Chapter 57 - 57

"Mom just, yeah that's it," I sighed in relief. Turns out our parents were watching our live stream, which we had assumed but they were extremely excited for their own question and answer today so we are sitting in their favorite cafe while Mom and I are drinking our shakes while Kacchan and Aunty were slowly sipping their green tea.

Mom had finally found somewhere comfortable to sit and we just got her into the frame for the live stream. We'll be starting soon.

"Hag, stop fussing already, fuck!" Kacchan was doing so much better not cursing but not so much with Aunty around.

"Kacchan?" I asked only for his head to snap up and he bumped into me a little bit but thankfully it didn't hurt. "Kacchan?" I tried again but this time my voice was softer and he opened his arms for me. I sat next to him loving how his arms circled me, holding me close and I leaned into him.

"Deku, I need strawberries," he groaned and I smiled.

"Coming right up," I whispered and kissed the tip of his nose before his mouth. Berries, he can't seem to go long without some kind of berry; blueberries, blackberries, mulberries, raspberries and yes, strawberries. Whether it was an actual berry or not didn't matter, fruit in general was good but he insisted on berries so that's what I would get him.

I quickly ordered an extra large berry parfait and asked them to hold the yogurt and granola which had them giving me odd looks but they did as I asked, giving me a large cup of fresh berries. By the time I returned to Kacchan he was groaning and curling up in his pain. Our baby was really doing a number on him, and with him so heavily pregnant now it hasn't been easy.

A handful of berries later and some gentle belly rubs he was finally able to relax again.

"It's okay, why don't you take a short nap? We're not going to go live for another fifteen minutes," I whispered and he nodded slowly, still out of breath. I held him in my arms while Aunty and Dad fiddled with the camera. Well I'm sure it will all be okay. Dad and Uncle were supposed to stay out of the camera view until next week and this week they are handling the camera for us.

I closed my eyes and cuddled my far too exhausted husband before I felt myself dozing off too.


"Oh my, the boys have been betrothed since before they were born. I guess it was kind of just hopeful thinking though because we never planned to force them together. We were just really lucky," Mom sounded so happy but who is she talking to? Is she practicing for the camera later?

"Speak for yourself, Izuku was an absolute dream of a son-in-law long before they started dating. I was always trying to get Katsuki to see sense but he fought it so hard that even I had to back off," Aunty responded and now I'm concerned. She was pushing for us to get together? Is that why Kacchan always hated to be around me when we were actually children? She really wasn't helping me at all!

"Are you happy that they are having a baby even though they are so young?" I heard Uncle ask, now I understand. They must be practicing for later, that makes sense.

"That's a hard one to answer. I'm happy that I'll be a grandma but I would have liked to wait still. The fact that they weren't given a choice in the matter hurts far more than anything and then there is the quirk..."

"Mitsuki, I don't think the boys revealed that, only the kidnapping part," Mom interrupted and I frowned.

"Right, I keep forgetting that we are the only ones that know about that," well at least it's only practice. I'm sure that the interrogation from that statement alone would have been hell.

"Still, if they would have waited we wouldn't have had any grandchildren at all. We'll have to make sure to spoil this one. Hopefully they'll give us more quickly," Aunty was just chatting away and I have to wonder if she gave up on practicing or not.

"If they would have waited?" Uncle's voice broke into my thoughts. At least he is practicing well. That would have definitely been the most asked question after that statement.

"Ah, the boys were affected by a quirk a few months ago and they've been discussing the decision to have children now as teenagers or not. The fact of the matter is, they were going to lose their ability to even have children if they didn't but the social pressures and demonizing of teenage parents had kept them from making the choice themselves. I don't blame them but..."

"We really wanted grandchildren someday," Mom cut in. "The more the better, not that we can say too much considering we only had one child each. We just want to see our sons happy and if that meant they adopted instead we would have supported them. It was just so hard watching them struggle with the decision so much. We told them months ago, before the kidnapping, that we would support them in any way they needed us to. Mitsuki even bought them condoms and prenatal vitamins."

"Yeah, I didn't want them to think we were pushing too hard one way or the other but I don't think they actually used any of them. They ended up returning the box and asked us not to get them any more. They are really too mature for their age," Aunty sighed.

I fidgeted a little, getting more than uncomfortable with this line of questioning but I don't want to interrupt their practice either. They really need the practice and I'm sure we will be going live soon.

"Sleep~," Kacchan whined and I felt him turn and cuddle into me, making me relax. Right, Kacchan needs to rest well and if he is actually getting that rest in a cafe booth then so be it.

"Aren't they adorable? I'm so glad they ended up together," Mom sighed and I heard Aunty agree. There were several more questions and by the end of it I think they would have had a pretty good interview all things said and done. Even the parts we didn't really want to be public knowledge was done really well.

"Your sons look so much like you, what do their father's look like?" Uncle's voice sounded and it sounded like he was smiling.

"Well I guess it is the end of the interview so we can introduce them but you'll have to wait until their interview next week to ask questions," Mom answered and I opened my eyes to see Dad and Uncle setting the camera and screen to the side before getting up to sit with their wives.

"This handsome man is my husband Masaru," Aunty smiled brightly before hugging and clinging onto Uncle who looked a little embarrassed but smiled anyway.

"And this one is mine," Mom smiled even brighter and Dad sat down and pulled her into his lap and gave her a soft kiss.

"We hope you're not too upset that the boys fell asleep, after all pregnancy has been hard on them. Katsuki hasn't been sleeping well," Mom giggled at Dad's affection.

"And poor Izuku has been running around trying to help. Just before they fell asleep he had to get him berries. At least his pregnancy cravings are healthy, mine weren't," Aunty shrugged and I rubbed at my eyes.

"Mom, Aunty? Is it time to go live already?" I yawned, praying that this was actually just practice and not them doing it by themselves.

"Don't worry you didn't do anything weird in your sleep," Aunty chuckled and I felt my heart dropping. They really did do the interview without us. Crap. I'll have to watch the recording later to make sure they didn't say anything too sensitive.

"Dad?" I whined but he just laughed too.

"It's okay my boy. Just rest while you can. It's all done anyway," he answered and I let out a groan but hugged Kacchan close anyway. The damage is done already anyway.