Throughout her flight, she would practice her kicks and talon grabs. The weight of the new boots made wide swings more dangerous as they would build momentum behind the heavy, metallic, sharp talons. If she kicked with the top of her foot like usual, the kick would be blunt, but if she landed it on the sweet spot at the end of her new support gear, there would be bloodshed.
Feeling dangerous again, as if armed with nothing but a mage blade and aerial mobility, made her laugh. It felt good to feel secure again; to hold a little more sway over her own fate against the power of a 'god'.
Getting to school started to become a hassle. Once news got out that All Might was teaching, the media swarmed like ravenous vultures, desperate for a scrap of story.
Tanya and her classmates were especially targeted. She had eventually come to the conclusion that entering the school was a group activity. Sato lived by the train station and Bakugo had to ride the train to school anyways, so every morning, they would group up at Sato's place before trekking to school.
The group sat around, enjoying breakfast before beginning their push to the school. Tanya sipped her coffee, mentaly complimenting this cafe on their skills whilst listening to Bakugo and Sato.
"It was bullshit we lost against Deku! He was Quirkless!" Bakugo began as he fumed over his curry. He wasn't a fan of how mild the spice was.
Tanya raised an eyebrow upon hearing this. "You keep saying that Midoriya didn't have a Quirk, yet he evidently does. What's up with that?"
Sato stepped into the conversation, already having eaten breakfast before the duo had arrived. "I wouldn't exactly blame Midoriya." He averted his gaze away from his blonde companions. "Not all of us were blessed with convenient Quirks."
Tanya chuckled a little bit. "Convenient? You should see me molting. The guy levels buildings for the price of an arm."
"But did he always know, or even want to?" Now he had the duo's full attention. He squirmed a little under their dissecting glare. Bakugo looked like he would fight him if he said something wrong, and Tanya watched him with the focus of a scientist observing a rat. "If you had the power to blow people away like that, why would you go around announcing it? And seeing its drawbacks, why would you use it unless it's completely necessary?"
"What lame shit are you on?" Bakugo barked as he slid away his curry. He just couldn't handle the mildness. "That reasoning may have worked for weak willed extras, but that bastard has been throwing himself into trouble every chance he's gotten and never so much as shattered a finger."
"I see two possibilities." Tanya set down her empty coffee cup. "Possibility one; Midoriya never used his Quirk because he deemed it too dangerous to be unleashed. Never telling anybody of its existence would also prevent people from trying to force his hand. Possibly two; he's been keeping his Quirk a secret because of its surprise factor. Self destruction for sheer power is a strong ability, but one that can also be exploited by his enemies. Keeping it a secret would prevent people from designing countermeasures until he had the chance to train it in the open. Possibility three, he didn't even know how to activate it. He would have been told he had a Quirk, then upon the realization he wouldn't know how to use it, found telling people he's Quirkless to be easier."
"Deku's always been a nerd. I can see him keeping it a secret. He used to fill notebooks full of hero stuff, the bastard's probably got everyone's Quirks and drawn up plans already." He leaned his chair back as he thought about the situation at hand. Some part of his skin crawled at the idea he was picking apart an enemy like some nerd, much less that it was the nerd himself.
'What a strange set of friends this college has blessed me with.' Sato thought as he watched the two bond over the idea of violence. 'Still though, I can't help but fear the next time I have to use my Quirk in combat. Last time I had really let my Quirk loose was middle school… A memory I'd rather not relive.'
"I don't think we'll be fighting today. Yesterday was physical training, the day before was a light recovery day since Aizawa had to fix his schedule, and Monday was the team fights. We also have a field trip scheduled for today." Tanya began prepping a schedule in her head as she pulled at her lip. If she wanted to place at the top, she would need her team to be strong too. Against juggernauts like Midoriya's strength or Momo's utility, they would need to be strong, and that meant passing their classes together with maximum efficiency.
"Wait, we have a field trip?" Sato asked in surprise and excitement.
"Did you not check the schedule?" Tanya replied with a glance at the giant.
He looked down and refused to answer.
Bakugo leaned his head back and groaned in frustration. "Ugh! All this planning is starting to bore me, and there's no fighting in sight." He kicked his chair back and snatched up his bag. He swung it over his shoulder. "Let's go. Gotta fight to get to class anyways!"
Media men swarmed the gates in a feeding frenzy, looking for any scrap of information.
"How would you describe All Might's teaching?", "Anything you can tell us about All Might?", "Does All Might make a good teacher?" The swarm barraged the group with questions, microphones, and cameras.
"Pardon me, sorry, coming through." Sato held point at the front of the group, he gently waved them off and tried to make space for his friends behind him.
"How about you leave me alone! How's that a for a fucking answer!" Bakugo scared off a meek reporter. "That's what I thought! Buncha extras!"
"No comment. All Might is adjusting to being a teacher just fine." Tanya repeatedly gave off cold and empty statements to disinterest the reporters. If they saw nothing of interest, they would give her space.
