'Break your landing!' His brain began to race to find a way to survive.
Sato swung him with all his might, attempting to further batter Midoriya against the walls.
He brought his feet up and broke his crash by squatting against the wall. It still hurt, but it wasn't like last time.
"Gruh!" Sato growled as he swung Midoriya the other way.
Unable to twist in time, he felt something shoot up his back as he slammed shoulders first against the opposite wall. It felt like an electric knife had been plunged into his spine.
'I'm sorry Sato!' He cried to himself as he brought his left hand up, curled and locked his ring finger. 'I can't let this go on!'
With a super charged flick to the air in front of Sato's face, the air cracked like a whip. The bones in his finger shattered like glass.
Sato's head whipped back, his lips flapped as his mask was ripped off by the wind. His eyes lost focus yet his grip never loosened.
"Uehhh." The giant groaned.
Midoriya jerked but was unable to escape. The giant lumbered forward as they struggled to regain their grounding.
In a desperate attempt, he jumped up and kicked off Sato's stomach. They both grunted as Sato's grip gave out on Midoriya's bruised noodle arm.
He crashed to the ground as Sato came back to their senses. His right shoulder and arm dangled by his side, only the hand and fingers were willing to work. On his left, his three middle fingers were purple and broken. He grit his teeth, mustered his will, and began to think.
'The difference between our size and strength is too much. We can't trade blows unless I sacrifice more fingers but Bakugo and Tanya are still out there. He's tanked a finger smash to the face, as well as the side blow of two more, I don't want to know how much is needed to bring him down.'
As Sato locked on to Midoriya, the boy crouched down the slightest bit. 'He's going to open with another grab. I'll dodge it and escape after Bakugo.'
Sato reeled back his right arm, Midoriya went to duck past him.
"Sweet shot!" Sato roared over the sound of cracking ribs. His punch sent Midoriya flying with a pained scream. He had changed from a grab into an undercut.
The greenette went into a forced roll. The wind had packed up and left his lungs. He tried to breathe only to feel his lungs seize and shudder as they lit on fire.
"You like dodging under my attacks." Sato monologued as he walked over to Midoriya. "Quit it."
Upstairs, Mina and Uraraka ran into a large open room littered with props and items. Uraraka was out of breath, hunched over and gasping. Mina on the other hand was doing just fine for herself, acid and sweat rolled off her skin.
"It's," Huff " the bomb!" Uraraka pointed to the massive black aluminum bomb that sat in the middle of the room. She picked up her energy and began to dash towards it.
Thood! Tanya dashed into the room so quickly the two hadn't realized she was there. Her boot drove through Uraraka's side, almost knocking her out on the spot.
"Aaack!" She yelped as she collapsed to the wayside.
Tanya dashed away from the heroes to place herself between them and the bomb.
"You will go no further!" She commanded, her finger outstretched at them. 'I had underestimated them, that will be the last time. They're more resilient than I had thought.'
'Uraraka needs a breather, she can barely get up! She took a beating earlier and it's starting to show.' Ashido thought to herself as she eyed her companion. She was clutching her side and crawling away.
She let the acid pool up along her skin. Instead of her laid back splashing stance, she swapped to a more traditional boxing stance. She bobbed on her toes.
"Gotta say, winning is feeling pretty good." Mina smirked as she threw a few playful jabs to the air. Her acid splattered around, the room began to hiss.
"I fail to see how this is winning?" Tanya tilted her head, she was willing to play along. Out of the corner of her eye, she kept track of Uraraka. 'If she gets her hands on props, she'll be another ranged opponent. Another nuisance but easier than dealing with her melee in this open room.'
"Uraraka is holding on by a string and Midoriya is nowhere to be seen." Tanya began slowly strafing around Mina, in Uraraka's direction. "How long do you think Midoriya will hold out against Bakugo and Sato? By the looks of it, you're all your team has left."
"Man, you're really selling this whole 'evil' thing." Ashido replied. She refused to budge. She had faith that Uraraka would pull herself together soon. She also knew that she could hold off Tanya with her acid. As long as the stalemate continued, her team could rally themselves for a win.
"Are witty remarks your defense when you're in a corner?" Tanya began visually dissecting Mina. 'She favors acid on her arms. It's unclear if she can expel acid from all of her skin or only certain portions. If it's her arms, that means her back is her weak spot.'
Tanya reached up and pressed the communicator on her ear. "Ashido and Uraraka have reached the bomb room!"
