The class stood in front of the UA dorm building. The morning sun shone down upon them as equal parts daunting work and excitement buzzed the air.
The dorms stood tall and wide, with a welcomingly warm brown color. Five stories tall, with an open area at the front on the upper two. The 1-A Alliance logo stood in bold white, like a decorative breastplate outlined in gold. Its bottom floor was a stark white, with strong square topped pillars standing guard. A pair of double doors stood ready for their students.
Aizawa stood between the class and the dorms as his calloused fingers rubbed his nose ridge. 'It's far too early for this.' He grumbled to himself.
"Welcome to the UA dorms." He dully droned to his students. His fatigued tone did little to stall the excitement of the class. "All of you should have packed the moving vans by now. They'll be here soon to drop off your stuff."
"I'm sure that anyone here is willing to continue the hero training course despite the incident last week." Aizawa skipped past the prepared speech Nedzu had given the teachers. His class was the one that had been through hell. His pride in their collective competency to survive was grimly overshadowed by the event itself. 'Despite what they've survived, they continue to want to be heroes.' He hid his smirk. 'Not bad. Let's see if it holds.'
Mina bounced on her heels beside Tanya. A giddy smile on her face only bound by an anticipation wound tight and ready to burst. "I'm so excited! We're all getting a dorm experience together!"
Tanya smirked as she idly stood beside the pink girl, a wing propped to the side to keep her personal space from Mina. "I doubt it'll be as magical as your imagination is making it out to be."
"If you all will follow me in, we'll begin the initial tour." Aizawa groaned as he turned his back on the class and walked away. His scarf trailed behind him with all the lack of energy he brought into his day.
The inside of the dorms was well lit, spacious, and open. Light, hardwood floor greeted the wave of students that flowed around their teacher. Wall lights shone over the mirrored lounges on the right and left wings.
Splitting the building open was a courtyard surrounded by glass doors. The left side of the interior was dedicated to a dining hall, with a kitchen at the back. The right was reserved for a casual gym set up.
Uraraka spun around with her eyes nearly bulging out of her skull. "It's like a mansion!" She proclaimed as she nearly fell over.
Tsuyu caught her and said, "It's like a nice hotel. Feels very homely."
Sato walked around the kitchen setup. "Nice." He muttered under his breath as he knelt down and examined an oven.
"Keep up Diabetes." Bakugo growled as the teacher was showing where the baths and laundry areas were kept, at the very back of the building. Bakugo took a glance over the kitchen as well, his brain already began to catalog everything available.
Sato smiled as he opened the oven. 'I wonder how much food it would take to feed an entire class for a single night?'
Bakugo hovered behind him. "The fuck you smiling about?"
"Just thinking about cooking." Sato muttered and shrugged as he closed the oven and stood up. "Wondering how much would feed a class. You know, the scale of it all."
With a grunting huff, Bakugo turned around and was about to follow the class. "Don't want any of your shitty food. I'll do it myself."
"Do you think the class would like your cooking?" Sato asked genuinely. He rubbed at his cheek as his nerves kicked in. "I-I mean, you said you like your stuff spicy."
Bakugo stopped and glared over his shoulder. His red eyes dared Sato to continue. "What was that?" He growled.
"Oh- uh." Sato began to mutter as he waved his hands around. "You mentioned, uh, not wanting me to cook for you. B-but, I may like to try it, your food that is, sometime."
"Why are you acting all scared and shit?!" Bakugo demanded to know as he kept his hands in his pockets and was ready to storm off after the class. "If you want some, all you had to do was fucking ask. Instead you're muttering like Deku. Quit it!" He barked.
Sato stood wide eyed at Bakugo's shouting. 'He wants me to feel more comfortable around him despite his angered outbursts. He even offered his cooking.' A little piece of Sato grew happy at this little sign of trust while the rest of him was once again startled by Bakugo's aggressive nature.
Sato had always been a little bashful of his cooking skills. He wanted to make people feel happy, safe, and content, and good food was always a strong backbone of that. Lunch Rush wasn't a revered hero for nothing after all!
