Chereads / Rising Heroine Tanya / Chapter 13 - Real villains 2 of 2

Chapter 13 - Real villains 2 of 2

One of the weaker willed villains' morale shattered after seeing the trio emerge from the ruins. He made a break for the safety of the mid fight, maybe the boss could help them!

A metal boot slammed into the back of his skull. He had barely taken three steps away from his team and Tanya had dive kicked him from the sky.

Tanya smiled as the familiar thrill of combat washed over her. "Let's get some information out of you!"

She drove his face into the floor, her other foot on his shoulder blade. Her talons clenched as she took off with her prey.

"Help!" He screamed in her grasp as he desperately tried to hit her. His fists flailed into the air. Tanya shoved and dropped him before diving back down and snatching him again, now by the shin.

"HEY!" The swordsman chased after her before wildly flailing his blade in the air. "Let him go!"

Bwurrr! Bakugo roared in laughter as he landed in the middle of their group before letting off a massive explosion. The villains flew up and out, many losing consciousness before they even hit the floor.

Kirishima jogged to catch up. "Man, you guys are fast!" His eyes widened as Tanya slammed a villain into his hardened gut.

"Hold him! Now!" She barked as she skipped back.

He grabbed the villain under the stomach before hoisting him into the air in a bear hug. The thug thrashed and struggled, only to bruise their hands and dislocate a finger after hitting Kirishima's armored skin.

Bakugo wound back for a right hooked blast, only to have his elbow gently grabbed by Tanya. He turned back to look at her before relaxing somewhat.

"Start talking." A coldness unknown to any but the deepest villains emanated from Tanya.

"Like hell, I'd give up!" The villain croaked and puffed up their throat. Their massive tongue whipped out and swung back. 'This armored bastard may be indestructible, but can he handle this!'

Kirishima gagged but never wavered as the villain's tongue wetted his hair and face. "Uck, huh! Gross!"

Tanya let go of Bakugo, who dashed up and snatched the tongue. A bloodthirsty smile reached across his face.

"I gib! I gib up!" They put their hands up in surrender. "Whad ya wand!?"

The portal closed above her as Toru fell into the landside section. She held her breath as she hit the ground, desperate to not make any more noise than necessary.

Her heart raced as she looked around to realize she was surrounded, all of the villains were ready to pounce her.

"What?" One of the villains scratched their head with fingers tipped in bullets. "Nothing came out?"

She was slapped over the back as another villain shouted, "You dense idiot! Why would that black shadow bastard open a portal for nothing!?"

Toru clasped a hand over her mouth as she slowly picked herself up from the ground. She desperately hoped they wouldn't notice the imprint she left.

"I knew this job was a bust!" A villain with a mole face and hands screeched. He threw his hands up. "Killing All Might! Bah!"

'They're here to kill Might-Sensei!' She internally squeaked in fear. Her balance burned as she lifted a foot off the floor. She leaned forward and slowly placed it, toes first, against the light tan dirt. Little bits of rock poked at her calloused skin.

"Shut it rat face! You took this job just like the rest of us! You knew what you were signing up for!" Another villain barked back.

Toru repeated the process as she slowly leaned through her movements. No noise, no trace, no reason to assume she was there.

"They put us out in the middle of nowhere, and for what?! An empty portal!" Rat Face continued to complain.

'Make it over the hill. If I cut line of sight on my feet, I can run out of here! They won't be able to see my footprints!' Toru placed a hand against the steep hillside as she stretched her shivering leg up. Her legs began to burn from the movements, and now the hill required her to take an uncomfortable foot path. No noise, no trace.

"If I hear any more bitching out of you, I will slap a muzzle on you." The bullet lady shouted. Even if she agreed with Rat's feelings, they needed their heads in the game.

Toru, who's legs now burned like Endeavors face, almost reached the top of the hill. She gulped as she nearly put her hand up and was about to make a break for safety.

Screams sounded off as spears of ice jutted forth, one just inches from Toru's face.

