Chereads / The Beast King of Kamui Academy / Chapter 14 - Chapter.14: A Moment of Feelings

Chapter 14 - Chapter.14: A Moment of Feelings

Kousuke went inside the antique store following the sensation his body and heart was feeling. Everything inside the store looked exotic and old, with pieces feeling like they dated back to feudal Japan. The smell of the time worn items filled the air inside giving off the distinction that the pieces were authentic but forgotten with time. He didn't know if any of the items would fit well with Itsuki's tastes after looking all over.

Kousuke scratched his head trying to figure out how to best pick a gift for Itsuki or for that matter why he even entered the store to begin with.

'What the hell am I doing here. Nothing here remotely looks like anything Itsuki would like. Was I really tricked into coming here, that feeling I had earlier didn't seem that.'

"Oh ho, it seems a handsome young man entered my store how may I help you."

Kousuke looked at where the voice came from. It was an old small woman wearing traditional Japanese clothing, holding a long thin pipe in her hand. She hunched over holding a cup of tea in her other hand as she hobbled her way to Kousuke. Her small body made her look like a decrepit crone hanging on by a thread to live.

"Oh yes, Oba-San(Old Lady). I want to buy a gift for my friend. It's for a girl actually, but I had no idea what to get."he told her bowing his head to greet her politely.

"Hmm, a gift for a lovely lady, I see. But wouldn't you be better off buying from the other stores? I don't see anything here that would make a lovely young woman very happy unless she was my age."

Kousuke knew that, but he still had that feeling about this store. It pulled him in, he couldn't explain it, but his instincts were saying this was the right choice and he couldn't ignore it.

"You're right. But, something drew me here. I don't know why but I felt like this place was the right answer. And I really want to do something nice for her. She's been so good to me that I don't want to mess up anymore with paying back her kindness. I can't say it rightly but she's important to me more than I can admit. Please help me, Oba-San, please help me." Kousuke bowed to the old shop keeper in respect and desperation. The old shop keeper could see the honesty in his heart from his humble display of asking for help. She couldn't refuse him after his display of feelings, it would make her feel like a fool for that listening to his heart.

"Ho ho ho, never had a handsome boy ask me for help like that, she must really hold a special place in your heart. How can I say no to you. Wait right there I have just the thing your looking."

The old shop keeper walked off for a minute to grab the item she spoke of, Kousuke was nervous about what kind of gift she would bring over. If it would be something that would actually make Itsuki happy at that. She later came back with an ornate box in her old wrinkling hands. The old shop keeper opened it to show Kousuke what was inside. Inside was a black bracelet, with a wolf head charm hanging on the bracelet, the forehead of the charm had lines on it with embedded blue gem fittings.

"Umm thank you, Oba-San. May I ask what is it I'm not too familiar with antiques or jewelry like this no offense." Kousuke asked trying to understand what the item was.

"Hmm, well it's a special bracelet my boy. One of a kind at that actually. You give it to the one you want to be protected at all times. Once you name it that person will always be safe even if you're not around. It's a special little good luck charm carved in the image of a loyal guardian who'll always keep its owner safe from negative forces. What do you say? Like it." The old shop keeper asked.

'So it's like a protection totem in a way then. Before I would have never believed in that back in the old life. A lot of people scammed others into those voodoo like totems or mysterious mystical item nonsense just to get money out of some poor sucker who was dumb enough to fall anything that would make them feel like some godly force was watching over them. At least here in this world, it's not really much of a scam, just have to be more cautious on what it is exactly so it won't backfire badly when needed.'

Kousuke looked hard at the bracket, he coded it to see if there was some evil drawback he didn't want to affect Itsuki. He couldn't find anything, there was magic in it, a pure source that he hadn't seen yet. It felt warm and protective, like it wanted to keep the owner safe at all times. It definitely was the real thing in front of him. He felt like it was perfect for Itsuki, something that would remind her of him in the same way the ribbon did of her.

"Thank you, Oba-San I think this perfect. How much is it." He asked eager to pay and get back to Itsuki quick.

"No charge just take it."she said.

"Huh, wait I can't take this for free that wouldn't be right, you have to let me pay you back it'll go on my conscience if I don't, at least let me give you something." Kousuke couldn't take it for free, he wasn't ungrateful he just didn't like owing anyone anything especially if they were kind to him.

"Ho ho ho, don't be silly. It's been here so long I don't mind parting with it, it's just collecting dust at this point. Some things are priceless and better to be given with good intentions my boy. Give it to your lady friend. I bet she's waiting for you right?"