The blonde was immediately blasted in the ear by Bakugo's screaming. She winced and recoiled away as she plucked it off. "Ok, ow."
Ashido broke the stand off first. She charged Tanya, arms slathered in acidic gel.
Tanya disappeared from view. She became a blur of white and black that flickered and dashed throughout the open space. 'In here, I can finally move at full speed!'
Mina grimaced as she knew what was coming next. She ejected acid from her shoes. At the last possible second, she slipped beneath Tanya's head height dive kick.
"Woo!" She joyfully cried as she skated back to her feet.
Before she could retaliate, Tanya had spun away. Her wing wind sent Ashido sliding across the room atop her acid.
The fight quickly evolved into a display of movement and agility as the two slid and flew through the room.
Tanya would dash in and out, no two attacks came from the same angle. Her movements were so fast and jagged that Ashido could barely keep up with her. Tanya would fly, brace against the wall and jump off like a swimmer, then rapidly build up speed again. Ceiling, wall, pillar, pillar, ceiling, left, right, she was everywhere.
Mina was put on the defensive by Tanya's aggressive offense and overwhelming agility. She skated around the room in an attempt to cut off the winged menace's attack paths. Everytime Tanya vanished from view, she would dive into a dodge. Her acid coating kept Tanya from getting too aggressive, but she couldn't dodge forever.
Tanya vanished into a streak of white again. She darted around the room, bounced from wall to pillar, and lined up a shot on Mina.
Mina saw all but the final dash. She knew she was coming from the right, so she slid into a clockwise spin that brought her downwards. Her feet left a bed of acid while her hands glided through the white goo. By this point, she was level with the floor and ready to bounce back up.
Tanya darted overhead. She wasn't aiming for Mina. Throughout the whole fight, she had kept track of Uraraka.
She flew across the room to dive at her.
"Yah!" Uraraka heaved a weightless oil drum at Tanya. It spiraled and tumbled through the air, devoid of any gravity or sense of momentum.
'Her power ignores air resistance if desired.' Tanya reminded herself. Rather than wind blasting it, she air rolled to the side to dodge it. She went into a spin before planting a roundhouse into the side of Uraraka's helmet for what felt like the hundredth time that day.
Rather than being hurt, Uraraka bounced off Tanya's boot and speedily floated away. 'She made herself weightless! Without inertia, my kicks won't do anything.'
Tanya ran after Uraraka, propelled by her wings. She grabbed the girl's ankle. With a grunt, she threw Uraraka away with her whole weight.
"Aahuhhuhh…" Ochako moaned from motion sickness as she spun across the room.
Downstairs, Midoriya was scrambling away from Sato. He was out of breath, broken in several places, and being assaulted by a towering yellow demon.
He jerked out of the way of another of Sato's haymakers. He drew more power from reserves he didn't know he had as he pressed his shoulder against the wall.
Midoriya brought up his functional arm with almost no functional fingers and slapped the wall. His bright red shoes squeaked as he scrambled to bring his feet underneath him.
He cried as he forced himself to his feet. Every inch of his body was alight with pain. 'I need to save my team, I need to help them!'
"Sugaaar RUSH!" Sato shouted as he let loose a flurry of blows.
A miracle struck Midoriya at that moment. He staggered back, just barely managing to keep himself out of reach of Sato's fists. The massive knuckles breezed just past his nose as he skipped back.
In an act of seeming stupidity, Midoriya turned his back on Sato. He leaned forward, and with everything he mustered, broke out into a run.
On his communicator, the sweetest sound he could have heard at that moment graced his ears.
"Deku," Uraraka grunted in pain. "Can you hear me?!"
He brought up his left arm and pressed his thumb against the device. "C-clearly!"
Midoriya could hear Sato's boots chasing after him. He limped along as fast as he could, propelled like a wounded animal, barely outpacing the giant that jogged after him.
"I have a plan. Get to the northeast side of the building, by the window." Her voice was full of determination. She wanted more than anything to match the strength of her teammates.
Midoriya could already picture what she wanted from him, a Detroit Smash through the floors! "Understood!"
He forced himself out of his frantic limp and into a proper run. 'It hurts! That doesn't matter ! I want to collapse! Heroes always hold out! I'm not a hero yet! Everyone believes in us! Uraraka, Ashido, Mom, All Might Himself ! '
"Gaahuhhh!" He screamed in pain as he pushed himself upright. He forced his stride open, forced his legs forward and back, forced himself to move! 'If I go any slower, Sato will catch me! I need to lose him!'
