Chapter 58 - 58

"THEY DID WHAT?" Kacchan was practically screeching but the panic in his eyes told me plenty. I gently pulled him into my lap and slowly rubbed my hands on any part I could reach from his back to his belly and even his ass which made him flinch a little but he also took several calming breaths.

"I've already watched the recording and they did really well actually and our fans loved them. The fact that we were asleep in the background didn't go unnoticed and in fact they loved it even more. I couldn't have written a better script for them. The ending was perfect too, especially since I woke up and actually acted so childish in my half sleep." Our subscribers had gone up astronomically and then there was the fact that All Might was my dad. The demands for answers and the fact that so many were asking him how he managed to hide his family from the public for so long were left unanswered but internet forums all over were discussing next week's interview and from the looks of it several official news sites would also be attending and asking questions.

Just great.

"Kacchan? Let's go back to the dorms and go to bed. I'm tired and I know you are too. Todoroki texted and told me that there are a lot of fresh berries already cleaned and ready to eat," I tried to tempt him but he was still glaring at our parents. "I already watched the interview and even though they said a lot of things they shouldn't have, it was done well. You can watch it while I rub your belly." This time he hesitated but let me slowly relax him. Dad saw how irritated Kacchan still was though and between him and Uncle they not only cleaned up but ushered our mothers away at the same time.

By the time I got Kacchan back to the dorms he was much quieter but I highly doubt that he was calmer. He looks livid still.

"Bro, you're back!" Kirishima basically yelled before flinching back when Kacchan glared at him and I grabbed his arm to keep him from attacking his friend.

"Come on Kacchan, I know you're hungry," I sweetly urged him the best that I could while leading him to the kitchen.

"Right! Yag- Yagi," Kirishima quickly corrected while clearing his throat. "Todobro and Momo saw the interview and ordered a ton of fruit. I hope Bakugo," he clearly pronounced his name when he realized his mistake with Todoroki's name. "Likes the fruit as much as your parents say he does."

"That's great," I smiled and we chatted a little with Kirishima flinching several times but he refused to leave too soon. Another reason Kacchan likes his friend so much, he isn't afraid of everything, most importantly he's not afraid of him and I think that's great.

We walked into the kitchen to find Momo cutting a watermelon and Kacchan froze and went pale. Oh no. This could go one of two ways.

"Kacchan?" I asked and I saw Momo look up surprised to see us.

"I need that," he whispered and I let out a near silent sigh of relief. That's so much better than him getting sick.

"Momo?" I started to ask but she held up a bowl of freshly cut melon for me.

"There's also some ambrosia in the fridge, help yourself. I added extra berries," she smiled brightly and I nodded just happy that Kacchan was eating. Of course he was also eating the disgusting peanut butter sandwich whenever he couldn't stomach anything else just to make sure he was getting enough protein but he was usually miserable whenever that happened so he would always try to eat something else. Tonight however looked like a peanut butter sandwich night until Kaminari walked by with a simple ham sandwich. The way Kacchan looked at me was like a kicked puppy but I just made him one and he was quickly eating the fruit again.

"I'm so sick of fruit," he groaned but took another bite of melon anyway. We both know that it wasn't him that wanted the sweet treat.

"It's alright Kacchan, maybe tomorrow we could have curry?" I suggested and he grunted both annoyed and accepting. It's not like there is much that we could do about it now anyway.

We were about to walk upstairs when the news started playing our mothers' interview and considering Kacchan hasn't seen it yet, I was yanked back by my collar as he pulled me towards the couch. I relented and sat down so he could sit comfortably in my arms.

It wasn't even half over yet when I couldn't resist anymore and started kissing his neck. The sweet smell drew me in like pollen to a honeybee. At first he just leaned to the side, allowing me to do what I wanted but when I started getting rougher he started to resist.

I forced myself away and took a couple deep breaths. "I'm fine, I'm fine," I whispered, reigning my desires in. His hormones have been all over the place and as a consequence his quirk is stronger than before. Long story short, I might even get hurt from being exposed to too much nitroglycerin. Even without it being set off.

He turned his head again, leaning to the side, giving me the access that I craved. "Just be careful," he warned me and again I'm being drawn in. His sweet smell was enticing and his taste was so satisfying.

The interview was nearly over when he reached back and pulled me to his neck again. "Just a little more," he whispered almost dreamily, when did Blackwhip come out? My quirk was gently wrapped around him and he gave off a low hum of satisfaction, making several of our friends turn towards us but all I was doing was holding him while giving him light kisses so they turned away again.

"Kacchan, we better stop. I might not be able to later," I whispered in his ear, trying to be discreet but failing miserably when he let out a moan instead.

"No~," he whined, far too loud for anyone to pretend not to hear, not that he cared at the moment. I held fast though, using every last drop of my willpower that I could, even forcing Blackwhip back.

He looked up at me with his bright red eyes still clouded with confusion and desire but now filled with hurt making me freeze up, not even daring to breathe.

"Don't you love me?" He whispered and that was the sound of my sanity snapping. I shot up out of my seat with Kacchan in my arms, his yelp of surprise completely ignored while I carried him to the elevator and soon after into our bedroom, locking the door behind us.

"Remember you asked for this," I warned him and I saw him raise an eyebrow at me confused but I stripped my shirt off anyway. I carefully pushed him down onto the bed with a kiss. Listening to his body as I slowly made love to him.