Chereads / The Beast King of Kamui Academy / Chapter 16 - Chapter.16: Deadman’s Run

Chapter 16 - Chapter.16: Deadman’s Run

Kousuke's face turned pale, his eyes blank, with his mouth gaped open unable to make a sound, sweat pouring down like bullets over his face. He couldn't believe the last person in the world he would ever see again was standing there. All the memories of her brutal training flooded back, even if there were good ones he cherished, those brutal ones would drown them out and make his stomach turn in pain.

"Kousuke are you ok? Who is she exactly."

Kousuke was too terrified to answer right away. He was still in shock to even make a grunt. It took him a minute to finally compose himself so he could answer Rina.

"*gulp* That's Kuramori Megumi. She's the one who taught me the Ginji Ryu. She was a guest teacher at my military school and was almost kicked out because of how intense her methods were. She almost had no interest in me, even when she heard I was a Prime Caliber. She took me in when I was the only one who didn't break during her training. That woman was not the type to be expected to be strong. She would barely show up on time if at all for those classes, ate like a garbage disposal with sloppy manners, and was constantly slacking off in her responsibilities."

"If she was that bad why are you so terrified of her?" Rina asked with concern in her voice.

"Why??! Because that was her good side. When it came to training in the Ginji Ryu, not even Satan would last against her. She was beyond brutal and ruthless. That cackle of hers gave me nightmares for months. Every time we fought she battered me to a bloody pulp relentlessly, I felt my soul would leave my body and she just dragged it back to torture me more. I came close to dying so many times I'm surprised I'm alive now. Like me she uses flame magic but she uses black flames and she burned me like little birthday candle whenever I tried to sleep in or refused an order. That woman is Hell itself and to make it worse she's a Sadomasochist in fighting. Any chance she gets to fight it's like a rush of pleasure for her. Like she has this intense drive for destroying her enemies"

Rina looked uneasy hearing that. No wonder Kousuke was freaking out so badly. If she met someone like Megumi when she was a kid even she would have been horrified too.

'Oh god please tell me I'm not fighting her. I'd rather die boiled in acid than go up against that fighting nut job any day. If she sees me I'm getting the hell out of here.'

Anna grabbed Megumi by the ear yanking it to the point it could have been torn off. Megumi was twitching in her pain, but Anna wasn't going to let go.

"I swear if you mess up again or embarrass me further I'll try to rip something else off you will greatly miss in life. Clear!"

"Yes Kocho, I get it, now let go please." Megumi tried to act docile, but Kousuke wasn't fooled, he knew Megumi was getting off on that ear pull, she was pretending that Anna had control over her. Her old habits would never get past his eyes, even after not seeing her in years he still recognized in an instant every little detail about her and her personality.

"Well then, now that we're all here the matches will begin in the next four hours everyone please gather to the mess hall to grab your complimentary food at our tables while the participants get ready. We hope you'll enjoy the show later." Everyone gave their respect for Anna, and the new instructors bowed looking at the crowd, Megumi bowed too haphazardly, embarrassing herself more in front of everyone. When her head lifted to look up at the audience her eyes caught sight of Kousuke as if fate was guiding them to each other. Kousuke's face turned completely white like a ghost now, while Megumi gave a wicked grinch smile seeing her favorite student again sitting not to far from her. The random chance they met up was gift for her after the years apart. She waved at him devilishly making Kousuke shake worse in fear.

'CRAP!!!!! She saw me! Hell with this I'm outta here before she does anything bad to me like she did when I was a kid.' Kousuke made it look like he was calm at first getting out of his chair, once he was in front of the exit doorway, he dashed off with incredible force leaving a dust trail behind that blasted Rina and everyone who sat near the trail.

"Oho, think you can get away. Well here I come!"

Megumi snickered in enjoyment, she cracked her neck in excitement before launching herself in Kousuke's direction leaving a bigger trail that made an aftershock that startled everyone on stage with the force behind.

"What was that all about?" Natsume asked trying to not fall off the stage.

"Who cares. That was insane what she did. Is she really an instructor of great credentials?" Itsuki followed up.

Rina ran to the stage to get their attention, the girls could see she was worried.

"Rina?" Itsuki called out.