She watched in slow motion horror as Bakugo and a determined, opportunistic female reporter held ground, both refused to back down. She saw him snarling at her as the reporter's grin grew. 'If Bakugo snaps, that would give them a story about our class. I gotta save this.'
Tanya slipped a wing between them and clasped a hand over Bakugo's shoulder. He glanced down at her, momentarily leaving the reporter alone. "Don't worry about her Bakugo, just keep moving."
She guided him away from the aggressive reporter and towards the safety of UA's gates. He tried to snarl off another reporter before they could line up a photo of them together, but to no avail as the camera went off.
The trio swam through the swarm before stumbling into the safety of UA.
"If I could just get your nam-" A reporter started as they stepped after them, and a little too close to the threshold.
Tunn . Heavy, black metal blast doors slammed shut. The horde of reporters were closed off from the school for nearly trespassing onto the campus.
The trio caught their breath before heading to class.
'In all my years,' Tanya complained internally, 'I have never had to deal with reporters this aggressive before. I've done propaganda work, minor reports, and stage reports, but I've neer been swarmed like that.'
"Don't go around trying to fucking save me." Bakugo growled without looking back. "I had it under control."
'His condition prevents an honest answer. Even though he's thankful, as he's acknowledging it, his hurt pride is taking priority.' Tanya thought as she followed the group to class. 'I should leverage the conversation away from his vulnerability and towards myself to prevent issues later.'
"I assure you Bakugo, my actions were entirely self motivated." She said as she sped up to match pace with him. It wasn't a lie from her, she couldn't allow themselves to be making headlines in cheap tabloids before their careers even started.
Sato winced hearing Bakugo's angered huff. He knew his friend was hurt by Tanya's cold shoulder, but Sato found comfort that everyone here wore their hearts on their sleeves. Even if those hearts were wimpy, anger filled, or cold.
Bakugo huffed after hearing Tanya's statement. 'Finally, someone's making some sense around here. None of that canned I'm helping you out of the goodness of my heart bullshit. Doesn't change that I had it under control, I didn't need any goddamn help!'
Tanya's scheduling was accurate, the class did have a field trip that day. In their costumes no less. Iida had tried to organize everyone onto the bus, but no one really needed organizing, and the bus had a peculiar seating arrangement regardless.
Much to no one's surprise, many of the friend groups gravitated towards each other in seating arrangements. The more sociable students took to the open middle of the bus, while the rest took the back rows.
Tanya took the first aisle seat she could. Her wings weren't working well with the robust bus seats, so she had to sit with her shoulders turned, her wings folded up but were still in the aisle.
Just in front of her was Bakugo who had taken the first window seat. He was trying, if failing, to relax as he stared out the window, head rested on his fist. His bright red eyes were lost in thought.
Just across the aisle, Sato sat with his legs somewhat pointed out. He would have taken the middle area, but his friends were in the back… and Midoriya was in the middle of everything. Perceiving enemies wasn't exactly in his nature but Midoriya and his friends… kind of scared him a little. Behind Sato, or to his side from a seating point of view, was Jiro who was deep in her music.
Unlike the middle group, Tanya's group and the other backseaters were attempting to enjoy some quiet. Between their classes and the swarming press, many of the students were a little worn down. Of course, this didn't stop some of them.
"Bakugo's always mad, so it doesn't seem like he'll be popular. Kerro." Tsuyu stated as a part of a conversation Tanya hadn't been paying attention to.
"Huh?!" Bakugo asked, finally being dragged out of thought. He stood up, his fist clenched around the dividing rail. "Trying to start something already! Say it to my face!"
Tsuyu pointed to him. "See?"
"Excuse me?" Tanya was caught off guard by what she was hearing.
"We haven't known you very long, but it's impressive everyone here knows your personality is hot garbage. You've got one mood, and it isn't a good one." Kaminari gave a shrug.
"YOU WANNA GO!" Bakugo leaned over the rail. "Next exercise, I'm blowing you away! I'll kill you battery!"
Tanya watched in awe as the middle group began picking on Bakugo. 'They've labeled him as an outsider and have begun excluding him. I fail to see the logic in their bullying. They gain nothing but a burned bridge with one of the stronger students.'
Uraraka smiled as everyone began riling up Bakugo. Even though Midoriya was quaking and shivering, she was enjoying this. "C'mon Deku, everyone's enjoying themselves."
"E-everything seems so wrong." He shivered out. "For once, it's Bakugo being picked on."
"We're all having fun here." She put a hand on his back, careful to not accidentally use her Quirk on him.
The Greenette went red and seized up.
Sato watched in discomfort. 'Heroes help people… All Might told me to follow my heart.'
He strengthened his resolve before making his move. He tapped the dividing rail between him and Kaminari to get the electric boy's attention. "Hey, man, that isn't cool."
Kaminari shrugged him off. "Don't worry about it big man. See, Bakugo's got his emotional guardian angel with him."
Tanya was trying to get Bakugo under control. She refused to have one of her few pieces be taken out of play by some elementary school bullying. She had stood up and was trying to pull him back into his seat, "Bakugo, you need to let this fight go!"
"The bastard thinks this is funny! I'll tear you apart!" He rocked in anger against the railing.
