Chereads / The Beast King of Kamui Academy / Chapter 19 - Chapter.19: Muscle vs Muscle

Chapter 19 - Chapter.19: Muscle vs Muscle

The audience loved the first match, the cheers and approvals roaring out for the two were being heard aloud. Anna could see how the parents, students, and other teachers approved of Akira already, making it worth losing a Saturday to themselves to watch an exciting match. Akira made it to her seat breathing a sigh of disappointment she lost so quick to Tatsuya but the others were supporting her.

"Don't fret young one, you're an excellent War Maiden, that boy was just full of surprises." Gentaro tried to cheer her up in the moment.

"Thank you Gentaro-San, Buddha truly favors your warrior spirit. So who's up next?"

Alexandra was the one to step up next, the audience was nervous with a trained soldier like her in the ring. Alexandra was a former Spetsnaz Soldier before she retired to become an instructor for any elite school that would accept her and her extreme training regiments.

The announcers were still excited to introduce her however, the enjoyment of calling the matches forward after the first really got their blood pumping.

"Hi everyone! Round two will now begin for our amazing Saturday matches. From the guest team, a decorated hero from her home country who has graciously accepted to teach us here. A lover of wrestling and even an Olympic Athlete of the sport. Her skill in Sambo earned her the nickname 'The Red Harvest' please welcome, Alexandra Lundgren!!!"

The audience clapped for her in respect. They never had a Russian instructor before, and Alexandra was the first in hopefully a wave of more teachers from other countries besides America to come. The boys in attendance wondered which of the five would step up to her, one of them said it was obvious, it should be the hotheaded one who can match her in strength.

"Yes! It's my turn finally!" Ryuji ran like a lunatic into the ring. Everyone knew he would rise up to the occasion to her, it was a no brainer that moment. He was completely pumped up to fight with him being finally free from his restraint cuff. Ryuji ripped off his jacket and shirt to reveal his developed physique to the crowd to admire, Alexandra however was not impressed.

"From the home team. He's big, he's bad, and ready to scrap. The best physique of our school ready to show off his manly strength for us. Welcome, Sakurai Ryuji!!!"

The crowd clapped while the Body Improvement Club members waved a banner for Ryuji's support of their captain. Ryuji's sister hid in the shadows, watching her younger brother from the sidelines.

"Ready, BEGIN!"

"Hmph, small. Not even worthy of calling yourself a man for Russian women." Alexandra snided.

"Huh, you say something Baba." Ryuji snapped back for being called small. He was proud of his muscles, being called small hurt his pride a lot.

"Let me show you how a real trained body of excellent muscles should look."

Alexandra tightened her body. The grunting she made as she flexed all her muscles was deep in concentration. Soon her uniform ripped to shreds, revealing a chiseled body of muscle mass wearing a black bra and underwear set. The crowd gasped at the sight, even Ryuji's face was dumbfounded with his jaw dropped.

All the muscles In Alexandra's body were developed to the max. She had muscle on top of other muscles, the veins that bulged in their arms and legs, and her back was her most intimidating muscle feature. She built her body to perfection with her body as it was. Compared to Megumi, she was bigger in terms of mass.

"Dios Mio! What a woman!" Barnaby exclaimed admiring her body.

"Hmm, indeed, for a soldier she is imposing. How will the boy win this one?" Gentaro pondered.

"He won't. She'll win one-sidedly." Megumi chimed in now eating burgers with her beer.

"Huh, what do you mean by that? That boy doesn't seem like a chump. I can tell he put a lot of effort and time into that body there's no way he'll lose that badly." Barnaby tried to defend Ryuji. He knew how hard it was to build a muscle frame to the liking of the user. It takes years of hard work, dieting, and proper lifting techniques. Even with advanced bodies like the Espers have or Casters using spells for that matter, if the steps taken are not done properly the results wouldn't bear the fruit of the success.

"Nope, sorry Yankee, that kid will lose. Our comrade there has more than her muscles working for her. Oh, and *hiccup* can you throw this out I'm finished with the case."

Barnaby wanted to shoot Megumi badly. She finished her sixth case now and was embarrassing all of them to the point the audience was laughing on the sidelines.

"Dear Buddha, please forgive this woman's hedonist ways and purify her soul."

"Huh, hehe, nay Akira, you're very cute you know, like a Geisha doll." Megumi came closer to Akira trying to tease her. Megumi was never apologetic when it came to her desires or teasing. She loved both men and women, she was just too strong at coming on to them or not getting a hint that they weren't into her rough nature.

"Get off me please, you're breath reeks of alcohol. It's not proper." Akira pleaded trying to fight Megumi off.

"Oh come on, we're both girls here, it's all good." Megumi ignored her as she continued her advances.

Akira kept trying to fight off Megumi's indecent moves, the boys in the audience saw and were chuckling like idiots at the sight of two pretty women messing with each other. Some of them blushed as their hormones raged at the sight in front of them.

The female students looked irritated at the boys for their lustful eyes, Anna most of all wishing death on Megumi for the mistake she made being here at the school.

'Kousuke, I really hope you beat that trainwreck of a woman in your match mercilessly.' Anna said to herself in her mind.

Ryuji wasted no time in going after Alexandra, he wasn't taking any chances in her making the first move and catching him off guard, he made stone knuckledusters to throw punches at Alexandra's waist. Nothing worked, her muscles felt like he was hitting titanium, and the aftershock hurt him instead. He tried again with the body blows, to no avail still nothing made those muscles flinch or cave in.

