Chapter 62 - 62

"Boys, are you sure that you were supposed to be here today?" Dad asked, holding his hand out for Mom to get out of the taxi. 

"Yeah, we skipped their damn show boating at the airport. I'm not a walking circus show," Kacchan grumbled, still pissed that the airline attendant wouldn't give him the chocolate wafers. At least he didn't cause a scene about it but now he is irritable. 

"Kacchan please, I'm sure that if we told them that we wanted to travel freely they would have been happy to only send a car," I smiled before turning my attention to the guard shack in front of the palace. "Excuse me, we are pro heroes Dynamight and Arsenall, could you let them know that we have arrived? We were supposed to meet the Queen and Prince today," I smiled and I saw panic on the guard's face but chose to ignore it. I'm pretty sure the Queen and Prince one or the other were probably at the airport even though we skipped all that parading around. 

"Why did Toshi and Sho skip the trip? I understand that Endeavor is trying to be better or whatever and that he hasn't actually given up his parental rights but still," I sighed and Kacchan chuckled at my less than veiled attempt to sucker punch the hero, maybe I'm a little more than irritated that I have to deal with the pro hero again? Maybe just a little. 

"Toshi wasn't able to get all his assignments done in time to come. You remember the deal, he could only come if he finished before we left and Young Todoroki wasn't allowed unless it was an actual internship mission," Dad reminded me. 

"We could have made it an official mission, there were plenty nearby," I grumbled but let out a sigh in defeat. Kacchan had been getting either too hot or too cold for a few weeks now and I would be lying if I said that having Sho around helped me sleep at night. Because he was practically essential and I am already expecting not to sleep much over the next three days just thanks to that. 

"Now, now, you can't just use your brother like that," Dad chuckled, already knowing why I was extremely upset over the matter. Sometimes I have to wonder which one of us actually had the crazy pregnancy hormones. 

"It's called sympathy symptoms, so we are just screwed until our little princess makes her debut," Kacchan sighed, we finally caved and asked about the gender, we are having a beautiful baby girl and she is active. So active that Kacchan needs to sit down a lot, walking is bad for him. Literally. Some doctors say walking is good for pregnancy, not Kacchan's doctor, he really wants to put Kacchan on bed rest but his quirk makes that difficult. 

"Some hot potatoes slathered in salt and cheese sounds so fucking good right now," Kacchan rubbed at his belly and seemed to be listening to our baby. I looked around to see a food cart not too far away and pointed it out but Dad stopped me from going. 

"I'll go, stay with your mother and calm down while you wait," I saw his eyes flicker towards the guard who looked relieved that he seemed to be given extra time or something but I nodded in agreement anyway. Mom and I on either side of Kacchan to help him sit and relax a little. 

"My feet hurt so fucking much," he grumbled and I was kneeling next to him in an instant, taking off his shoe and rubbing not only his foot but up his calf as well. He grumbled and grunted before I saw him visibly relax while Mom rubbed the hand closest to her. I don't expect my mom to rub my pregnant lover's feet, ever, but the fact that she felt the need to help in some way is nice and he looks like he is enjoying it. 

By the time I finished both feet and legs Dad was on his way back and Mom was giving us both some hand sanitizer. I really do have the best parents ever. Aunty and Uncle are here too but they needed to stop at the local branch office for the company they work at. I'm sure they will be here soon but until then Dad was handing us large containers of cheesy fries and Mom an order of chili fries. Kacchan went pale and Mom and Dad decided to take a walk while eating and I gave them a thankful smile. Guess chili is a no today then. 

Kacchan ended up eating more than half of my fries after finishing his own but that's okay. He was leaning his head on my shoulder and I could hear soft snores as he drifted off to sleep. 

"Sir?" I looked up to see the guard from earlier. "If it's okay with you we could show you to your rooms for the night instead of waiting for the prince to return. The queen is currently very angry that we've made you wait so long as it is and the only thing helping here is the fact that you seemed to be enjoying your time out here," the man was nervous but otherwise he was very polite so I smiled. 

"That would help a lot, Kacchan hasn't been sleeping well," I smiled before waving at Mom and Dad and they joined us. The guard then updated Dad as well, since Mom doesn't really know the language and when I picked Kacchan up comfortably he led the way while a couple more guards picked up our bags for us. Aunty and a uncle would come later, apparently they sent a text saying they were held up at work but that doesn't surprise me.


We were already up and getting dressed again when there was a polite knock on the door. Once I had Kacchan's shoes on him again I opened the door to find Aunty and Uncle standing there. 

"How are you both feeling? Hungry? I'm sure you must be starving, Inko and Toshinori told us about the sudden craving for fries," Aunty chatted but Kacchan just ignored her while Uncle helped style his hair for him. 

"Food would be nice," Kacchan mumbled, still not fully awake. By the time I had him standing though there was another knock on the door and this time there were people I didn't recognize. 