She gulped before turning around, originally planning on going back the way she came before her gaggle of idiot baddies charged up the hill.

They let loose battle cries as they stampeded towards the action.

"Aaach!" Toru squealed in fear as she flung herself to her feet. Silence be damned, the enemy would mask her movements. She tried to run to the side only to collide with Rat Face. She swung her arms wildly as he returned in panic before they backed off each other.

"They're invisible!" He yelled in anger once his shock subsided. He began waving his arms around like a kid in the dark as he swept through where he last felt her.

She was long gone.

"Do you see them Shoji?" Uraraka asked as she leaned up onto her toes. She balanced up in hopes that she could see what he could with his extended and enlarged eye-tipped arms.

Shoji looked down at her and said, "I've got eyes on everyone but Ojiro, Ashido, and Tokoyami. I can hear Koda yelling, he appears to be on the move in the rain area. I have no way of detecting Hagakure. Everyone else is here though."

"If there are stairs, I doubt anyone can catch Koda." Sero chuckled at the thought. "Guy's as athletic as it gets."

In the rain zone, Koda screamed as he dashed up another flight of stairs. He had been racing all over the complex the whole time. Behind him, he could hear the villains collapse onto the stairs.

"Bloody, hu, hell." A villain with red X marks over their skill wheezed. They had collapsed after their eighth flight of staircase sprinting. "What is this guy made of?"

"So we can safely assume everyone unaccounted for is still in the USJ." Iida proposed. He took a run ready stance, arms up and primed for a fight. "Thirteen, what do we do?"

Thirteen took a deep breath, she would save her students, she would get them all out alive, she swore it. "Iida. Run to the school and get help." She gave the order.

Iida was stunned. "But, Ms. Thirteen, you can't expect me to turn my back on my classmates?!"

"There is no shame in getting back up." She cooly replied. "Your job as a hero is to save lives first and foremost. If that means running away, then you run faster than the enemy."

Courage flooded Sato's heart. Toe to toe with a real villain, nowhere to go, and his mind was quiet and still. He put his fists up, ready for a fight as he stepped forward to take on Kurogiri. "Run Iida, we'll get you an opening."

The engines in Iida's legs roared and flared up, steel armored his will.

"Really now?" Kurogiri huffed. "Discussing your plans in front of the enemy."

Iida became a streak of white metal as he raced for the exit.

"This is why you will die here!"

Time felt like it came to a crashing halt as dark smoke filled the air in front of Iida. Too close to drift around it, too big to jump over it, no room to slide under it. Metal screamed as he slid breaked on his knees. Kurogiri hadn't even needed to move to stop him.

Mina took a low defensive stance as she sporadically flinched and wove in hopes of dodging an attacker she couldn't see, hear, or sense until they touched her. The boat she perceived beneath her rocked in unnatural ways which forced her to sway. Acid surged around her skin and pushed through her costume to form a thin barrier around her. As she dodged around, she swung her arms to splash frantically.

On the outside, Lucy watched as Mina thrashed around wildly and coated herself in a weird white gel. She watched as it hissed and melted anything it came into contact with. It was a fast acting acid… but not fast enough.

"I thought UA students were smarter than this?" Monster said, his deep, raspy voice emanated from beneath the floor. Long, boney gray hands, covered in scars, emerged from the floor and picked up a chair. Black tattered suit and bandaged clad arms that defied human proportion by their length lifted the chair into the air.

Lucy sighed in amusement as she threw up her hands, her mind adrift with thoughts of home. "Me too Mon. Couldn't be helped that of all the students, we got the idiot."

"Everyone should know," he half growled, half touted as a hand let go of the chair before remerging from the ceiling, "A static defense," he rearranged his grip, his arms now hung from the ceiling, "NEVER HOLDS!"

He reeled back before swinging the chair into Mina's head. It splashed her acid, which destroyed the softer layers of the chair and exposed the skeleton of the furniture. The surviving parts broke against the back of her skull.