Kousuke choked upon hearing that. He didn't realize how much time passed since he left Itsuki behind in his hurry to get her a gift. She must have thought he ditched her by now, it made Kousuke worried more now about her feelings.

'Crap! I need to find her fast. If she leaves now after I dashed off she'll never forgive me. Neither will I myself for that matter.'

"Thank you Oba-San for your time and gift. I have to go now."

Kousuke bowed again thanking the old old shopkeeper before bolting off to find Itsuki. The old shop keeper waved him off amused, she finished off her tea as she looked at Kousuke with satisfaction before he was gone from her line of sight exiting the store.

'Hmmm, he's really grown since his old life. You did well young man, we'll watch over you till Ankou and the Jaakou makes a move. No more children will be sacrificed again. Not this time.' The old shop keeper sat her cup and pipe down on one of the tables before she slowly walked off, he appearance changing in unison with her walk, she wasn't a feeble old short woman anymore after a few steps, she looked like a beautiful young priestess now as she vanished inside the shop's shadows.

Kousuke ran hard trying to return to Itsuki, she wasn't at the table anymore were they where sitting at earlier, and the crepe shop worker said she had taken off a few minutes after he left. Kousuke slapped one hand on his face, he was feeling anxious now for Itsuki leaving. He felt as if he really hurt her by leaving like that without explanation.

'Were did she go? I have to find her quick. It's almost nightfall, I can't let it end like this.'

He tried smelling her scent with his heightened sense, trying to catch a hint of a fragrance of her shampoo or perfume he was used to, something to pin down the exact location. Kousuke concentrated hard, finally the smell of her perfume caught his nostrils, making him frantically rushing to follow the scent of her. He rushed in such a hurry he didn't see Ryuji leaving a supplement shop in his haste. Ryuji saw the panicked Kousuke, he was confused as to why he was in such a manic rush inside the store, seemed out of character for him with how calm he was at school.

"Oy, hot head what are you running like an idiot for…" Ryuji tried to ask him, but was cut off from finishing his question.

"DOKE!!!!!" Kousuke shouted telling Ryuji to get out of his way. He proceeded to leap over Ryuji, kicking Ryuji's head like a springboard to boost his speed to catch up to where Itsuki's scent was taking him. Ryuji slammed to the ground, his face denting the surface he impacted on. He felt humiliated by that display manic bravado. A completely unmanly display in front of the mall shoppers who either looked taken back or laughed at the situation.

"Argh, damnitt he did it again. I'll remember this." Ryuji grumbled to himself with his face red from throbbing pain.

Kousuke ran hard trying not to lose the scent, the lingering in the was holding on by thread. Eventually after almost believing it faded when the scent started to disappear from the cold air, he found Itsuki, she was sitting alone on a bench next to a water fountain. Kousuke breathed a sigh of relief when he found her, he thought he lost Itsuki in his fears.

Kousuke calmed himself first before he would approach, not wanting her to see his face looking like a man chasing after his long lost love. He slowly walked in her direction not wanting to startle her as she looked deep in thought. Itsuki saw him coming, she looked down feeling still ashamed about how she lied to him earlier. She wiped her eyes with her hands before Kousuke was standing near her. Kousuke still didn't know what to say at the moment, he was terrible with these situations on comforting others unless though interests he liked. He opted instead to quietly sit next to her without saying a word. Itsuki let him sit down, she could feel he was trying to say something to her with his body language.

The silence was awkward, they both wanted to say something but had no words yet that had come to mind.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry."

They both said it at the same time. They felt embarrassed how they did that in untended unison, but it eased the tension a bit.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have lied and made you feel like that. I really didn't mean to lie to you. I'm sorry." She said teary-eyed again. Kousuke felt mad at himself. He was hurting her feelings unintentionally. He calmed his nerves so he could speak to her without sounding condescending or giving her pity, just honest heart to heart.

"No, I'm sorry. You just wanted to help me out and I called you out on it unintentionally. To tell you the truth. No one's done that for me ever. I felt uneasy like I was using you and your money. I don't like feeling like I'm mooching off your kindness so it got to me a bit. I'm sorry Itsuki, I'm just really dumb with this type of stuff."

Itsuki could see how genuinely bad he felt inside. She shook off her feelings on her face to give him a smile.

"You know, when we were kids it was easier back than. We met at school, bickered a bit or ate lunch. We hardly shared feelings, we shared more about the new dramas or mangas on sale or talking about liking Babymetal for our age."

