"When Soliel came here I remembered that he picked a ring that was forged by the famous dwarven blacksmith named Strobom that even forged some of those accessories
on that table over there." Vayla said pointing at the table near the opposite wall of alchemy ingredients and Life Tree Branch.
Kurao decided to continue to search for the item he wanted to claim, so making his way over to the wall where the table was he gazed upon the many different accessories.
There were many rings, bracelets, and pendants but there were quite a few with runes engraved on them. He didn't recognize most of the runes cause they were likely either high leveled runes or dwarven runes which he doesn't know.
There was a 2 different types of runes that carved, the way developed by most rune carvers or Standardized way since that was how most in this day and age carved them, and the dwarven way.
Since runes forged the dwarven way, it involve many dwarven techniques that usually have them engraved during the forging process of the item rather then adding the engraving later which most others do since adding rune engraving during the forging process was a much harder task on top of how complex engraving runes are to begin with. Dwarven runes also differed with the fact that the shapes had more round engravings then the more common way had.
Kurao picked up multiple different pendants and lightly studied the runes on them since this was a topic he was very interested in since picking up rune engraving. Many of the different accessories were very colorful assorting from many different metal and alloy colors and types.
He came across a few that had the initials of R.S like the small hammer he saw earlier, the accessories had many different affects when circulating his mana through them. Some had the ability to make gathering mana from the surrounding area in a concentrated place making it very useful to advanced through the ranks at a consistent rate.
Well others had the ability to amplify Elemental Affinity by an increase of 25%, which was a bit extreme to already amplify his already above 100% affinity if he were to use them. Another accessory in the form of glasses had the ability to help see mana, making it visible as well as another ability to translate runes and languages as if giving the wearer the knowledge.
He was amazed with the many different relics abilities and how powerful they were compared to common place items compared to other treasures he has seen.
Picking up the glasses, Kurao continues to get deeper in thought
'Having the ability to already amplify my already above 100% Elemental Affinity is crazy to think about, so adding in a increase would just make spells incredibly destructive even for the weaker ice spells. And these glasses are able to decipher all of these runes, is an ability unheard of.'
With the glasses on his face he sweeps his gaze across all the items on the table, picking up items to check what the runes do.
'This ring has the ability to increase the mana spell circulating rate, making it easier to cast spells at a incredible pace.'
Kurao takes off the glasses and starts contemplate the items he already has looked at so far on the table.
'Most of these have crazy effects that are already leagues above anything in our royal treasury. Just the mana gathering pendant has the ability to speed up breakthroughs for ranks at a 200% increase cause of how much mana it can gather in a area.'
'The only thing that comes even near that item is the mana chambers that are in Elantemul Kingdom, but those only give a 170% increase. What did it take to even forge something like this pendant? And that's not even the craziest of items here.'
Kurao was lost in thought decided if he should take any of these items since they were all already league above anything high ranked people could obtain normally.
'The mana gathering pendant is a good item and would make it easier and faster for me to catch up in Mana Stages with my other siblings, but besides that it wouldn't help me with anything else. Not with spell casting, knowledge, or even boosting my abilities. So it would be not as useful when I am in a pinch. Cause I am sure father would send me out to one of the warfronts to get experience like Soliel.'
Kurao smile crept on his face comparing himself with his older siblings even though half of them were decades older or even more, it gave him a bit of ego boost.
'There are many items here that would be useful to me but I only want the best. To catch up to the level of Soliel or even Father I need every edge I can get.'
Thinking this he decides to leave the table to check other items in the room. Moving from the accessories table,
Kurao reaches a table with many weapons laid across it were Spears, Halberds, Warhammers, Axes, and different variations of weapons. He decided to keep searching the room with the glasses he picked up earlier that could decipher runes from the accessories table earlier until he makes his choice.
Kurao brushes his hand against a cutlass sword that had a glowing red hilt. Using the glasses he can see the runes engraved on the hilt of the blade are dwarven runes that effected the user physically, with an increase of strength and agility by up to 50%. There weren't any runes he heard of that could effect someone's physical body. Since he from all he could learn was there was a limit to ones physical capabilities, so going past them seemed surreal to Kurao.
'Does that mean using this sword in the hands of a master mean you can go on par with Magician?'
Kurao thought since Elementalists ruled supreme along the continent and the only race that could even go against elementalist without magic were the wild beasts, they could pose a threat to Core Merging Stage Elementalists and below, which was most of populace that were elementalists.
Wondering how it would feel to surpass his own physical limitations Kurao decided to pick up the red hilted cutlass. Upon picking it up he can feel his body getting revigorated feeling whole body blast with power, but the power was so intense his body heated to extreme temperatures, it was so much that his knee buckled and he fell on the ground not being able to withstand the increase of physical strength.
Kurao quickly tossed the cutlass on the table and hurriedly trying to catch his breath after feeling such intense heat from his body as he cries a bit in pain.