"Hmm, Terra Kinesis huh? So you can control the elements in the Earth to make weapons I see. Very nice boy, your ability works with your body frame, but that's not enough." Alexandra flexed her abdominal muscles to attack Ryuji's fist which went for another punch. His stone duster broke and he was knocked back a couple of feet.

"Wow, amazing." The BI Club members were in disbelief.

"Ryuji is the strongest guy here. And she brushed him off like a child."

"How's he going to fight that?"

The club members were worried now. Ryuji was the strongest in school in terms of physical strength. Even Kousuke couldn't lift as much as Ryuji could. Alexandra just flexed her core muscles to hurt his fist like it was nothing, she was much more advanced than him in every way.

The students and audience were taken aback by the display. Ryuji growled in frustration. He didn't want to lose, his pride as a man was on the line. Fighting a woman wasn't a problem, she was a soldier, it wouldn't hurt his moral code, it was that she mocked his body that lit a fire under him that made him angry.

"Alright then, you want to see how manly I am. Then I'll give it to you Baba!"

Ryuji made stone fists, boots, a chest protector, and a neck guard. He tightened his muscles intensely pumping himself up, Alexandra could see the intensity coming off his body, he was concentrating hard on the drive to hurt her. It made her excited. She began to laugh softly in amusement, followed by getting into the Sambo stance she used during her Olympic days and military career.

"Davai!!(Let's Go!)" Alexandra shouted in her native Russian language.

Ryuji charged at her, Alexandra countered with a tackle, grabbing his legs with her hands gripping behind his knees. She then lifted him upwards into a suplex maneuver. Ryuji's head was about to slam into the ground when he shot his gauntlets at her feet to make her lose balance. Ryuji saw his opportunity, he grabbed her under the armpits and shifted the momentum and weight to force her into a sun flip piledriver.

Alexandra caught on, she used her upper back muscles to cushion the fall, her legs wrapped around Ryuji's neck, the strength of her quad muscles flipped him forward, and the impact heard from his body slamming into the ground was thunderous in the arena.

Ryuji had no time to soften the impact, Alexandra's ability to flawlessly transition into a move was too quick for him to react. Her thighs broke the neck collar, they yanked him up for her to transition into a rear naked choke in a blink of an eye. A quick and fluid motion that was unprecedented.

Ryuji tried to fight her off, her strength was intense and the choke couldn't be broken with his sheer might alone.

"Holy sh**, how can she move so fast with a body like that."

"Tch, I told you Yankee she would win. Just cause a woman builds up muscle doesn't mean she has a slow body."

Barnaby couldn't argue with her, he was being proven wrong in a big way watching the match.

"But still the ability to transition into another move with her large frame is amazing. Even the best grapplers have some lag time depending on the move and the use of having to switch into a new mounting positioning." Barnaby was still in awe of the skill he saw with Alexandra.

"Argh, what a pain. Look at her idiot. Her ability to adapt is above normal, which means she has total body control of herself. My guess is she's an Esper who specializes in absolute body dominance, meaning her control of every limb, joint, and muscle group is perfect. She's able to control her joints and manipulate them in the same way a trained magician can dislocate their bodies to fit into the smallest spaces to escape in their acts. Her body may be big but she can make moves like she's a lightweight without sacrificing any of her power in the process. She's also a former Spetsnaz, so she's had even more training in the discipline of her body and the anatomy. All the painful regimes that was pounded into her only strengthened her mental strength and knowledge. She could be a cripple and still whip that kid's ass with her discipline. You're former special forces you should understand her idiot."

Barnaby couldn't muster the strength to argue back. Megumi wasn't wrong, even after he retired his hands never forgot the feeling of holding a rifle and choking an opponent to death. He underestimated Alexandra in this instance, an old dog like him needed to learn a new trick like that once in a while.

Ryuji was turning red the longer the hold was locked in, his oxygen supply was going out. He couldn't think straight to use his power to get out of the hold of any tactic at the moment with his brain about to shut down.

"Tap boy, I don't like to let go till my enemy is passed out or dead."

"URUSAI BABA!!! !" Ryuji grunted out in garbled speech. He was looking for a way out of the hold, he looked at the ground where his feet were planted. He reacted in reflex alone, he attacked by shattering his stone boots to fire at Alexandra like bullets. She could withstand the pain but not a piece of the stone hitting her eyes. She closed them for a second to save her vision, giving Ryuji time to make a small gap in her grip by prying his fingers into her grip to leverage it open to force his head out of the hold.

Ryuji shifted himself away from Alexandra, he was gasping trying to get his breath under control and the delirium out of his head. Alexandra stood up, clapping at his effort to break her hold.

"Good job boy. Listening to your body to escape my choke was brilliant. However, you're still not good enough to beat me."

Ryuji was frustrated. Ever since he came to the school he hasn't been able to show his skills like he wanted. He lost to Koutetsu, now he was losing badly to Alexandra. He felt complete utter frustration in his heart. His sister looked at him with pity as well. He wasn't doing good and losing badly as she predicted.

"I know that! You think I don't realize how untalented I am."

His voice broke as he shouted. Everyone could see his wounded expression and feel sympathy for him.

"I don't have techniques like Ren, I'm not smart like Hiro, I'm not talented in any way like Kousuke either. All I have is my power and muscles. I know I'm a meathead, a kinniku-baka, or whatever else you want to call me I know that. But still, but still." Ryuji got back up, he couldn't stop staring at Alexandra, he put up his fist like a boxer not wanting to back down from a championship match. Alexandra and the audience were impressed by his fighting spirit.

"I want to win!"