"You want to win right?!" She began playing his most vulnerable angle. The businesswoman buried in her soul knew that playing to what people want was the best option. "Fights are won before they're started! Win on your terms, not his!"
Bakugo's grip loosened off the rail and he collapsed back into his seat. He muttered, "I'll kick his ass later."
"That's the spirit." Tanya sighed as she slumped into her chair. She had so much work ahead of her trying to manage a team of idiots. 'These guys are nothing like my battalion. Everyone's so emotional, and confusing. At least Bakugo and Sato are straightforward enough that I can work with them.'
"We're here." Aizawa announced, already at the door of the slowing bus. "Settle down and head inside."
They had traveled to the far end of the campus, by bus of course. The campus was egregiously enormous. They had arrived at a large glass tiled dome that looked like a science facility. It could easily have fit several olympic fields within, and have had room for seating.
The class funneled in to be met with a breathtaking sight of engineering, and a short astronaut with a big black helmet and white mask eyes. The interior was every bit excessive as the rest of UA, if not moreso. Several large sub-facilities were assembled in a ring around the building.
Going clockwise from the grand entrance, complete with way too many steps, were a myriad of locations. There was a series of building tops sticking out of upset earth, as if someone had sunk all the buildings. A torn apart landscape, complete with crumbling, ruined buildings and destroyed trees. A miniature mountain side, complete with a chasm and rope bridge. Already inside their dome, was another domed area with fire decals, the silhouettes of burning buildings could be seen within. There was a waterfall and rushing rapids that ran into a model lake, complete with a miniature cruise ship. Finally, another domed area that sounded like a hurricane. In the middle of the massive room was a fountain and rest area, for soon to be exhausted students.
"Everyone!" The astronaut spoke loudly and clearly. They were Thirteen, the blackhole hero who specialized in rescue operations. "I have been waiting for you!"
In a flash of showmanship, Thirteen threw their arms out wide. "Behold! My training center! Designed to prepare students for simulated and common disasters. I call it, The Unforeseen Simulation Joint !" They paused… "Or USJ for short."
"Just like Universal Studios japan!" Uraraka cheered. Everyone could practically feel the grin on Thirteen's face.
Aizawa walked up to her, carefully putting himself between her and the class. He dropped his voice low enough for her to hear, "Thirteen, do you know where All Might is? He's supposed to be here."
"About that..." She replied as she lifted three fingers. "He was a little busy this morning, so he's taking a breather in the teachers lounge."
Aizawa sighed as he took his place by her side. "Of course he did. Only he would pull something so irrational."
Thirteen took the spotlight once more for the class. She mumbled something before clearing her voice, "Ahem, I'm sure everyone here knows what my Quirk is? Yes? My Quirk, Black Hole, can suck anything into my fingertips, turning it to dust in the process."
Midoriya once again showed the class his fanboy trivia powers. "You've used it to save countless civilians from disasters! It's what makes you the famous rescue hero!"
She chuckled before continuing. "Yes, but as I'm aware of what your combat class has taught you; any Quirk can be dangerous."
Mina's smile didn't waver, even if she couldn't lock eyes with the teacher at that moment.
"My Quirk is incredibly effective at clearing rubble and opening space. I can even vacuum a hole into a falling building. But my Quirk doesn't discriminate between person or object, friend nor foe. Even people can be disintegrated by me if I'm not careful." She continued as she held out her hand for the class to see. Each finger had a metallic cap on the end of it that could flip open. Had she opened her fingers, they would have seen the pitch darkness within, the blackholes at her fingertips.
Mina listened to every word Thirteen said. An excitement ran up her spine. 'Our Quirks are so similar, even if somewhat different! I want to learn from her! How I can use my acid to do more than accidentally melt people, I want to help people too!'
"Aizawa showed you what your Quirks were capable of. All Might showed you how dangerous your powers can be. I believe that any Quirk, no matter its abilities, can be used for more than just violence. Here, at this facility, is a fresh start for everyone here, the chance to show what more you are capable of. To save people!"
The class got excited and began cheering for her. She patiently absorbed their praise, happy that she could try to make the world a little less violent.
"Today, we will not be using our Quirks for combat, but for rescue. You will be split into groups and participate in disaster scenarios..." Aizawa started before the lights started failing.
A dark mist emerged from thin air, just in front of the fountain. It swirled and manifested, a sickening color of purple and black stained the air.
A wave of oddly dressed individuals stepped out of the fog. First there were just a handful, then a dozen, then their numbers just kept growing and growing. An entire horde of villains had arrived on their campus, straight out of thin air.
Bakugo began to stretch his fingers with a smirk. "Guess there will be fighting today."
Tanya flexed her wings and slipped into a more combat ready mindset. 'Being X, you bastard. I knew everything was going too well.'
"Don't move!" Aiazaw ordered, he already slipped his goggles up to protect his eyes. "Those are real villains."
Sato gulped as he reached down and ran his thumb over the top of his sugar container. In his head, he was already questioning if keeping his friends safe was an option… if keeping himself safe was even a possibility.