"AHHH!" She screamed as she was knocked to the floor, spots swarmed her vision as her balance continued to give.

Tears were forced down her face, they slowly floated up like bubbles in her acidic armor. She curled into a ball, arms over the back of her head. There was nowhere to dodge, no way to defend beyond hoping the acid would hold up. They would reach her, hurt her, and there was nothing she could do against it.

"PLEASE! STOP!" She cried out on the river. "Why are you doing this!?" Something else broke against her back as it broke through her acid barrier. She held back her scream.

"We could have been on the same side had life been a little more cruel to you." Lucy replied cheerily even though she knew the girl couldn't hear her. 'This is always the best part of the job. There's something so special about the way people broke, like you could see what made them tick as it comes crashing down around them.'

"Careful now." Monster spoke in a soothing tone from beneath the floor. "Don't focus."

Lucy smiled as her ears rang from Mina's screams as Monster slammed another desk into the little hero. Her mind slipped back adrift, to thoughts of a long lost summer. She missed that old boat.

Outside the ruins, Tanya had heard everything she wanted to know. The frog tongued thug had spilled his guts, and made hers sick with anger and disgust. "They were sent here to kill us all, and wasted all these human resources to do it! Wasteful! Barbaric! Impractical horde tactics! All just to kill the number one hero in the world!"

Kirishima continued to hold the villain, who was reeling his head back in fear. The redhead's eyes widened as he watched Tanya grow angrier.

She grabbed the frog villain's shirt. "AND YOU CAN'T EVEN TELL ME WHO SENT YOU!!!" She shoved off of him and stormed away, waved for Bakugo, then sent her hands racing through her hair as her wings twitched like eyebrows. 'It really is the commies all over again!'

Bakugo smirked at her display of rage. He stepped up to the villain and hovered his palm over their face, his hand was red hot and began to spark.

"Heyeyeyey!" The villain thrashed as he saw his life flash before his eyes. It hadn't amounted to much.

A clap of fire and smoke erupted forth… and nothing happened.

Bakugo raised an eyebrow as his hand was met with Kirishima's armored fist. 'What is he doing?'

His eyebrows cast shadows over his sharp facial features. His breathing halted in his throat and his well toned, jagged body froze on the spot. "That."

His eyes pierced through Bakugo's. Determination and disgust constructed a gaze that wouldn't waver. "Wasn't very manly bro."

"I wasn't going to kill him." Bakugo growled. "I wanted to knock him out brick-head!"

Kirishima glared, not because he didn't believe Bakugo, but because he felt they had gone too far.

"Got any better fucking ideas! I'd love to hear them!" He barked.

Kirishima refused to back down.

The frog man shook like a broken blender. "Uyyyy." He groaned out as he passed out. His heart couldn't take this level of stress.

Kirishima gently laid him on the floor. "We are heroes. It can be easy to forget that amidst the danger, but there's a limit to what we do."

"Heroes beat up bad guys all the time. That's our job." Bakugo grit his teeth and waved off Kirishima. "Didn't see you holding back when we fought our way out!"

"I never crossed the line." Kirishima drew a metaphorical line in the sand with his words. "When a guy went to fight me, I met him. When a guy went down, I left him. That man had surrendered!"

"He would have stabbed us in the back the moment he had the chance!" Bakugo barked as he jabbed a finger towards the unconscious villain before waving over the crowd of unconscious villains. "They came here to kill us!"

"A man upholds the responsibilities expected of them and tackles the challenges that arise." Kirishima turned his back on someone who's fighting spirit he still respected. "And for a hero, responsibility is our job and our challenges can be terrifying. We protect and save people, inspire hope that everything will be alright, and push ourselves to our limits to do that Every. Single. Day. We don't use our strength to beat down whoever we feel like, that's not manly."

Kirishima brightened back up, "I'm going to go help our classmates!" He started jogging away, hopeful he would arrive in time.

