Chereads / Rising Heroine Tanya / Chapter 12 - Real Villains 1 of 2

Chapter 12 - Real Villains 1 of 2

The villains had emerged from the darkness of the portal. As they began to get their bearings the horde spread without direction or leadership as they stuck to their smaller gangs.

Thirteen began to break down the situation. "The alarms haven't been tripped."

"Kaminari," Aizawa gave orders as he surveyed the battlefield "Try to contact the school."

The student put his hand up to his bulky earpiece, a personalized headset that he could charge with his Quirk. His eyes widened as he yelled out, "Nothing! We're jammed!"

The class began to feel the threat of the villains weighing down them. Some stood strong, others grew antsy, a few were barely wrapping their heads around their fear.

Todoroki spoke out, as expressionless as always, "This was planned. They knew when we would be here, and must have prepared to isolate us accordingly. Are they planning on attacking the entire campus, or just us? They must have a Quirk that's masking their presence here."

'A planned attack, yet their army lacks coordination and direction. What, do they plan on winning through raw numbers?' Tanya had flashbacks to the Russy front, where the enemy had pulled the exact same tactic. Her eyebrow twitched in frustration. 'This smells of incompetent leadership. I'm not doing this again Being X!'

Aizawa gave his next order as he pulled out a length of his weaponized scarf. "Thirteen, get the students out of here and get back up!"

"You can't be thinking about taking them all alone!?" Midoriya asked with withheld panic. "Your style is best suited for stealth and one on one fights, it won't work well against a group."

Aizawa smirked as he squatted down. "Your first real lesson then; you can't be a pro if you've only got one trick."

Without a sound, he lept into the air and seemingly flew down the many stairs. His scarf trailed behind him like a split cape as the wind swept his matted hair up. 'Stall for time; give the students time to escape. Fight until backup arrives.'

He took a deep inhale through his nose as the familiar sense of combat came back to him.

"Shooting squad!" One of the villains shouted as he flexed his fingers, each one ending with gun-like barrels. "Take aim!"

The gaggle of thugs prepped their ranged Quirks to target the falling teacher… Nothing happened.

One of the shooters looked at his hands in awe and dawning fear. "Where are my bullets?" He barely had time to register Aizawa's lightning fast rush down before he went unconscious.

"Our intel told us that it was supposed to be Thirteen and All Might!" A villain with white dreads shouted as she watched Aizawa blitz through her squad. "Who is this guy!?"

As Aizawa skipped and jumped around the battlefield, shutting down Quirks and grappling opponents with his scarf, Thirteen took charge.

"Everyone! Back to the bus!" She waved for them to start running.

The entire class started running for the massive door out of the USJ; all except for Midoriya, who was busy watching his teacher blow his mind, and Iida who was shouting at him to stop analyzing and start running.

Tanya took flight. She glided towards the door as thoughts ran through her mind. 'They knew All Might was supposed to be here! They came and they knew! What are they planning, because no simple horde of thugs is going to be enough to take him down?'

She was cut out of her thoughts when a black smoke emerged from thin air in front of her. She cursed to herself as she hard banked upwards, attempting to get height over the villain.

Kurogiri manifested between the fleeing class and the door. His smokey body undulated as he grew to a towering size. "There will be no escape."

With the thrust of her wings, Tanya shot an airblast at the villain while retreating to the safety of her meatshields. She watched in careful analysis as her air attack didn't seem to phase him as much as she would like, except to shift the smoke. A glint of metal plating poked through before being engulfed once more behind the inky darkness.

Bakugo grinned as sweat poured down to his hands. He waited for them to be primed and ready to oneshot this punk. His fingers flexed and his breathing sped up in excitement for the fight. Sparks sizzled from his gloves. 'Why would smoke need armor, unless he had something to protect.'

"Good evening." Kurogiri's yellow slit eyes leaned forwards and backwards, as if to bow with no body. "It is a pleasure to meet you all. We are the league of villains. I'm sorry for the impolite intrusion, but we are looking for All Might. How fitting for the symbol of peace, the strongest of heroes, to meet his fate in the greatest hero school available. To draw his last breath as his students watch."

Unlike many of her quivering classmates, Tanya began to grin as she fought back a laugh. 'HE'S MONOLOGUING! These guys really are incompetent!'

Sato glanced down at his friends. A cold sweat breached his mask, fear snapped at his ankles, he barely held on as the crushing weight of the enemy's confidence bore down upon him. 'Tanya and Bakugo aren't handling this well either. They're smiling, even though they're shivering.'

