"Hey what is this branch being glorified as if it's a center piece and why isn't it in a jar like the rest?"
Vayla puts down the book as she looks over at what Kurao was staring at before she smile blossoms on her face seeing the branch.
Knowing the history about the branch, she jokingly tells Kurao about the glorified branch that took a massive spot on the shelf.
"Well that 'Branch', is a branch from the Life Tree from the Uldreyin Forests. Husband told me how hard it was to steal it from the elves, which of course the elves didn't take very kindly too, since that tree is the living embodiment of their literal god."
Vayla pauses as she looks at how the little boy seemingly froze in place upon breaking the news about what he called branch.
"Wait this is part of the Life Tree!?" Kurao loses composure and dignified look as he exaggerates his hands pointing towards the potted branch.
Seeing him starting to understand why its on the glorified spot that it is in, Vayla gives a slight chuckle and continues.
"When Husband stole that branch from the Life Tree around hundred-ish years ago he first told me in a electrifying tone like he was acting like he was a kid getting something sweet, 'Vayla Baby guess what I got?? I GOT A PART OF THE FUCKING WORLD TREE!! Those elves were probably cursing me as I was running out of there in their tongue. The looks on their faces was fucking hilarious, holy shit.' That is word for word what he said, probably.'"
Vayla tried to impersonate the voice of a young man, before returning to the story.
"He was so giddy and happy about stealing the branch, which he kept referring to as the branch of Yggdrasil, from the elves that he had the pot with the branch of the Life Tree in it placed by our bedside for a while, before he decided to put it in a more secure location."
Kurao on the other hand thought was skeptical on half of the story since the Emperor acts more dignified then this rendition the Vayla portrayed, he did think it was funny to imagine the serious father throwing slurs and acting casual like. But couldn't really believe The Emperor would act so crass.
Vayla laughs seemingly reading Kurao thoughts about how skeptical about her story.
"I assure you little Kurao that is indeed how he acted he used to be less dignified and way more easygoing, but time changes people and he just changed to become more stern and serious."
She sighed slight as she added,
"It was a little weird but I am not even the same as I was hundreds of years ago. Back then I acted like a real bitch."
Vayla laughed a little but it felt a bit hollow this time as a frown slowly took place remembering how much has changed.
He kind of understood that time changes people and he kind of wished he was able to be there to witness his father in such a time when he was easygoing and laidback. Curious Kurao asked Vayla a question which seemed a bit insensitive considering.
"What were you like back then? That you considered yourself like a B-bi--" Kurao didn't finish the word since he know Vayla would punish him, but he still acted informal with The Empress since she was pretty much the person that raised him along with Elyse.
So Kurao wasn't afraid to ask more personal questions. Upon hearing Kurao question she gives a slight smiles and sighs as she answers.
"To sum it up I was a bit immature and was easily irritable. Cause of my jealous nature I made it very hard for your father, and made him and his other 'female friends' lives pretty hard with my behavior as I acted with once vile nature. But it all changed a few years later when I had Soliel and realized that all of my attitude was only bringing more harm then good."
"I do wish that some of your other step mothers could mature after having their children like I did when I had Soliel, but I guess not all are ready to grow up past such childish acts."
Vayla smile went back to normal thinking about she has matured as a person.
Kurao didn't really understand the vague speech but hearing about Soliel sparked his curiosity so he asked another question again.
"So how was Soliel when he was my age?"
Kurao asked, since Soliel is the only other person he looked up to as a role model and goal. Since he had what he wanted;
Father's respect and attention.
"He was very carefree and played with other noble children unlike you when he was little. But he changed a bit when he awakened and was found to have dual elemental affinity. After that Husband took him under his wing and raised him, I really only got to see him after they got back from their training even though he would see me less and less I still love him very much, but that's enough talking you need to be looking for something to take from here"
Vayla said trying to drop the personal conversation and steer him back on track.
"When Soliel came here I remembered that he picked a special ring that was forged by the famous dwarven blacksmith named Strobom that even forged some of those accessories on that table over there."