Bakugo watched in confusion as Kirishima ran off to help the extras. The redhead was an emotional whiplash that he couldn't wrap his head around. One moment he was complaining about how their morals didn't align, the next he was like a puppy.

Upstairs, everything was going wrong. Iida slid across the tile surface. His armor scratched as he tried to avoid the opening portal Kurogiri had placed. The world slowed down with him.

Thirteen opened her finger capsules and began vacuuming at the villain. "That's enough out of you! Let them go!"

Kurogiri opened a portal between them and placed the other end of the portal behind her. "You should know better rescue hero."

Thirteen's costume tore in two as she began disintegrating herself. She went unconscious as her back was torn open. Her students watched in horror as she collapsed.

"This was a bad matchup from the start." Kurogiri said smugly. He turned his attention back to the speedster who had nearly handed victory to him.

Shoji came charging into view and tackled the portal with his oversized grapple. It writhed and destabilized in his grasp. "GO!"

Iida drove his heel into the floor and pushed his engines to the limit. He rocketed out of his slide and back up into his run.

The sound of a small jet engine alarmed Kurogiri as the young man picked up speed at a ludicrous rate. "Noo! I cannot allow your escape." He pushed his smoke out and willed himself forward.

"Got him!" Uraraka cheered as her fingers tapped Kurogiri's neck.

"HUH?!" He exclaimed as he felt more weightless than usual. Something tugged on his neck.

Uraraka was flung back to her team's safety as Sero had given her two strands of tape from his elbows. One for her and another for Kurogiri.

Under the helmet, Sero smirked in pride as he reeled Uraraka back and lifted his other arm for Sato.

Sato took the tape line and tightened his grip. An aggressive pride colored his face as he heaved. "For Thirteen!"

"I will not be made a fool of!" Kurogiri shouted before he started spinning through the air.

Sato took a pivoting step and spun the villain through the air like a bad yo-yo trick. Around and around he leaned as he put more speed into Kurogiri. With a grunt of exertion, he launched the smoke man back across the USJ.

Kurogiri watched from the air as Iida ran out the door. "He's going to go get help, and our chances of victory are racing away with him."

"It's over." He groaned in defeat.

Tanya glided in place. From her vantage point, she could see the entire USJ. Countless villains swarmed the facility. Students, isolated and under attack, scattered and surrounded. One of her teachers was downed, the other was getting tired out by the wasteful attrition tactics the league of villains had employed.

"It doesn't end." She muttered as she gave her wings a rest flap.

Way down on the ground, she saw it, the person in charge. He stood around and scratched at his neck as he did nothing. He was still where the initial portal was opened, and his massive, black, bird headed bodyguard with an exposed brain was occupied with Sato.

'I can end the fight. Pick off the leader and cut off their escape route.' A plan started to fade into being. Each idea thread grew and withered. He was in deep, ranged Quirk users stood back near him, she didn't know what his nor his bodyguards Quirks were, the odds kept stacking up against her as she reviewed options.

… There was one option left.

The students at the top of the stairs fretted over their teacher, except for Sato.

He flexed and unflexed his fists as he watched his other teacher get swarmed and overran. Each passing minute, his teacher grew more tired, and the enemy line closed in tighter.

There was only one option, he was certain of it.

Without a word, he charged down the stairs. His stride opened and his muscles pumped with ease as his Quirk held out. He didn't know how much time he had left, and he didn't have the brain cells to spare for caring. His teacher needed him, and he had the strength to offer.

"Sato, where are you going!?" Sero shouted as he and Uraraka did everything they could to help Thirteen. They had made a tape stretcher and were attempting to float her out of the USJ.

Sato gave the voices behind him no mind as he fixated on his goal; fight to Aizawa, fight to protect.

A villain with four arms and rough blue skin slowly picked himself back up. "Ugh." He groaned as he stood back up, ready for another round of fighting Aizawa.