Kurogiri continued, "And yet there's no sign of him? There must have been a change of schedule. In the end, it doesn't really matter, my role hasn't changed here."

Thirteen popped open her finger capsules and took aim at the villain, only to gasp as her student leapt into action first.

Bakugo and Kirishima jumped at him, their class watching from behind as they pushed forward despite the danger.

The room rumbled as soot and sickly sweet smelling smoke shot forth. Ears rang as the dust settled.

Kirishima held up his guard as he squared off against the villain. "What? You really thought we weren't going to fight back?"

Kurogiri wobbled as he reorganized his body and thoughts, barely having protected himself from the blast. "Such telegraphed attacks." He sighed. "To be expected from amateurs. A shame you will never live long enough to learn."

Tanya's goosebumps sparked up as she dashed into the air. She needed to get out of the way of the incoming attack.

"I'll scatter you across this facility to die at the hands of my comrades!" He barked with a butler's charm as his smoke grew and enveloped the class in a spinning globe of darkness. It nearly instantly engulfed and dwarfed everyone there.

The students were battered by the wind, unable to see even their hands as the smoke enveloped them.

Up above, Tanya began getting tossed around, unable to fight the torrent without the strength of the ground. She grit her teeth and brought her arms up to protect her head.

Acting on instinct, Sato downed an entire capsule of sugar. His muscles swelled and his mind grew quiet and focused. He picked a direction, charged, and grabbed anyone he ran into as he plowed through the storm.

Uraraka activated her Quirk on herself to let the smoke push her. With her newfound speed, she shut off her Quirk and flew out like a bullet. She grunted as she bounced, skid, and rolled against the hard tile.

Iida powered through, propelled by his engine Quirk as he grabbed his teacher and made an escape.

Thirteen watched in horror as when the smoke cleared, only a handful of her students remained. Sato, Uraraka, Sero, Shoji, and Iida. Those that were either strong enough, fast enough, or lucky enough to have escaped the teleportation attack.

The moment Tanya came out of the portal, she instantly went on the evasive. She didn't know where she would be, if people were ready to attack her, if they knew what she was capable of, anything. In a situation like that, the best opening move is to avoid getting hurt and take in information.

The villains watched the portal opening into the ruins. They were confident they had the upper hand, they had been hand picked for indoor combat. Everyone was primed for combat as fangs were bared, claws outstretched, spikes were extended.

"How hard could killing a UA student be?" A man with spike growths on his hands said with a cocky smile.

In an instant, a blur of feathers shot out of the dark hole like a bullet. They bounced and zigged around, lightning made alive.

"Woah!" Another villain shouted as the blur shot past his leg. Left and right, villains flinched and ducked as the student shot around them.

"What the hell are they doi-EAA!!" The previously cocky villain had the wind knocked out of him as they collided with his back, slash marks painted red brought him to scream in pain. He gathered a footing and attempted to retaliate with spike-covered fists, only to find empty space as they raced off to attack someone else.

Tanya raced around the room and refused to stay on a single target. She used moves improved from her combat training. She didn't always need to fly, she could use her wings to push off of surfaces as well.

She drove her talons through her targets, happy to draw blood from would-be assailants. Her talons would peirce into the flesh, before the boot would extend and launch her away to safety. On their way out, the nails would hook and turn what would have been a normal cut, into a jagged nightmare of blood and torn muscle.

'Work quickly here. Move onto the next step.' Tanya began creating an organized mental checklist as she nearly tore someone's arm off. 'Regroup. Secure personal safety.'

The spike-fisted villain tried to take aim at the blur but couldn't get a clear shot. Everytime he would cover her with his knuckles, she would disappear. His hand shook as blood ran down his open back. If he fired his spikes, he would have hit his teammates.

For just a moment, it looked like she was standing still. Her feet dug into his teammates side, her wings upstretched, and she wasn't moving. His fist nearly came into alignment with her before he saw it.

Tanya pushed off the villain's back, blood trailed in her wake. With a pump of her wings dashed onto the ceiling, then kicked off towards her next target; the guy that was aiming at her.

Its blue eyes pierced into his soul and found his resolve; pitiful. It bounced off the ceiling as it rushed him down.

Shrip! He howled in pain as slash marks appeared along his hand. The parts of his hand that gave him his Quirk, his knuckles and backhand, vanished beneath a wave of crimson and pain.