"We are here to escort you to the dining room, if you have any questions at all please feel free to ask us. We have also been instructed that you are to consider anywhere in the palace as accessible. You are free to roam as if it were your home," once of the women introduced themselves as servants of the palace but didn't actually give us a name. Alright then. 

I was pretty nervous about coming here but the Queen saw Dad and jumped up to hug him, making the rest of us freeze awkwardly. 

"Uh Dad?" I asked while Mom looked heartbroken. 

"I swear it's not like that. This is the queen and well-," Dad didn't get a chance to finish what he was saying though. 

"All Might saved me several years ago and I just can't help it. My quirk makes me want to hug everyone that I'm fond of," she smiled at us after saying that in perfect Japanese. Mom however didn't relax until her husband was let go only to flinch again when the queen hugged her next. 

"You must be the most amazing woman in the world to have captured his heart!" she prattled on a lot until she came to Kacchan but I stepped in front of him when I felt him tense up next to me. 

"Kacchan doesn't like to be hugged by most people especially right now," I spoke up before she could ask what happened. 

"Of course! The new mother should be the most looked after, yes?" She laughed hugging me very tightly before looking at Kacchan and adding, "My quirk soothes nausea and general weariness so if you're ever uncomfortable please tell me if you change your mind, no matter what time it is," now Kacchan looks conflicted but when he looked up he decided to hug me instead of answering. Which is far better than creating an international incident. At least for now he doesn't want to be touched and the queen wasn't upset, instead she pulled a boy, someone around our age I think, by his ear and showed us to the table. Odd, the boy has blond hair a lot like Dad's but his eyes were a vibrant red, almost like Kacchan's. Even more odd was how he didn't seem to be showing any skin at all except his face and of course ears, it's still pretty warm out to even be considering sleeves but he is completely covered, even wearing gloves. Odd, just odd. 

Dinner was pretty amazing, there were a lot of things I've never tried before and thanks to that Kacchan was pretty quick to try almost everything. Every now and again though he would almost take a bite just to suddenly feed it to me instead. I think the smell refused to let him even try them but I didn't eat anything that could be considered bad and when he would eat something particularly well I would give him my helping. So for once we were both able to actually eat until we were full, not that Kacchan starved me or anything. It's just nice to try so many new things all at once.

The prince, I still don't know his name, looked annoyed but the Queen was extremely happy with having us all as guests. She ended up giving us a small tour of the garden and Kacchan and I were able to get some alone time, well mostly alone time, when Kacchan decided he needed to sit on a bench. 

"It's nice here," I sighed and he hummed his agreement. 

"But my legs hurt," he grumbled and I simply kneeled beside him again. 

"It won't be long before we go back to bed. I know you're tired," I whispered while I carefully rubbed at his calves. 

"Hmm, I just want to curl up in your arms, now that I've eaten so much. The food was good," he hummed, a small smile on his face. 

"You just want to curl up in my arms?" I teased him a little but he averted his eyes. "Well I do love to cuddle," I added with a smirk of my own and he smiled back at me. The fact we could have just had our conversation in Japanese to avoid the red faces of the maids didn't really matter to us, it's not like we weren't used to talking in different languages by now so speaking in French didn't really strike us as odd.

"We're only supposed to be here for a week right? Less? Didn't we have a mission close by?" Kacchan asked sleepily and I couldn't help smiling at how cute he was being. A full stomach really does wonders on his mood. 

"Yeah, we'll be here for a week then our parents will go home while we finish up logistics here. Besides we still have those tickets to go up the Eiffel Tower, I would like to see the top with you," I let his leg back down and sat next to him again, loving how he immediately cuddled into me. "It would make a good video too, since our options are so limited now." Kacchan has managed to avoid the public camera for nearly the whole pregnancy, the only exception was when our mothers did their Q&A session with us asleep in the background. The downpour of comments about how cute he was pregnant made him very red when he finally went back and looked at the video but that was just cute to me.

"Still we should make sure Uncle is aware that he almost caused an international incident. Could you imagine if Aunty was the jealous type?" Kacchan remained firm but I couldn't help chuckling. 

"Oh she is the jealous type, she just isn't the type to let her anger flare up too easily," I hummed but then agreed. "Still, it would have been bad if Mom destroyed the whole palace, it's not like she can control her quirk that well." 

"Exactly," Kacchan yawned, stretching a little before cuddling up close again. "I'm so sleepy," he hummed and I noticed that he had managed to lay his legs over my lap as well. I waited a few minutes letting him fall asleep before I picked him up and looked at the maids that were escorting us all over. 

"Could you show us to our room please? I think it's time for us to turn in for the night," I smiled and even through blushing faces they led us back to our room and if Kacchan wasn't actually asleep when I first picked him up he certainly was by the time we got back and I had to undress him for bed and rub lotion on him before laying down next to him. The way he actually did curl up in my arms made me giggle a little. Kacchan really is the best.