after taking that very nice shower, i realised that i had totally forgot about the special spin i had.
i opened the Gacha section of the system and saw that there was indeed a new option for me too spin.
[basic spins - 0 ]
[rare spins - 0 ]
[legendary spins - 0]
[Disguise spins - 1]
i tapped on disguise spins and it transformed into the exact same screen as when i rolled a basic spin except the mother fucking incognito icon was in the top corners of the screen. "that's fucking stupid."
Disguise spins - 1
[? ? ? ? ? ? ?]
x1 - - - x10
i tapped x1 and the lottery screen shifts and flickers through an assortment of different items, after a few VERY LONG seconds i could catch a glance of each item as it slowed down
make up skills - common
smoke bomb - common
rad shades - rare
mirror. . . ? - epic
clothing C4- uncommon
advanced acting - rare
basic manipulation - common
rather dapper suit (Set) - rare
congratulation for pulling [rare] item [rather dapper suit (Set)] [mid]
You have obtained the following
rather dapper shades
rather dapper shirt
rather dapper overcoat
rather dapper pants
rather dapper shoes
". . . yk, didn't expect to get the full on . . . demon butler look. but, I'm not complaining. this looks fucking tight. now hope fully the items have good effects. "
rather dapper shades
effect: when worn, will make other people un able to tell who you are. your face will become more attractive (20%) and people will be unable to correlate your face with the shades, than with out. perfect for a stealth missions.
secondary effect: shades will be able to remove excess light to the eyes to remove the chance of damage. (you can now stare into the sun for around a minute with no damage) this effect has a limit, if a light source is TOO bright, then it will only dampen by as much as it can. (added effect, if you got shit eye sight. it will be permanently fixed to 20/20 vision, cause these shades are THAT dapper)
Set effect (2): when activated you will gain the ability to last 20% longer in any activity. . . yes including that ;).
Set effect (4): when activated any piece of the set will gain self re-pairing. but only after 2 hour of no-use.
example: if you got a stab wound in your shirt, don't worry cuz after 2 hours, it will MAGICALLY become braaaaaand new.
set effect (5): this effect does not need the anything to be worn. when activated you can now summon and desummon the entire set onto your body. if you are wearing any clothes when the [rather dapper suit (Set)] is summoned, then they will be swapped out with the [rather dapper suit (Set)] and placed into a inventory. (this inventory is only for the [rather dapper suit (Set)] & the swapped out clothes) the clothing that is swapped out is the corelating clothing item, example: shoes for shoes, pants for pants, overcoat for overcoat, shirt for shirt. but the shades will automatically destroy what it is swapping with. since all you need is the shades. :).
cool down: 1 hour (except shades, those are perfect so no cooldown needed) (note, the inventory is ONLY for the rather dapper set as you have not unlocked any type of inventory yet.)
rather dapper shirt
rather dapper overcoat
rather dapper pants
rather dapper shoes
effect: very comfy and VERY flexible for all your back flipping needs.
effect 2: can automatically resize to fit the owner.
effect 3: cannot be gifted, or sold. since why? it is all you need. no need to sell it when you got the BEST suit ever.
"FUCK YEAH, I GET TO BE A . . . " i stopped my excited shouts to stand for a moment to think, since i needed to remember what character i was just thinking about. . . "DEMON BUTLER, YEAH!" i exclaimed as i remember what type of character i was just thinking of, those demon butlers were sick as hell. (don't question the forgetting in the middle of sentence)
Sebastian the one from black butler and yes, that guy. was badass. also Alfred. he is also sick, also people who just wear suits in battle for aesthetic in general are completely right since i mean, nanami? he rocks it. and well, allucard . . . maybe? though i think its the guns that make him cool. (gun vampire, like bro stole my D&D character concept, like i had the sheet and all, but then i saw Hellsing and fuck.) but i digress
"this has got to be the best pull for me, like i got every thing. a vigilante suit, a way to hide my identity. AND it even gives me a buff. and best of all" i looked at the entire set laid before me "it look's amazing, like i feel like the villains would compliment me. also it's funny. getting beaten half to death by a guy in sunglasses in the middle of the night. and also a mother fucking suit. a shame there is a tie but oh well. you win some you lose some" i yawned and looked at the time.
"but that is enough of that. i am tired, so i shall now commence the act of sleep and forget about all problems that i may have and ship them off to tomorrow me" i said before yeeting the sheets of the bed off, while putting the dapper suit set into its pocket dimension. i then removed my clothing, quickly slapped on some PJ's and hopped into bed. "good night" i said to my self as i tried to dooz of to sleep . . .
. . .
but, i realised something. i forgot to turn off the lights, this made me let out a loud groan of annoyance "UGGHHH" i stared up above into the celling, before throwing the sheets off my body and got out of the bed, walked aaaaaall the way up to the light swich. (you get comfy but then realise that you gotta get out. knowing that if you move, you will never find that comfortable spot again.)
and so i was still groaning as i turn the light swich off and walked aaaaaall the way back into bed. mind you, not as comfortable as before. but its fiiiiiine.
A/N i really like fillar huh, also i would like to ask you guy's something, which girl is best. (none of the adults because . . . mc is not an adult SOOO. it's kinda not morally right) but any one else is fair game. (basically, i want ship idea's.)
also NO harem. because it is SOOOO Fucking bland