"Help! I think she's after Kousuke!"

Itsuki and Natsume were silent for a second with their emotions catching up to the words finally. The girls along with Anna ran off stage to find Kousuke and Megumi before anything could happen to cause a scandal or terrible fortune to Kousuke's safety.

Kousuke ran as fast as his legs could let him, he was doing everything he had at his disposal to get away far as he could. He turned to see Megumi gaining up on him with her signature grin and laugh.

'ARGH!!! No way! MURI, MURI, MURI, MURI(I Can't)!!! Can't let her catch me, no way no way no way. Didn't think I use this for a situation like this but screw it, desperate times, desperate measures. Code On!'

Kousuke used his Code Eyes to see the coding in his legs and lungs, he arranged the sequences in them to help increase speed and muscle control, pumping up his stamina so he could dash off faster in hopes it would be enough to get away. His speed had increase as he took off like a rocket.

Megumi laughed hard at how futile his attempts were, he was the same Kousuke alright who would try and run off on her whenever he tried to escape training in the beginning.

"Hahahaha, that won't help you Toranoko(Tiger Cub). I'm coming for you!" Megumi shouted warning Kousuke she was going to catch him for sure.

Megumi blasted off, her speed was too much for Kousuke to outrun even with the coding, and her years of training made her a higher level than Kousuke was.

Kousuke ran around the campus, jumping over everything he could avoid like a parkour expert hoping anything would slow Megumi down. It didn't even come close, she easily dodged every obstacle in her path with ease. Nothing was slowing her down, she want dumb enough to fall for those petty tricks.

Kousuke lead her to the trainings grounds with the advanced traps and drones for the students trying to pass their experts exams.

'Bingo, this should work.'

Kousuke activated the training system, all the near lethal traps and attack drones fired at Megumi. She swatted the drones like flies in her path, the traps were obliterated by her sheer raw strength with no progress in slowing her down.

"Now you're pissing me off, wait till I get my hands on you Toranoko, you're getting neutered!"

The words hurt Kousuke's soul and his manhood. He was not having his nether regions grabbed by her.

"Not a chance you psycho glutton. Go kick rocks!" He positioned his hands backwards using his flames to help propel him faster, anything to help him get away.

"That's it! I'm gonna whoop your ass!"

The muscles in Megumi's thighs tightened, the veins bulging as she was preparing for her move to catch Kousuke. She released her hold over her legs to launch herself upwards, doing a front flip in the air, she descended down and was now hanging upside down in front of Kousuke, her face in front of his, he eyes popping out of his head in disbelief.

Koutetsu squealed at the sight of Megumi's face staring down at his.

"Boo!" She shouted with her tongue sticking out in a crazed-eye look on her face.

"Wapah!!! Megumi yelled in the same way Kousuke did shouting Hwatcha for his martial arts kiai. She kicked his face still upside down, the loud impact sounding off like a shotgun, Kousuke was sent flying backwards, his body shredding the ground in a long rugged drag from the impact.

Kousuke was covered in debris from the broken concrete over his body, his eyes spinning around, he couldn't believe he had fallen for it again after all the years that passed. Her signature peek-a-boo attack she did to him constantly as a kid when he would least expect it to mess with his head. One of the memories he wanted to forget badly tucked in away in his head.

Megumi sprung back up, walking over to were Kousuke's beat-up body on the ground. Kousuke thought this was it she was going to clobber him again because he ran off on her in fear instead of properly greeting her like a student should do for their master. Worse he tried to injure her with his tricks during the run.

Megumi picked up Koutetsu by his hair, he was praying in his head she wouldn't do any of her old punishment methods on him. That didn't happen, instead, she smothered his face in her breasts switching to the cutesy act just like Natsume, though a more exaggerated and sloppy look than what Natsume would ever do.

"Kousuke! It's been so long, look how handsome you are and grown. Have you been eating right, oh how I missed you my little Toranoko." Megumi switched gears just like that. She was smothering him so much with that uncomfortable cute girl act that he was desperately trying to break free, his arms flailing about trying to get out from being suffocated to death.