"Would you," Sato gathered a little courage granted to him by Bakugo's admission, "perhaps want to cook with me? It's a big kitchen and a lot of mouths to feed."
Bakugo turned his back on Sato and marched off. "I'll only be joining because I don't want your cooking ruining the class." He growled.
As the guys caught up with the rest of the class, they had begun to funnel up the stairs.
Izuku winced as his sore body felt possessed by the spirit of everyday life. A dull, faint burn ran along his thighs and lower back as he pushed himself up the stairs. 'Training with One For All hurts.' He mentally groaned. 'But I have to continue. I need the strength to end fights quickly, like Tanya said.'
Uraraka picked up the pace to get beside Izuku. "You feeling ok?" She asked as she tried to hide the light blush of their closeness.
"I'm doing fine." He lied through his teeth. He averted his eyes from her as he also blushed at the mere presence of a girl.
"You know, everyone's going to need to get their stuff up into their rooms." Uraraka pointed out. "I was actually going to use my Quirk."
As the teacher talked about how there would be boys on one side of the dorm rooms and girls on the other, Izuku offered his help. "I'd gladly help you. Making everyone's stuff weightless would make this so much faster."
Uraraka nodded happily with a hum of, "Hm, HM!"
Aizawa opened one of the doors and showed everyone an empty room. "All of the rooms are identical in space. If specific accommodations are required, please contact Power Loader." He droned.
There had been some people who needed specifically built in features. Like Present Mic needing extreme sound proofing in his room because even his snoring could accidentally be Quirk boosted loud enough to sound like a motorcycle. It was a rare occurrence, but it did happen once when he was a young man in UA. Aizawa had been dragged to a sleepover. There was no sleep. Never again.
As for the room itself, its base floor plan was a simple square with a section close to the door walled off to be a bathroom. Another section was walled off along it to create an L shape which was dedicated to be a closet. At the far end of the room was a sliding glass door with a tiny balcony.
"It's about the size of one of the closets from my home." Momo said softly as she worried if her bed would fit.
Tanya looked at her in a state of wonder and confusion. 'What kind of a place would you live in that a room like this would be considered small?'
Aizawa led the class back to the front of the dorms. "The vans should be arriving soon enough. I am sure a class of aspiring heroes can sort themselves out." He turned away from them all and stalked away. 'I need a nap. A lot of long patrols last week. That league of villains has got the Hero Public Safety Commision spooked.'
In the distance, the faint rumbling of moving vans began their orchestra of engines. There were too many to count as each class had a miniature caravan to carry their personal furniture, wardrobes, accessories, and assorted or unassorted nicknacks.
Class 1A's vans pulled up and the chaos of hard work began.
Iida tried to coordinate order within the class. A mountain of boxes of various sizes had to be unloaded and sorted and distributed.
Uraraka and Midoriya began effortlessly carrying bed frames and furniture. Maybe not effortlessly. Midoriya had pushed his workouts so hard that climbing the stairs burnt. Uraraka got a little sickly green after maneuvering whatever elephant sized box Momo had brought upon them.
Tanya focused on swiftly getting her stuff all the way to the uppermost floor. It wasn't a lot of stuff but it was rough. Again and again, she took off and flew up to the top floor, where her room's balcony served as a landing pad.
To many's surprise and delight, Shoji had only made one trip to get his singular box into his room. After that, he was open to start helping everyone else carry their stuff.
"Bro!" Kirishima grit his teeth with effort as he and Sato hoisted an oversized minifridge up the stairs. "Why is this so heavy!"
"I'll help you carry your weight set!" Sato promised as his face burnt red from the strain of the fridge.
"Thanks man!" Kirishima shouted back as the two guys shimmied around a stairwell corner.
Meanwhile outside, Sero and Kaminari were using his tape Quirk to pull their stuff up to the third floor.
Kaminari stepped back after affixing the tape around a box. "It's good to go!" He waved up.
Sero ginned and began to reel it up. His arms braced on the window for support.
Inside the building, Koda nearly dropped his bag of rabbit feed as a box zipped past him. "Eep!" He yelped.