Bakugo was furious. He had searched what felt like the entire floor and couldn't find that damned nerd. Cowards always had the special ability to disappear AND IT PISSED HIM OFF!
Then he saw him, the beat up bastard had limped himself into a corner. The nerd propped himself up, barely able to stand at all.
Bakugo dropped out of his explosive jumping. He bounded onto his feet, ready to meet his old friend .
"Deku." He growled. "You've been holding back all these years! Now you show up here and let off that kind of power! Explain yourself! NOW!"
Midoriya glared at him, tears stained his face. He couldn't even say.
"Well I have my own firepower too!" He primed his grenade styled gauntlet and took aim. "These contain my sweat! They've built up a blast just for occasions like now!"
All Might yelled over his comm. "No! You'll kill him!"
His gauntlets clicked as he pulled the pin.
Midoriya glanced down the hall he came from. Sato was charging from one direction, and Bakugo was about to kill him from the other.
He propped up his broken right arm, curled his middle three fingers, and shut his eyes.
The halls erupted into a torrent of wind. Everything went deaf to its howl. Windows shattered into harmonious chaos, glass was flug everywhere. Lights were ripped from the ceiling, their electric guts tangled through the wind as they held on for dear life.
Midoriya was shoved up the wall, all the way to the ceiling, his spine creaked under the force. His shattered extremities flapped mercilessly until the wind died down. Only then did he return to the ground with an unceremonious thud.
Bakugo's fire blast was repelled and extinguished. Then he too was repelled. He roared in fury as he was launched down the hall. Trapped within his smokey ball, he tumbled all the way down the hall.
Sato threw himself to the ground, chest first. He drove his fingers through the floor, broke through the cement, and clawed at the ground for purchase. The drag lifted him up, along with the patches of floor he had desperately tried to anchor himself to.
He too was flung down his hall. With a sickening crunch, he crashed head first into the wall. He slumped to the ground.
Upstairs, Tanya let Uraraka spiral away. She was going away from the bomb and Mina was the more immediate threat.
Before she passed the last one, Uraraka hugged onto a pillar as she let go of her Quirk. She collapsed to the ground, The pillar held tightly in her grasp.
The room shook as a sound only describable as a tornado assaulted their eardrums.
Mina continued to slide and weave with Tanya. The winged menace had landed a few clean hits, but it wasn't enough to take down the pink monster. Meanwhile Tanya hadn't taken a single hit yet.
Bakugo dove for Midoriya once more. He pulled the second pin. "AGAIN DEKU! IS THAT ALL YOU HAVE TO SHOW!"
Sato picked himself up again, his balance was barely holding out. His vision swam but in its center he could see Midoriya clearly enough.
Uraraka screamed "NOW!"
The world stopped once more. The floor erupted as if an invisible monster tore through the building. The wind shot through the roof and brought daylight into the tower.
Mina threw up a blanket of highly acidic goo to defend herself from the debris. Cement chunks splashed down only to melt before making contact with her.
"NO!" Tanya screamed as she dove past Mina. In a blur of movement, she made it to the bomb first. She brought her wings close, folded tight for what was about to happen. 'I need to succeed! I need to impress All Might!'
Uraraka cheered "Home Comet Run!" as she swung the freshly freed pillar into the barrage of rubble.
The room became a projectile hell. Debris flew like cannonballs as they punched through pillars and props that weren't already launched by the wind.
Mina's acid defense had gotten picked up amidst the storm. This had gone from a tornado to a hellish hurricane of acid and rock.
Tanya unfolded her wings at full speed, to full extension. Her own wind fought the torrent. She didn't need to overpower Midoriya's blast, just deflect the projectiles.
The debris arched and curved around her as her windwall held up. Nothing but the smallest and fastest of projectiles made it through.
All but one. Uraraka, who had jumped towards the bomb, who was weightless and could ignore air resistance on demand as she had shown during the apprehension test. She quickly floated over Tanya.
Before Tanya could do anything to stop her, the hurricane sent Mina's acid slashing into Tanya's exposed backside. She let out a scream of pain as the acid first ate at her clothing, then at her skin. It had been a long time since her muscles had felt open air.
Uraraka hugged onto the bomb. "Yay!"
" Hero team… WINS!!! " All Might yelled over the mic.