(fucking 3 times my fucking progress in this fucking chapter got erased, FUCKING ANNOYING, and I don't give a fuck, it isn't as good as it was at first but fuck it.)
My eyes shot open as I woke up from the very loud alarm next to my head. "Yeah, yeah," I said as I slammed onto it, making it stop its insufferable beeping. . . "5 mor- no," I cut myself off as I got up and went to get ready. I was not getting into the 5-minute loop. I did that way too much, and every time, I was late.
In class I stared blankly out through the window, tuning out of whatever the teacher was teaching, for me. It was simple easy math, or maybe it's cause I've already done it. It's like if you were sent back to 5th grade, the second you get to high school. Like, obviously it's easy. It's shit you've done years ago. . . but anyway I think I should think about tonight, but I don't really know good places to patrol. hmm, oh well future me's proble- "Hey, LUCIAN"
my daydream was cut in half and I snapped back to reality, to the sight of the teacher staring directly at me, and also the entire class. "Answer the question on the board," the teacher demanded, pointing to the glaringly obvious equation written in big, numbers and letters. Algebra. Right, I forgot teachers do that if you aren't paying attention. Ugh.
I squinted my eyes for a couple of seconds, 'change the side, minus that. Divide that. Move that to the other side... ' "x=128 and y=40" At my answer the teacher was slightly shocked but nodded, I heard her mutter under her breath "Huh, I guess he was paying attention." then her voice grew aloud "Yes that is correct, good job." she turned back around and did some more stuff in the bored but I went straight back to staring out the window. 'im fucking bored'
Later, I dropped onto my couch, utterly drenched in sweat. I'd just finished today's "daily Saitama training."
I checked my phone. 6:20 p.m. Perfect. (no cell please) just enough time for a 6-hour nap. I'll do vigilante shit at night, night is better than day. Always is and always will be.
I got up and took a quick shower before throwing myself onto my bed "Amma tired," I mumbled, already pulling a blanket over me as I closed my eyes. Getting all comfy. "oh wait, I should put on an alarm" my eyes shot open again as I realized that I should probably put an alarm on.
I gazed at my phone, looking at the clock app, and decided "Yeah, 5 should be enough." I pressed the button and threw it to the side. Before slamming my head onto the pillow. "nap time"
It was 00:50 as I may have slept through a couple of alarms and I was scrolling through Reddit. Specifically, the h/heroesofmusutafu subreddit. It had quite a bit of information about the shit that's going on in the prefecture.
r/heroesofmusutafu · Posted by u/herodoubter 2 months ago
Where Are The Heroes?
so, I don't know if it's just my area/neighborhood but I've been noticing that I haven't seen many heroes around my apartment anymore. Over the last few years, I've been living here, the neighborhood has gotten a lot and I mean a lot rougher over the years, much more crimes happening and I see quite a bit more unsavory people around. The crime rate has been going up for quite a while yet at the same time the number of heroes has gone down???
It doesn't make any sense, you'd think with more crime there'd be more heroes but it's been the exact opposite around here. So I was just wondering if anyone else was experiencing something similar. Cause it's gotten to the point that I'm kind of scared of leaving my apartment.
transsushii - 4 weeks ago
Well, I'll tell you what. If you're looking for a place with a ton of heroes, then you'll wanna go to the nicer and more populated areas of the city
heroes aren't the same anymore, the only things heroes really care about are fame, money, and recognition. Saving people is just a bonus for them. And ever since All Might came into the scene, most heroes have become complacent.
Now yeah, they could get a lot more work in the so-called 'rougher' parts of Musutafu but sadly, more work doesn't necessarily equate to fame and fortune.
Richer places get criminals with stronger, no scratch that, more flashy quirks, and where the flashy criminals go, the attention-seeking 'herhoes' follow.
Cyn_stan - 1 week ago, replying to transsushii
"herhoes" LMAO I'M DEAD 💀💀💀
KingKrule - 2 weeks ago
I've been noticing the same thing, herodoubter. It's been REALLY bad in my area these past two weeks. Just in the last couple of days, five people were killed in separate incidents, all within a mile of where I live.
And guess what? I haven't seen a single hero patrolling the area. Not one. It's fucking terrifying how bad it's gotten.
trashier - 5 days ago
Honestly, it feels like heroes don't care unless they're guaranteed to win.
I saw a guy with a weak quirk robbing a store last week. Not a single hero showed up to stop him, even though the store owner was practically begging for help. It's like the lower-class areas have been completely abandoned.
Here's the worst part: I overheard a couple of sidekicks talking about how these "low-priority zones" aren't worth their time. Apparently, if a villain with a "cool" quirk causes trouble in a better part of the city, they'll drop everything and fuck off to show for the cameras leaving us to die.
Guess we're on our own.
Huh, well, good for me. I knew hero society was corrupt from well, every single child in the anime having fuck tons of trauma, especially
I pushed myself up from the seat and went over to my window. Sliding it open, I let the cool into the room. "Now, I've always wanted to do this," I muttered to myself, slightly excited "but first"
I flicked my wrist and opened my stat menu. My eyes quickly darted to the equipment section. The Rather Dapper Suit Set and, right beneath it, PIPE. Then I looked a little lower and something instantly caught my attention. A small note at the bottom caught my eye
to summon, all you need is intent.
"Well, that makes this easy," I said, closing the menu. I focused, imagining the pipe in my hand. Instantly, there it was, solid and cold in my grip.
Repeating the process, I thought about the suit set. My clothes shifted as the tailored fabric materialized on me, the clothing I had before, vanishing. (NOT INCLUDING UNDERWEAR)
I glanced back at the window, remarking "You know, it's pretty funny that I'm wearing sunglasses at night. But, let's get out of here"
I stepped through the window, gripping the frame as I cautiously climbed out. Albeit a little slow as I am a massive pussy, scared of falling and breaking something.
Slowly, I found my footing on the slanted rooftop, testing the slope with careful steps. Getting a feel for it, I took a couple more awkward steps before I felt more confident on the slanted roof. I looked around and glanced at the neighboring building, a flat-roofed apartment complex just a short leap away. Well as short as 4 meters can be. But no problem for me and my quirk. . . 'this is a bad idea'
I got to the edge and reached out to my kinetic energy reserve, taking a fifth of my remaining energy. I looked down from the building and took a breath. "here we go" I took a few steps back before leaping across the gap using the kinetic energy on my toe to shoot me forward.
I flew slightly before landing on the apartment roof. *landing noises* I bent my knee's slightly while absorbing as much of the kinetic energy from the fall. as again I was a piss baby that was scared of pain.
I stood up tall and smiled "Heh heh, parkour," I said with a small laugh before reaccessing the kinetic energy and leaping to the next roof over. Slowly I got more used to it and before I knew it, I had traveled quite a few blocks.
I looked around and grinned largely, now I can take off building hopping off my cool anime character mental checklist. I then looked down and realized "How do I get down... fuck"
A/N yo, it's been a month. Kinda been busy with . . . problems. But does not matter. I am back, and I am already losing motivation.