He collapsed to the floor and tucked his maimed hand to his chest. The fingers hung awkwardly as they were strung up by the inner muscles. Tears forced their way down his face as his body shook in pain. He dared not continue fighting, lest he lose the rest of his Quirk and the ability to use his other hand.

'That thing!' He shuddered as he watched it run through his allies. They dropped one after the next, each too wounded to continue fighting. No one had landed a hit on her; and now none of them will have the chance. 'It's not human! It's some kind of demon!'

'I would prefer to kill them all,' Tanya furrowed her brow as she heard Bakugo's explosions in the distance, 'but hero executions are looked down upon and often charged. I can't afford the hit to my image, much less the weight of the law. It's bad for business.' She thought to herself as her enemies' mutilated bodies littered the floor.

Many cried, others shivered and begged for it to be over, a lucky few were already unconscious. Blood spattered Tanya's grieves and dripped from her talons. The sound of her talons clinking against the concrete gave relief to the villains as it grew fainter.

Mina held back her panic as she was teleported away. The darkness retreated and brought new scenery in its place. Artificial battered the windows, thunder lit up the dome.

She bounced to her feet and looked around the room she was in. A stage setup of an office space, the computers were made of cheap plywood and plastic. A window ran along one wall to unify the cubicle divided room.

"I really hate to do this to ya." Mina spun around upon hearing another female voice call out to her. "We could have been friends."

"I doubt that." Mina joked back, her fear hidden. She slipped into a combat stance. Arms low, center of gravity close to the floor and ready to dodge like a coiled spring. With a small shrug she offered, "Quit being a villain and maybe we can talk about it."

A woman, similar looking age to Mina classmates, maybe a little older, stepped out from around a cubicle corner. She wore a tan, baggy military outfit with bright coat straps of varying colors that closed the middle. Bright reds, greens, and blues clashed the accents of her outfit, fighting for control of her cuffs, belts, shoulder epaulets, anything. Atop her head was a peaked cap that read in bright gold 'Lucy'. Her face was dominated by rose tinted, round rimmed glasses.

She put down a guitar case. Out of the corner of Mina's eye, she could see something push out of the case and into the floor. The cheap flat carpet wobbled around the case as something phased beneath them.

Mina prepped her acid along her arms as she steeled her fear. This lady was freaking her out with her casual approach to hardcore villainy. Flashbacks of what happened to Tanya raced through her mind, she lowered the acidity. She didn't want to accidentally melt Lucy.

"It's just." Lucy shrugged sheepishly. "Bosses orders, ya gotta die. It ain't anything personal." She gave a calm smile that struggled to contain deeper feelings. It stretched until it snapped, her teeth bared in an evil grin as she activated her Quirk.

The world around Mina melted away, like paint washed by a hose. The office drooped, sagged, and slipped away to reveal she was alone on a small boat, floating down a river. Along the banks were untamed rows of trees bearing red-orange fruit as the sky burned in an afternoon light. Everything looked as if it was made in an oil painting.

"Ahh!" Her breath hitched in her throat as she stumbled back, her hand aimed for the newfound boat railing, only for her to collide at an odd angle with open air. Cheap plywood broke her fall.

Just down the aisle from the pink hero, Lucy smiled as she watched her victim stumble over nothing. "Alright Monster, go get her." She half heartedly cheered her partner on. Heroes always had been easy pickings for them once she caught them with her Quirk.

"Yahhhh!" Mina screamed in pain as she scrambled up to her feet. Long, boney fingers had clawed into her side from beneath her.

Bwwurrr! The ruins exploded to life! Smoke, soot, and sound ruptured forth and stampeded out any opening it could find. In its impatience, it even made a few new ones. The already destroyed buildings rumbled as hell broke loose within.

A gang of villains scrambled away from the building as they panted and shivered in fear. Several kept checking over their shoulders, and one kept looking up before stumbling over their own feet.

One of them, a swordsman in gray with sharpened dreads, yelled at their impromptu leader. "WE WERE TOLD THEY WOULD BE ROOKIES! WHAT IS THIS! THE BASTARDS ARE LIKE THE PRO'S!"

From the ruins, two figures and a blur emerged. Bakugo and Kirishima walked out, eager for the next round of combat. The blur that dashed past them raced up into the sky before unfurling their wings. The trio had fought their way out of the ruins. It had been a clever surprise attack, and almost cost them a few cheap injuries, but Bakugo and Tanya fought like crazed animals. Kirishima had been in his element, an enclosed space full of close quarters combat.