Itsuki remembered those days in their childhood. They always found ways to make their days interesting when they only saw each other at their grade school.

"Honestly, I miss those days with you. I regret not inviting you to my house back then. Maybe if I did, I could have asked you for help in training and started when I awakened like you did. I'm sorry, I guess I'm bad friend after all."

Itsuki shook her head then looked at Kousuke wanting to express her feelings too.

"You're not a bad friend. So many things happened to you, you should have never been through that traumatic experience. I never stopped to think how must have suffered and been alone that whole time. I wish I could have helped you, maybe that's why I'm trying so hard now. To make up for what I didn't do back then."

Kousuke heard the feelings Itsuki's words, he didn't think about how she must have felt wanting to help him so bad and yet never could when he left for the military school. Both of them started to slowly laugh at their memories together, the mood had been lightened like they wanted.

Itsuki stopped laughing, saw the box in Kousuke's hands, and her curiosity sparked.

"Hmm, what's that?"

"Huh, oh right. I felt dumb I didn't get you anything for all you did. I ran off to find you a thank-you gift. The lady at the store said this be perfect for you. I really hope you like it."

Itsuki felt shocked. He ran off and took that long to buy her a gift. She couldn't help but feel happy, she opened the box to see the charm bracelet in it, she smiled as the happiness on her face couldn't be stopped.

"The lady said it's meant to be given to someone special who you want to be safe always. I felt it would be great for you somehow."

Itsuki couldn't help it now, a few drops of tears fell on the bracelet. She was happier than ever. She put the bracelet on, holding it affectionately in her hand.

"I love it. Thank you, thank you so much." Kousuke felt relieved and happy. He couldn't help but look at her face and how cute she was even with the sobbing she did earlier. Itsuki looked at Kousuke back as well, she couldn't help but stare back either. Both of them kept looking at each other, without realizing how their bodies were leaning in closer and closer on instinct. They got so close they could have locked lips, till a light glowed intensely on Itsuki's wrist. Both of them were unsure what was going on and what the random light was being created from.

The light's intensity ended, with a manifestation of a tiny wolf cub sleeping on the bench between them. It looked just like the one on the bracelet, even had blue gem scars on its forehead.

"Huh, what the?" Kousuke shouted in disbelief.

"Uh Kousuke, what just happened here?"

They were dumbfounded at what was happening. The little wolf cub woke up, yawned with its tiny voice, and then looked at Itsuki and Kousuke. The little cub leaped at Itsuki licking her face playfully.

"Hehehe stop, please that tickles, hehehe."

Kousuke's jaw dropped, he had no idea that would happen. And the way it appeared in the moment, felt like gag at best.

"What in the world happened? Did that appear because of the bracelet?" Kousuke asked still trying to figure what just appeared before them.

"It must have. I think I've heard of this before in class. Certain magic items during the feudal era were made to help priests fight demons. Some of these gave birth to guardians to protect them in battle or housed the souls of powerful animal spirits, not the same as summoning a familiar temporary for a few day. Maybe this little guy is one of the original ones what was sealed away."

Kousuke understood better now. He read about them in old books at the school library. Now it made sense why the old woman gave it to him. He must been called on by that wolf charm for Itsuki.

"Kousuke, is it ok for me to have him?" Itsuki asked.

"Of course, the lady said the bracelet was to protect a loved one, maybe that's what he's for, to protect you at all times in place."

Itsuki flustered a bit. Kousuke got the little cub for her to be safe like she wanted him to do. She felt grateful, the little cub nestled its head on her lap like a child feeling safe in their Mother's embrace.

"What's his name." Itsuki asked.

"He's yours now. You name him it's only fair." Kousuke in turned responded.

"You're right, hmm I think I'll call him Tsukikage. It means moon shadow since wolves are associated with the moon and he has black fur too. You like it right, Nay Tsukikage." The wolf cub looked up at Itsuki's face, he licked her again agreeing with the name. The blue scars on his head now wrapped around his ankles, upper legs, and back. The markings signified he was now bonded with Itsuki.

Kousuke smiled looking at Itsuki, he wanted to pet Tsukikage as well to show he agreed with the name too.

"Well, I guess your Itsuki's now, nice to meet you Tsukikage."

Tsukikage's head turned, he stared at Kousuke for a bit, than he went in for a bite at Kousuke's fingers, both he and Itsuki were frozen silence. Complete disbelief in the moment of what happened.