A full chested battlecry from behind gave him pause. He turned around and was met with a face full of yellow.

His ribs shattered as Sato drove their fist into the villain's chest.

He made a gagging shout of pain as he was flung away by this man's supernatural amount of strength.

As the four armed villain flew by, the others turned to see the new challenger. Big, yellow, buff, and was charging straight at them.

The gang of thugs tried to take him on.

One guy tried to tackle him, only to get grabbed and thrown off like a sack of feathers. Another tried to attack, only to have their jaw broken in one wild strike. The villains tried to swarm him with raw numbers but to no avail, as the yellow beast had muscle to spare for all of them.

A skull helmeted killer with fingers capsules chuckled as he took aim. "Finally, some shooting!"

Bang,ang,ang,ang,ang! His hand guns went off.

Sato looked at his arm as spots of red trickled down, the bullets punctured the skin but got lodged in his Quirk boosted muscles. He stared at the man with smoking fingers before charging him.

"Oh no." He said meekly as the yellow beast was about to deliver him a personal beatdown. In his retreat, he fell down and tried to crawl away.

The other villains watched in fear as the sounds of bone breaking and the man's screaming shot everyone full of fear.

The nomu stood around. It couldn't say it was bored out of its mind, it simply didn't have one. Impulse and orders were all that remained.

The sound of screaming drew its attention. ' Loud noise. Maybe fight? Maybe All Might? ' Some semblance of activity hummed.

It saw Sato charge through the lesser thugs like a bull out of hell. ' Big, yellow, loud, muscley. ALL MIGHT! '

Shigaraki nearly jumped out of his itchy skin as his nomu took off like a rocket. "Hey! I didn't tell you to move!"

His jaw dropped as his nomu didn't stop his new assault. Shuggaraki grumbled, "Stupid nomu. What kind of RTS minion doesn't listen to orders?" Without realizing he had told his nomu to attack All Might and had only given a vague description.

Aizawa danced past another villain as he watched the events unfold. "SATO! GET OUT OF THERE!"

Sato had the wind knocked out of him as the nomu manifested seemingly out of thin air to punch him in the chest. He went flying back, pain flooded his simple system.

Before he had even hit the ground, the nomu had caught up and drove its elbow into Sato's gut.

The ground rumbled as Sato cratered into the floor. His spine ached, his bones felt outdated, and the ceiling wobbled in his dizzy world.

"No!" Aizawa shouted as he tried to rush and save his student. He was immediately cut off by yet more villains. He grit his teeth and prepared to continue fighting.

The nomu wound back another punch. Sato raised an arm to block it.

The ground shook and Sato's body jerked from the force. His arm was blown aside by the overwhelming strength.

The nomu wound back another punch. Sato's world became fuzzy at the edges as he tried to kick the nomu off.

The ground cracked beneath him and Sato's breathing started to sound funny. It rasped in his chest as he began to black out. The pain was like moving through glass shrapnel as he reached for his sugar canister. 'I - need more… Strength.'

Bakugo flexed his fingers and prepared himself to take on the next big fight. Nitroglycerin ran down his arms and gathered into his gauntlets as his palms started heating up. Excitement coursed through him as he built up more sweat than his gauntlets could handle. 'Thanks for the lesson soot stain. You'll never see this one coming!'

"I always thought," Mina whimpered as the beatings continued, "that people can be good. That we could all be friends." Her shoulder felt dislocated, she knew for a fact she had a concussion. Bruises speckled her body as her blood mixed with the acid shield. "That will never change. But I see now…" The acid began foaming and popping as Mina raised the acidity as her temper shattered. "You will find your friends behind bars!"

"Oh God." An angelic voice rang out like music. It's one voice choir sang above the USJ. "Grant me the strength."

Pale golden light burst forth from high above the battlefield. Everyone turned to see the second sun glaring.

"To deliver these sinners their DIVINE JUDGMENT!" Bloodlust dripped from her words as the wrath of God had its harbinger.