Anna, Natsume, Itsuki, and Rina arrived at the scene finally catching up to them after following the wanton destruction left in Megumi's path. They were flabbergasted at the sight of what Megumi was doing to Kousuke, Itsuki especially was horrified at the image of Kousuke having his face shoved into Megumi's chest. It made her face filled with embarrassment and anger at the inappropriate sight.

"Kuramori-San! Control yourself. That's a student you're harassing. Have you gone completely mad, it's completely inappropriate to do that to a minor!" Anna screamed in outrage.

"Hmm, but he was my student first before he came here. Besides, I haven't seen him in five years I'm so happy to see my little cub is growing up to be a fine young man." Megumi said continuing the smothering.

Itsuki was grunting in anger still, she ran to Megumi trying to pry Megumi's hands off Kousuke's head to save him from being choked by her grip on him.

"Let go, you're suffocating him. Let go Baba(Old Hag)!!!" Itsuki yelled.

"Baba!!! I'm only 29 years old you brat how dare you call me an old woman. And who are you to him huh a groupie!" Megumi called Itsuki in retaliation for her calling Megumi old.

"That's her boyfriend." Rina said out loud to distract Megumi hoping it would loosen her grip. Natsume was flustered that Rina said that out loud even though she knew it was more a joke, Itsuki still paused in embarrassment, while Megumi looked confused.

"Hmmm, boyfriend. Hmm ah ha! You're that Itsuki girl he talked about. Hehe, finally nice to see the face of the girl I teased him about all the time, who knew he got lucky with a swan like you."

Itsuki's face turned completely red at the comment, she let go briefly to hide her face in her hands from embarrassment. The mood stopped though when everyone heard a crack coming from Kousuke's neck. Soon his flailing arms stopped moving, and the sight of a tiny little spirit floated out of his mouth.

"Hmm, oops I think I killed him again." Megumi said with no concern. She was used to this happening during their time together.

"Aaaaaah! Kousuke." Itsuki finally pulled him out of Megumi's hands while she was distracted. She was frantic trying to shake him to wake up.

"Itai no Itai no ton deike(pain pain go away)." She said in a sing song manner trying to make him feel better with the old phrase kids used all the times when they got hurt.

Megumi sighed at the stupidity of that silly phrase and grabbed his head calmly.

"One, two." Megumi snapped his neck back in place, it wasn't the first time she did this from the clear display, estimating around her fiftieth time at most since they first began training. Another pop was heard from her putting his neck back in place, Kousuke's neck was fixed and he was alive, albeit groggy and dazed as to what happened to him.

"Kousuke, are ok?" Itsuki worried about his life for the moment asked.

"I saw the Sanzu River, did I die again?" He said groggy almost to the point of mumbling incoherently.

Megumi saw Itsuki trying to comfort him, she looked happy at the sight of seeing Kousuke reunited with his friend he talked about or tried to hit Megumi when she said bad jokes about Itsuki. It was difficult training him with all the worries in his head, it was nice to see he near someone who was a part of his life after Mana had left like she did. Megumi stood up to look at Anna, her eyes were serious now from the mellow mood they were in earlier.

"Kocho. Those matches later today you're setting for us all, he's my opponent for them kay'." Megumi ordered, choosing her opponent for her fight.

"What makes you think I'll agree to that after your behavior today. I should fire you already for all the hell you caused." Anna wasn't going to comply to that easily after the unprofessional attitude Megumi showed the minute just arrived late in her destructive entrance.

Megumi breathed in hard with her eyes closed at first, and then her face shifted to a terrifying glare. Her eyes were intense to make Rina and Natsume scared out of their minds, quivering were they stood. Anna tried to put up a front as best as she could but her body couldn't handle the pressure well either. She had also been in the service before being the new Headmaster and never once was she afraid like she was now. Megumi was scaring her, something Anna was not easily susceptible to.

"He's mine. Got it. Are we clear?" The tone in Megumi's voice commanding and scary in one.

"Yeah, crystal clear." Anna responded in turn trying to keep her composure.

Megumi stopped glaring at Anna, she turned to look at Itsuki with an honest smile before heading off to meet up with the other instructors during the waiting time.

'That woman, I could see it in her eyes. She's a genuine killer. Just what in the world did I bring here to my school?'