Chereads / MHA: gacha system / Chapter 4 - you got a hero in me! . . . ?

Chapter 4 - you got a hero in me! . . . ?

i continue to watch the scene unfold infront of me. . . now. the part of me that usually governs most of my actions is wanting to leave, cause it aint my problem. but my greed says "ooOOoOoOoOoooO gambling opportunities" (Gacha) so i am more inclined in that. but you see i am a person who has like very little experience in a proper fight. and the only things i have seen about a fight is . . . media online. soo sneak attack it is

'but i also have a bigger problem. vigilantism is a crime. and crime is a thing i don't want to do, if it can easily link back to me. so, i need to find a disguise . . . ' then, a convenient wind is felt as a plastic bag, blows past. carried by said wind. "i have an idea. i have a plan. and it may be the greatest plan"

(Pov Swich)

"o-ok i-i am taking my clothes off" i stuttered with fear coursing through my veins, 'fuck, why did i decide to get dinner now.' tears roll down my eye's 'where are the heroes, i cant have my virginity taken by a thug' i slowly tear off my clothing's, maybe hoping that i might delay enough to be saved.

"Hurry up bitch, or i'll turn your neck into a blood facet" the slimy thug slithered out as he inched his hand/blade closer to my neck. i could feel the it cutting my flesh and the searing pain it brung. 

more tears streamed down my face, my expression going pale as it sets in 'i am fucked, i royalty screwed.' i threw my shirt and bra to the side and instantly i felt a shiver, feeling the eye's of the bootleg scyther stare at my breasts. "good good. . . now keep going." he said pulling his knife/hand back a little, it no longer next to my throat. yet it was still near enough that if i tried to flee. . . death.

i then started to take off the stuff that i wore to protect my nether regions from perverted gazes. i was fearful. yet i still had hope. 'the heroes will definitely come.' i thought as i had now striped to nothing but my underwear. the guy was now giddy "oh yeah. hehe" he looked me up and down like a meal before commanding "pull it off." 

i complied, but abruptly stopped as i saw in the corner of my eye. a guy? kid? young adult maybe, holding a metal pipe above his head like he was about to strike. but the odd thing was, he had a carrier plastic blue bag over his head with 3 holes, in it. '? ? ?' i was stunned into shock and confusion.

knife hands saw me stop and gave me an annoyed look "Hey, why'd you fucking sto-" but that was all he could say as *BONK* the plastic bag guy, slammed the pole into his, then the pole continued into his skull. his body instantly went limp. i stood there in shock. 'is he dead' i thought.

i looked at my saviour, person who saved me from being one of those victims you see on those talk shows, but my view of him as a hero completed and utterly got destroyed the second he opened his mouth.

"nice tits"

'who tf starts a conversation like that?'

(back to our amazingly kind mc)

I saw the emotions of the girl i just saved flicker across her face, confusion to disbelief, and then anger.

"Who the fuck starts a conversation like that?!" she snapped, completely pissed

i casually wave my hand before pointing a thumb at my self "me, i did. i literally did like 5 seconds ago. did you already forget. man old people am i right" i replied back, knowing that, teasing her, will be fun.

Her fists clenched, and she raised them, giving me a thought of 'I wondered if she's going to punch me?' 

"You... are you serious right now? what type of hero are you?!?!" she raised her voice shouting quite loudly, poor sleeping people. i shall shed a tear for them.

"me? a hero? no way. I'm just a guy with a pipe." she looked at me confused connecting the dots that, yes, the guy with a pipe and plastic bag on his head was indeed not a pro hero. this then made the anger come back at full force

"Then why the fuck would you help me!?" she ask shouted at me

"because, i wanted to smash a guys head open and" i point to the definitely dead body of Mr knifey. "he was in my line of sight. speaking of which. i feeling like smashing the head open of a woman now. . . hmm but i wounder where one might be" i put a finger on my chin for a few seconds, having a thinking face. before my eyes lock onto hers.

the girl following along, entire face freezes and goes completely pale, her eyes shrink in fear. 'i have made a LARGE FUCKING lapse in my judgement' she thought

"h-hey w-we can talk about this right" she steps back. 

i take step forward in response to her step, "idk, i really want to hit a woman in the head with this pipe. and you are a woman. a naked one" i say casually staring at the girl.

she takes another, now shaky step back "um, uhh, umm" she panics trying to think of something before saying "i-im not a woman, i-im 17" 'that was dumb, how would that work!' she chastised her self

i stop moving forward "oh really, cool." i take another full step forward, twirling the pipe

'fuck, fuckity fuckity FUCK. shit shit' she is now fully panicking, now quickly taking many steps back, but fell. because she is walking backwards.

i take more slow, deliberate steps forward, the distant is slowly getting shorter. i lift my pipe up, then swing it down

the girl buts her arms up to brace for impact but nothing happens. she opens one eye and see's that i no longer have the pipe. she blinks a couple of times "w-what?" she asks warily. 

"AHAHAHAH, You should of seen your face. AHHAHAHAH, i was just trolling. see ya. maybe next time don't meet a R*****. since yk, your quite cute, so you will get targeted. . . now that i have given my perfect wisdom, toddles" i gave a VERY zesty wave, and i walked off

She was still sitting there, naked, staring after me in utter disbelief. Just when she thought I was finally gone

 i pop around the corner, the stupid blue plastic bag still on my head. "also, you should probably. . . idk . . . put some clothes on. its kind of weird, or maybe its your kink, hey! I'm not one to judge" i give a small shrug and i am gone once again.

That broke her. she breathed in, breathed out and "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" she screamed at the top of her lungs, not give a flying fuck, who heard her at this point.

In the distance, I could be seen running away, laughing hysterically, i stop for a few seconds as i hear the VERY annoyed girl scream VERY loudly, before doubling over and falling to the ground laughing even harder, i then start to wheeze then choke as i forgot the one thing humans need, which i am. oxygen. 

A/N - this, is me setting the bar for this fic. don't like it, leave. like it idk. comment or something. also i really dislike writing about the slimy knifey guy. idk why, it just made me feel weird.