"You good there?" Jiro asked cautiously as she helped prop up the end of his bag.
Koda clenched his jaw and frantically nodded before fixing his situation and scurrying away.
Tokoyami and Dark Shadow duo carried their stuff past everyone. An efficient duo with one of them being able to fly which allowed for much easier lifts. Tokoyami walked by while carrying a mattress which was being held up above everyone's heads by Dark Shadow.
Mineta blinked as he waddled up the stairs with a box of posters nearly the size of his entire body while Tokoyami and his sentient Quirk strided right past him. 'Stupid, helpful Quirk and normal size.' he began to grumble to himself.
Then Ojiro marched past him carrying his own stuff. Then Aoyama. Then Todoroki.
Mineta grumbled as everyone outpaced him.
"What do you need a filing cabinet for?!" Bakugo barked at Tanya as they marched up the stairs.
"Paperwork. Which in this case would mostly be homework, guides, handouts, and maybe hero agency applications." She answered straightforwardly. "What else would you use a filing cabinet for?" She shrugged her wings in effort as carrying was hard work.
Pftfph! Tanya's wing hit something. She glanced over her shoulder in minor confusion.
"Bleh! BeH!" Toru sputtered as she accidently got a faceful of feathers.
"Sorry about that." Tanya apologized with a tense smile. She had already flown her lighter stuff up to her room, her wings now were just getting in her way.
"Hey No Face!" Bakugo poked his head around the cabinet and shouted from up the stairs. "Watch where you're going!"
Toru put her sleeves up and waved them in fear. "Sorry! Sorry!" She squeaked before speed walking away.
'Those two are scary!' Toru cried to herself as she wished she could just disappear on the spot. 'Tanya looked ready to kill me and I think Bakugo wanted to blow me up!'
"Stupid extras!" Bakugo barked as the duo got back to carrying. "Always in the way!"
Tanya smiled and shrugged, this time she made sure her wings didn't smack anything on accident. "It's a crowded place. We only have two stairwells and some small elevators."
"That wasn't what I meant!" He shouted.
Ojiro walked down the hall to pause at Todoroki's door in confusion. "What?"
A near cartoon level of carpentry sounds were blasting out of Todoroki's room. Floorboards were propped up beside the door, and the faint smell of wood dust wafted out.
He reached for the doorknob before - CHURR!!! A nail gun went off and startled him.
Ojiro sweatdropped and muttered, "Maybe it's for the best to let him work…"
Sato groaned and rolled his shoulder. A faint soreness emanated from his back after having helped people carry their luggage nearly all day.
Students lounged around the common room in various stages of exhaustion or listlessness. A wave of fatigue had overtaken many of them, along with a faint dread of what fresh hell Aizawa would put them through the next day 'as a warmup'.
"Hey Bakugo." Sato walked over to him as he sat on the couch and stared moodily out the window into the afternoon light.
Bakugo looked over his shoulder at him and huffed. 'What does he want now?' He mentally grumbled.
"Care to hit the store with me?" Sato itched his cheek in nervousness. "You know, pick up stuff for dinner…"
"Heh." Bakugo grinned, half annoyed at the question, half interested by the prospect. "Still on that Diabetes?"
Sato looked away nervously and muttered. "Well… Lunch Rush's cafeteria's closed, he's handling an emergency, and I still think that-"
Bakugo cut him off. "Well fuck!" He groaned as he stood up. "Could have just told me that you didn't want the extras bitching tomorrow!"
He glared at Sato with a snarl and asked, "What the fuck are you smiling at?!"
While Bakugo and Sato were out on a food hunt, Tanya… tried to socialize. What she didn't know was that socialization was going to come to her first.
As Tanya made her way down to the common space, she was stopped by a croak.
"Kerro." Tsuyu croaked politely to get Tanya's attention. Her posture was more hunched than usual, a mixture of her tiredness and feeling comfortable enough around the class to stand how her Quirk decided was best for her.
