Books

Kurao returned back to his room and rested on his bed. 'I am engaged to the 1st Princess of Vaefir? Why would I want to be engaged some princess when I don't even feel comfortable with it. Father must have gotten something for this engagement to go through.'

'What did father receive to accept such a proposal. He has never wedded any of his kids before. Even his daughters a free to choose their partners, so what did he get for him to force me to marry the princess of Vaefir?' 

Trying to wrap his brain about what deal his father made to make him engage his youngest to a rival foreign princess.

 'I don't like the idea of being married and it seems Father didn't care to ask my opinion on this matter. Why didn't he even let me know he was even thinking about engaging me to some princess?' 

Releasing a sigh over the situation, and rid of the thoughts that have been plaguing him since breakfast he switches gears as he arrives towards the steps of the staircase.

'Mother is right, I should go claim my treasure from Father's Treasury, with it I should be able to find something to get stronger faster then before. Then in turn, father would put me in loop of things important topics. I will be more reliable and competent then Alex or Soleil.' 

Thinking this he heads to the second floor and reaches the door at the end of the hallway. It was the Empress's bedroom, Standing in front of the door he loudly knocks on the door.



But before he can knock again the door opens as he looks up at the woman that had long purple hair. She was the Emperor's main wife and basically his foster mother. Seeing the little boy that she saw this morning at breakfast she gives him a smile and invites him in. Vayla assumed what his visit was for so she welcomed him in trying to not waste any time.

"Oh Little Kurao come right on in.'

Saying this Kurao walks in and sits on the edge of her bed and looks at her, but before he can speak he is interrupted.

"Kurao is this about your engagement, cause if it is I can't do anything about it. I know it may seem a bit unfair right now since your other siblings are free to pursue whoever they want, but having such a beautiful fiancé isn't such a bad thing."

She pauses and then a confused expression graces her face seeing that Kurao had more of a stern look then a pout, as she opened her mouth to speak again Kurao interrupts her.

"Aunt Vayla I am not here about that matter. I am here to enter the Father's Treasury, he said you would show me and help me pick a treasure?"

"Oh, You should've said so to start. He did say that you had access to take something out of there. Give me a moment and I will escort you there, just sit tight."

"Thank you, Aunt Vayla."

Kurao said while Vayla went to a separate room that was connected to the bedroom. While waiting on the edge of the bed for his foster mother. 

Kurao sweeps his gaze across the royal chambers 

'So this is where Father sleeps mostly. Seems pretty plain. Does Father not care for something more visually appealing and flashy?' 

The room seemed to be the same as his room just a bit bigger and a King sized mattress with a canopy.

The only other thing that was different then his room was the glaring bookshelf with three 8 shelfs and stacks of books, but the thing that caught Kurao off-guard wasn't the bookshelf itself it was the books on it.

It had books placed with their spine horizontally instead of being place vertically like normal. The other strange think about the books were that they didn't have any print on the spine which was quite weird to him. 

Kurao being curious decided to get off the edge of the bed and walk towards the shelf. Grabbing a book off a shelf he looks at the full front of the book, but can't recognize any of the text. It seemed to be in a different language that he has never seen before. 

Flipping through the pages he recognizes a few of the texts like the numbers and a few words he was taught when learning how to read and right, but most of it still seemed to be the same unrecognizable text.

'What is all of this gibberish. I can't understand any of this.' after flipping through a few more pages he places the book back on the shelf and opens different book, but gets the same unreadable writing. 

Kurao puts the book away hearing the door leading to the other part of the room open and his Aunt Vayla coming back with a key in hand. 

Vayla sees Kurao standing near the bookshelf and chastise him.

"Kurao I said I would be back and now your are rummaging through your father's stuff, what a bad boy you are little Kurao."

Kurao ignores the light scolding tone of Vayla and shoots her a question.

"What are these books? I can't read any of them."

Vayla was about to ask him to not bother himself with that topic, but seeing his light blue eyes light up with the question he asked she shook her head and decided to answer his question as she sits down in a chair that was standing near the bookshelf.

"Well I don't know much myself, since your father doesn't express himself much anymore, but I asked him a few times but he shut me down every time. I kept asking him after a dozen of times I asked he just seemed to be bored of me asking so he replied with. 'those books are related to someone that no longer exist in this world.' with a very sad look on his face, which if you know him is pretty rare to get out of him these days. Anyway, who that person is I don't know. But I do know that a person who is close to your father left him with many treasures and these books are likely from that person as well."

Kurao always enjoyed listening to stories relating to his father, but what he was trying to make sense of was who could write in such a unknown written language. 

"Well what language is that Aunt Vayla?"

Hearing Kurao's questions she replies truthfully. 

"I don't know. I don't try to think about it to much after your father gave answered my question a long time ago. But since there are not many languages to begin with and those that have a written language are able to be counted 2 hands."

Vayla sighed as she continued.

"I am not sure of the origin of the texts language but they don't seem to relate to anything from the other written languages. They also don't seem to relate to any other spoken language in the world from everything that I know of. Anyway try not to dwell on it too much and lets get you your little engagement gift."

Vayla quickly gets up and heads toward a blank spot on the wall near the bookshelf. She then puts her hand on the wall feeling her way across the wall, before she stops and puts the key that was in her hand into the wall visually seemingly like she was phasing through the wall with it. 

Kurao was confused on what she was doing seeing her shove the key into the wall. A few moments pass before the wall glows upon the action before revealing a dark corridor.

Staring into the dark abyss that was the dark corridor confused but also looking a little spooked. But Vayla's snapping her fingers snapped him out of the confusion. 

Upon her snapping her fingers the once dark corridor seemed to start glowing blue from the unnoticeable empty lanterns that hanged in the dark corridor. Vayla sees Kurao's face go from an expression of anxiety to one of awe upon seeing the blue lanterns. She turns around and sees Kurao's expression and gives a light chuckle before giving the boy a smile.

"You coming little Kurao?" She asks Kurao who was still standing there still staring down the corridor.

"Yes, sorry about that Aunt Vayla." Kurao responds regaining his bearings before striding down the blue lighted corridor.