"Yes Tsuyu?" Tanya was caught a little off guard. She reset her posture as she stood up and folded her wings behind her a bit more tightly in an attempt to come across more composed. She eyed the frog girl carefully as she was curious about her intentions, and she was a bit nervous to meet Nedzu's request for improved social skills. 'Tsuyu's a good place to start. Calm, friendly, and level headed.' Tanya put on a calm smile.
"I wanted to thank you. For what happened at the USJ. Kerro." Tsuyu tried her best to smile. A process made difficult by her Quirk and by the nature of their conversation. "Without you… Kerro, I might not have made it."
Tanya's smile became genuine. Her posture slowly relaxed as she felt more comfortable around Tsuyu. "It was the right thing to do." She said as she knew that killing that lead villain had put a dent in the enemy forces. 'No one operates that large of a scale operation without a chain of command.' She thought confidently as she had broken their chain.
"I'm really happy everyone's moving in together." Tsuyu croaked and tilted her head to the side to emphasize her weak smile. "It makes me feel safer."
Tanya nodded her head as she thought about it. Her eyes furrowed in thought before unfurrowing for her reply. "It makes sense. They attacked us with a large scale assault, what's to stop them from hunting down where we live and attacking us there? Probably for the best that we're at UA."
Tsuyu's mood dropped with her posture. "When you say things like that, it scares me, Kerro. What if our families are threatened?"
Tanya shrugged, her wings moved more than her shoulders, and smiled as now they were talking strategy. "I doubt it. If they wanted to go after our families then they'd have had all the time in the world already. Mr. Tenikari works in construction, he'd have been a prime target."
Uraraka perked up and turned around on the couch. "Wait, your parents work in construction too?!" She smiled for the suddenly found common ground.
"I only have one guardian, and yes. He specializes in foundation work, mostly the excavating parts." Tanya smirked as she walked over to the couch area with Tsuyu. 'This might be easier than I thought.'
Tanya took a seat at the couch lounge, her wings tucked over the edge behind her. Her eyes scanned the other students who were lounging around too, either on their phones or, in Sero's case, flipping through channels on the TV to see the heroes in action. 'Keeping up appearances like this might get Nedzu calmed down soon.'
"Wouldn't your Quirk have been better suited for construction work? Getting a working license wouldn't have been too difficult." Tanya asked as she folded her hands over her lap in a stiff and formal posture.
Uraraka chuckled nervously as she rubbed at the back of her head. Her pace got faster and faster. "Well, you see, my parents thought the same thing. But, I wanted more than that. I want to be a hero, so I can make a lot of money, so I can support my family, which would mean they wouldn't have to work so hard…"
Tanya's eyes lit up with interest. "So you decided to take a higher risk for a higher reward."
"You… can say that." Uraraka sighed as her tension left her. She was a bit saddened by her money focused endeavor.
"Kerro. I also have a family to support." Tsuyu waved as she entered the conversation. "I've got two little siblings and my parents. But I mostly wanted to be a hero so I can make people feel safe."
Tanya put in her thoughts. "I wanted to be a hero for a few reasons. Personal freedom being a big one. I guess you can add peace to the list as well."
"How so?" Uraraka asked.
"There are working licenses out there, heroes being the biggest case. What would my wings be useful for? I don't find the prospect of pizza delivery or camera carrying to be stimulating." She lightly scoffed at the idea. "So, as far as I'm concerned, being a hero is the only way to use my wings freely."
Tanya mentally continued her speech to herself. 'That and for the safety of being able to fight off Being X's threats. And being able to retire early would fall under personal freedom.'
"You're scary in combat." Sero bluntly threw out while not even looking at her.
Tanya's eyes widened in surprise as she looked at him. 'No, I can't lose out so quickly!'
Uraraka grimaced at the memory of all the bruises and the minor concussion she had received from Tanya. "You do go all out."
"Is that not what we were supposed to do?" Tanya asked nervously. She became scared that her words would set off the others.
"I never thought I'd see people pop like that." Serro chuckled darkly. "Though I also never thought we'd be assaulted by the legion of villains."
Tanya froze up as she scrambled for words. Her breathing slowed and her muscles tensed ever the slightest bit. 'I can't alienate them now! Not on the first day after Nedzu gave me an ultimatum!'